• Ken S
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Using ClickDeploy.io service, I get following error when trying to deploy a few custom and standard object changes:

'No such standard button to exclude IsotopeSubscription'

What / where is 'IsotopeSubscription' standard button? 
I am trying check if the suppliedemail field contains any of these domains but is not working.
If(CONTAINS("lincare.com:ndc-inc.com:preferredhomecare.com", SuppliedEmail),mod(value(CaseNumber),3)+1,0)
Hello All,
I am trying to retrieve dashboard components in Workbench. But it shows error: Unable to find the column of summary field for !0721O000005imeP

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Please Suggest.
Is it possible to add new action/button along with edit/delete values in drop down in salesforce lightning in the related list record.
In Opportunity record(in lightning) i have a related list. In the related list record we drop down actions edit and delete. I would like to add a custom action/button which will make a call to lightning component or vf page.

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  • September 21, 2018
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Hi All,


Probably a silly question, but here goes.

I have an object, Job_Position, with a Many-to-Many relationship with the Contact Object. The joining object is called Job_Placement.


On my Job_Position page layout I have added the Job_Placement related List. When configuring the fields to display in this related list I can choose the Contact First Name and Last Name, but I cannot see just Name (ie the full name).

As a workaround I could create a forumla field to compute the Full Name, but this doesn't seem like the correct solution.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks for any help.

I am trying file based retrieval.  As wild card * option is not allowed for dashboard,  how should I mention the members to retrieve my dashboards?

I have tried using listMetadata() method to retrieve the full name of my dashboard.  And I have found the full name to be results/TrialDashboard.  But when I mention this in the package.xml,  I am not able to retrive my dashboards.







didn't help too. 

Thanks in advance. 

Message Edited by Chiyaan Ananth on 03-05-2009 11:52 PM
Message Edited by Chiyaan Ananth on 03-06-2009 12:55 AM