• Monika Sharma 2068
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I've completed superbedges on trailhead.
Want to appear for MCQ exam.
If you have any relevant study material / sample questions/ Dumps please let me know.

Thaks in Advance!
I am asking for help, please avoid business / Trading of dumps here.
Hi all , 
I am new to salesforce and aim to be a certified developer , can anyone please give me some suggestions and tips on how to prepare for salesforce platform developer 1 exam.
Hi everyone,

I am completed the Multiple choice questions for Platform Developer 2 as well as the  super badges, can someone help me to understand how do I get the certificate.
Just failed my Admin 201 test. I'm so angry and frustrated. I took a ton of practice tests and did well on them. The actual test was nothing like the practice test. The actual test was ridiculously vague.  Anyway, does anyone know where I can find practice tests that are actually up-to-date? Any suggestions on how to study that doesn't cost a billion dollars? I'm just super frustrated and angry right now. Thanks for the help. 
Hello all,

Thanks for looking at my question. I am new to SF and am trying to get certified in ADM 201 and DEV 401.

This question goes out to all certified developers and admins with the above completed, recently would be great.

Was looking at the following link:
and am very disapponted. Questions seem to be so specific that nothing my trainer taught me applies.

Want to know the following:
1. Is that exam realistic?
2. What is the best guide to study for the exam ... any suggestion/s are appreciated.
3. Length of time I can expect it will take to complete the same.

I looked at the questions posted previously by other users. Most of links in those replies are not active any more.
Thus I am choosing to post this again.

Thanks for your help,

I want dump question in Salesforce Administration Certification.