• Philip Kitzmann
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i need some help, i have a Field that is fileld if the contact gets an experience cloud account (contact have user profil).

The field is filled with the User Profil Name. Now i want a nother field that show a specific image compare to the user profil that is writen in the User Profil Field.

This formula work:
IF(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "abc"), IMAGE("/resource/111/abc", "abc"),
IMAGE("/resource/999/error", "error"))

But if i try to expand the forumla with more possible porfile names i get an formula error.

IF(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "abc"), IMAGE("/resource/111/abc", "abc"),
IF(OR(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "XXX"), IMAGE("resource/000/xxx", "XXX"),
IMAGE("/resource/999/error", "error"))))

Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'OR()'. Expected Boolean, received Text

So how can i create a formula that show a specific image if the User_Profil__C Field is filled with a specific Text?
i need some help, i have a Field that is fileld if the contact gets an experience cloud account (contact have user profil).

The field is filled with the User Profil Name. Now i want a nother field that show a specific image compare to the user profil that is writen in the User Profil Field.

This formula work:
IF(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "abc"), IMAGE("/resource/111/abc", "abc"),
IMAGE("/resource/999/error", "error"))

But if i try to expand the forumla with more possible porfile names i get an formula error.

IF(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "abc"), IMAGE("/resource/111/abc", "abc"),
IF(OR(CONTAINS(User_Profil__c, "XXX"), IMAGE("resource/000/xxx", "XXX"),
IMAGE("/resource/999/error", "error"))))

Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'OR()'. Expected Boolean, received Text

So how can i create a formula that show a specific image if the User_Profil__C Field is filled with a specific Text?
Hi there,

I am trying to add a "Related Record List" Component in my Community on my custom object (called Payment Profiles) details page. I want to display a related list from the related look-up field. In this case, the related field is "Counterpart__c" The component requires "Parent Record ID" and the Related List Name.
"Related Record List" Component
I've tried:

Granted I haven't published and tested each of these options, I am just relying on the preview in the community builder which says "This component has no data". Can you let me know what the syntax was for determining the ID of a parent record?
