• Robert Gill 9
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I am getting the following error:
sampleVendor: Not available for deploy for this organization
VoiceCall: Invalid fullName, must end in a custom suffix ( for ex. __c )
Service_Cloud_Voice: In field: pageOrSobjectType - no CustomObject named VoiceCall found
and another error saying that the voicecall object is invalid (the msg is originally in another language)
when following this step:
Create a Package Version
sfdx force📦version:create --package "" --codecoverage --installationkeybypass --wait 20
in this guide (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.voice_pt_developer_guide.meta/voice_pt_developer_guide/voice_pt_deploy_package.htm).
Can you tell me what is wrong? I think I follow every previous step in the guide.
Can anyone help me with a steer as to where I can look to change the omni-channel presence status of an agent (to Busy) when the maximum amount of work for that agent is met (presence configuration "Capacity") 

The reason for this is that we are using AWS Connect telephony plugin, and I have set up Presence Sync Configuration so when an agent is offline or busy in Omni-channel it automatically updates the AWS Connect status to offline or busy. 
However, when an agent is working on the maximum number of work items (e.g. two webchats) the Omni-Channel Status remains as "Available" (even though Omni knows not to send more work to that agent). 
What I want is to be able to automatically set the agent's Omni-channel presence to "Busy" when they are dealing with the maximum number of webchats, then when they finish their webchats, to be set automatically back to Available.