• Damien Payne 6
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Can somebody please help with the bellow?
  1. What object are knowledge articles topics/categoes stored in ? 
  2. Can you also let me know what object the disussions/questions are stored in?
  3. What about disussions/questions (feed item) 's topics/categorys  
Can somebody please help with the bellow?
  1. What object are knowledge articles topics/categoes stored in ? 
  2. Can you also let me know what object the disussions/questions are stored in?
  3. What about disussions/questions (feed item) 's topics/categorys  
Hi, In the Winter '21 release notes you have mentioned the new prebuild flow to reset passwords. Currently, I am trying to implement this flow (first in a test environment) but got stuck. I created a button and when you click it, it will search for a recordid, and then you have to fill in date of birth and postcode. After that is done, there will be sent an e-mail to the 
e-mail address from the community user connected to the recordid. We receive the e-mail but there is no link in it to redirect the community user to the password reset page.  My question is. Does the prebuild flow works out of the box? Or do I need to create a custom e-mail template first? 
Hopefully you can help me out here!
Thank you