• henry smith 2
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Hi there :)

i'm currently working on an native Android app for my company and ran into some problems with Salesforce lately.

I hope i can find some help here.

What i want to achieve:
The company has a lot of Accounts in Salesforce with 3 important fields for the app: Name, Business (Workshop or Parts Dealer) and location(latitude, longitude)
I would like to show those Accounts(Workshops/Parts Dealers) as markers on a google map in my Android app based on a radius around the user's current location. So it would be more than sufficient to get the data as JSON or XML(i read about sObjects, which would be nice too)

The app will be freely available on Google Play Store and every user should be able to see all the Workshops/Parts dealers around the world.

The problem i'm facing is that i can't find a way to fetch the data inside my app without authenticating every user with a Salesforce-Login. 
Which API is the best to use in this case?

It would be so awsome if anybody could help me with this problem.

What i tried so far: 
- SalesforceMobileSDK: If i extend SalesForceApplication i always end up with the Salesforce-Login Screen.
It seems that every client has to be authenticated for API-calls to work. I tried using the method "peekUnauthenticatedRestClient", but this method only works on full path URL's(e.g. "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=James%20Brown&type=artist"), which isn't really practically for my Use-case.

- I feel like i read nearly all docs about salesforce api, but can't quite get my head around how to solve this problem, although it seems like to be a pretty common use-case.  

- would a salesforce-apex method which would select all records inside a set radius around the user's location be accessable without authentication?

Thanks for your help in advance!


I have assigned a salesforce account that I can login to test.salesforce.com. However, I unable use that account to login.salesforce.com.
Now I need to install the app MailChimp for Salesforce, I tried to log in my account by clicking the button "Log in to the AppExchange"
User-added image
It redirected me to login.salesforce.com/..... instead of test.salesforce.com

So, what is the difference between login.salesforce.com and test.salesforce.com ? And how can I install the app above with my account (which only able login to test.salesforce.com)

Can anyone kindly help on this?

Thanks a lot
I've looked all through the Salesforce documentation but am not finding an explanation anywhere for the difference between these two user licenses.  I'm sure it must be documented somewhere but I'm not finding it.  I would appreciate your help with the answer.  Thanks!

Hi All,


  I have installed salesforce mobile app on my iphone.I want to test some functionality on my sandbox.How to do this?



  • September 27, 2012
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I was sure that at some point, it was possible to use a secure site page (https://xxx.secure.force.com/sitename/) to login to the customer portal and remain encrypted. I can still use the secure site URL, however after logging in the user is redirected to the non-encrypted url (http://xxx.force.com/sitename/). 

The "workaround" I found is to change the site_login class to redirect the user the actual portal url including the username/password in the URL:


startUrl = 'https://na3.salesforce.com/secur/login_portal.jsp?'
   + 'orgId=00D50000000xxx&portalId=060500000000xxx'
   + '&un=' + username + '&pw=' + password;
retURL = new PageReference(startURL);


Though this is technically an encrypted URL, the result is different. For example, sharing a URL such as https://na3.salesforce.com/a1aW00000004D1R has a different result than sharing https://xxx.secure.force.com/sitename/a1aW00000004D1R. If a portal user clicks the first link they're taken to a standard Salesforce login page, however they'll be unable to login because their credentials are for a portal only.


Best Regards,



 I have a developer account and i would like to login to Sandbox (https://test.salesforce.com) but i am unable to login to test.salesforce.com

How can i login to the sandbox site?

Thank you.