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I am new to Salesforce development and I have a new app developed on vs code.

I can drag the components to pages but can't find the app on app launcher 

I have a validation rule on the account which i want to prevent it from firing on lead convertion. But, when the user edit the account he just converted, the validation should fire.
I created an "IsConverted" checkbox field on Lead, and set it to defalf true. I also created it on account and mapped it to the account and added IsConverted__c = false to the validation. now on convertion the validation isn't firing, but on edit mode on the Account, the validation is not working. 
what is the best way to solve it ?
My requirement is validation rule should fire when record type is sales and for salesmgr profile when previous value of stage is closed.  I tried to create but it is not working. can someone help.
I want to create an Email Alert and cannot get the workflow logic right.
I now have this:
AND (ISCHANGED(AVTRRT__Bill_Rate__c),(Source_Candidate__c  = 'Qualogy'))
But I get the following message:
Error: Function ISCHANGED may not be used in this type of formula

Hope you can help to get it right.
Hey all. 

So I have a folder with additional folders nested in it with icons. Each folder is a category of icons like this:
const MY_STATIC_RESOURCE = "/sfsites/c/resource/visualAssets/"
Within the visualAssets folder there are sub folders named as such:
etc etc
I am trying to conditionally return a file within the category file, but I do not know how to get the visualAssets folder, and then map over it for it's contents (each sub folder) and store them as a path variable. 

Is this even possible without the use of Apex at all? 


I am having an issue with the "Related To" field in some of our Tasks on Salesforce Lightning. We have a feature implemented where a Task (subject: "Call - Showround Booked") is automatically generated when a specific Event record is manually created (with the Subject being "Showround"/"Showround #2"/"Showround #3") within an Opportunity record. This Task is set to be completed 24 hours before the time of the Event. We have 2 teams using of this feature:
  1. CRM team (our main sales team)
  2. Hub team (our sales support team)
When our CRM team use this feature, it works fine. When a Hub team member uses this feature, they book the Event and then transfer ownership of the related Opportunity and Task(s) over to the relevant CRM team member. At some point in this process the Related To field in the Task that gets automatically created by the creation of the "Showround" Event appears to not populate with the relevant Opportunity record. This has resulted in many of our CRMs receiving numerous Tasks from the Hub with no Opportunity record related to it, making it harder for them to keep on-top of their sales activities.

I have looked into the issue from a user standpoint and haven't been able to see where this issue is happening specifically for us other than it seems to only happen when the Hub use the feature. Our developer has looked into the issue but was unable to find the source of it. Salesforce support have looked into it but, because this feature uses customised code, they cannot determine the cause and have referred back to the developer.

Has anyone experience a similar issue with automatically created Tasks not populating the Related To field?

Many thanks,


Hello, I am using an HTML Classic Email template.  The ask is to condition the field to display only when it is not blank.

  • Without the condition:  Successful - Renders

Final Approver: {!PSM_Amendment__c.PSM_User_Amend_Final_Approver_First_Name__c} {!PSM_Amendment__c.PSM_User_Amend_Final_Approver_Last_Name__c}

  • With the condition:  Fails.  Nothing renders.  The area is empty.  Not even the XYZ shows up. 

{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(PSM_Amendment__c.PSM_User_Amend_Final_Approver_Last_Name__c)), "Final Approver: " + PSM_Amendment__c.PSM_User_Amend_Final_Approver_First_Name__c + " " +  PSM_Amendment__c.PSM_User_Amend_Final_Approver_Last_Name__c , "XYZ")}



I'm trying to get the hour of day in EST from the Date/Time Opened field. I found two other posts around this and neither formula worked from those so I'm looking for help. Just need a simple number output for the hour of the day.

Within a user record there is the ability to set a delegated approver for example if a manager is going to be out of office, we would want coverage for a delegate to approve any records while said manager is unavailable. Out of the box functionality means we need to set this, and we need to set it manually on the first day of coverage and then also manually remove it on the last day of coverage to revert to a user’s director. It's difficult to manage these future requests - ie. ‘I will be out Feb 1 - Feb 5, can you send my approvals to John Doe?’ and then also remember to revert them. 
How can we better manage requests like this?
how to convert number into text format [For example : When we give number 1200 then the result should be one Thousand two hundred by using screen flow
Are you looking for this formula: 
 Finding the Number of Business Days Between Two Dates.
Use this formula:
(5 * ( FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( Date_of_Joining__c) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7 ) ) + MIN( 5, MOD( DATEVALUE(Date_of_Joining__c) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7 ) ) ) - (5 * ( FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7 ) ) + MIN( 5, MOD( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7 ) ) )
 (Use your date fields instead of Date_of_Joining__c)
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