• Sahana Bhattacharya
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I created a new project with manifest in VS Code, but I am not able to authorize an Org(sandbox) to it. When I run:

sfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias <alias> --instanceurl <sanboxURL> --setdefaultusername

, it opens the authentication screen, then I insert login + password and it redirects me to localhost:1717 with the following error: 

Error authenticating with auth code due to: authentication failure
This is most likely not an error with the Salesforce CLI. Please ensure all information is accurate and try again.

,in vsc it shows me the following error:

ERROR running auth:web:login:  Invalid client credentials. Verify the OAuth client secret and ID. Error authenticating with auth code due to: authentication failure

VS Code Version: 1.56.2
SFDX CLI Version: sfdx-cli/7.102.0 win32-x64 node-v16.1.0
Salesforce Extension Pack: 51.14.0
Hi All,

I am trying to authorize an org (Dev org not sandbox) from VS Code and I am in my Company network and default port Id 1717 wouldnt work for me. I have followed the below steps to create a Connected App and change port number in sfdx-project.json file. But still its taking me to old 1717 localhost even after changin the port number.

From Connected App..
User-added image

From VSCode project setup..

User-added image

I have also tried to put 443 in the redirected URL instead of 1717. But it doesnt work either.

Is there any mistake that I have done while setting up the Conncted App ? BTW, I am not using JWT AUthentication. Its just web based authentication. How else can I change the default port number ?

PS : I have used both "oauthLocalPort" : "443" and "oauthLocalPort" : 443.