• Monika Sharma 2063
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Am looking for Salesforce PD1 SP19 dumps.
If anyone have.please let me know
"Your Apex code contains field level access checks that are redundant now that you've added 'WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED'. Please check your code again."

Code is:-

global with sharing class SecureApexRest {
    global static Contact doGet(){
        Id recordId = RestContext.request.params.get('id');
        Contact result;
        if (recordId == null){
            throw new FunctionalException('Id parameter is required');
        if (Schema.SObjectType.Contact.isAccessible()
            && Schema.SObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.isAccessible()
            && Schema.SObjectType.Contact.fields.Secret_Key__c.isAccessible()){
            List<Contact> results = [SELECT id FROM Contact WHERE Id = :recordId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
            if (!results.isEmpty()) {
                result = results[0];
        } else{
            throw new SecurityException('You don\'t have access to all contact fields required to use this API');
        return result;
    public class FunctionalException extends Exception{}
    public class SecurityException extends Exception{}

Kindly suggest me what exactly I need to change in the code.
Thanks inadvance.
 I want Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I - Spring '18 Release Exam Maintenance  Q and Answers..
please help me on this...Thanks in Advance.

Gopal M.
Hi All,

I am having small confusion.Is dev-401 exam known as Platform dev-1 or is it different.

Hi All

I am planning to appear for Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I. Not really getting any sample questions or mock questions online.

Appreciate if anybody has any pointers to that!

Thanks In Advance
Hello All  ,

I am preparing for Salesforce 201 certification .Please help me in finding appropraite material for the certification .

Pooja Upadhyaya
Hello all,

Thanks for looking at my question. I am new to SF and am trying to get certified in ADM 201 and DEV 401.

This question goes out to all certified developers and admins with the above completed, recently would be great.

Was looking at the following link:
and am very disapponted. Questions seem to be so specific that nothing my trainer taught me applies.

Want to know the following:
1. Is that exam realistic?
2. What is the best guide to study for the exam ... any suggestion/s are appreciated.
3. Length of time I can expect it will take to complete the same.

I looked at the questions posted previously by other users. Most of links in those replies are not active any more.
Thus I am choosing to post this again.

Thanks for your help,