• sarika shirke
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  • Member since 2022

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Hello, I would like to create a string variable that contains a Where-clause.  I tried the following:
String AWhereClause=  'AND Typ__c = 'Infobroschüre'';
Unfortunatly that way does not work. Can you give me an solution for that?
Hello, I would like to create a string variable that contains a Where-clause.  I tried the following:
String AWhereClause=  'AND Typ__c = 'Infobroschüre'';
Unfortunatly that way does not work. Can you give me an solution for that?

How can we allow user to change the owner of the particular account records, owned by user who is above him in role hierarchy. 

If we provide 'Trannfer record' permission to him, then he can change the owner of all the account records those are above him in role hierarchy. But I need to allow to change the owner of the particular user, who is above him in role hierarchy.

I want to auto-populate a formula text field only if it is currenlty blank. This allows it to not happen only when the record is created and it won't update if it is already populated. 
I have created a VF page which has a command link that take me to my desired link but there is istdp p1 at the end of the URL which I dont want. Thank you in advance.

<apex:page controller="TechnologyProduct"  lightningStylesheets="true" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" applyBodyTag="false" applyHtmlTag="false">
<style type="text/css">
    [id*=button] {  
                    border: 1px solid black !important;
                    color: black !important;
                    text-decoration: none !important;
                    padding: 9px !important;
                    cursor: pointer !important;
 [id*=wrapper] {    
                    margin: auto;
                    width: 50%;
                    text-align: center !important;
                    padding: 10px;
                    height: 100px !important;
  [id*=repeat] {    
                    margin: 20px !important; }
    <div id="wrapper">
     <apex:repeat value="{!TechnologyProduct}" var="res" id="repeat">
            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!res.Detail_Link__c != null}" layout='none'>
                    <apex:outputlink value="{!res.Detail_Link__c}" styleClass="btn" id="button"> {!res.Detailed_Product_Name__c} </apex:outputlink>                  
Hi there,

We set up SSO in developer sandbox with ADFS.
We see success logs in ADFS and Salesforce in login history.

But on screen we see Single Sign-On Error
We can't log you in because of an issue with single sign-on. Contact your Salesforce admin for help.

Does anybody set up SSO in sandbox successfully for Spring '23 release?
Hello Everyone,
I have one requirement where I need to add multiple onchange event to a list. So I have multiple records which has lightning combobox and I am trying to add ochange event value to a list. I am able to add a single onchange value but I am not able to add the multiple onchange event for a single transaction if user updates multiple records.
Below is my code :-
handleChange(event) {
    this.value = event.detail.value;
    const selectedRecordId = event.target.dataset.id;
// i need to add the multiple events on the below list .
    this.listRecords = [{Id : event.target.dataset.id ,[event.target.dataset.field] : event.detail.value}];
    console.log( "newrealform",this.listRecords);


Please help me on the same . Thanks in advance
if i have 5 users in profile . for that profile i have given CRED access. OWD is private. i want to  take out the create access for 1 user from that profiel . can we do that, how?
While deploying a community, got the below error:

In field: permissionSet - no PermissionSet named <permission_Set_name> found

I created an outbound change set, after "ADD" under Component Type = Permission Set, I am unable to find the required permission set in the list.

I am the SFDC admin for Virtru, inc.  We are looking for an experienced Salesforce Dev to partner with our product team to incorprate our technology (encryption) into Salesforce.  

Please contact me if interested.  My product team has described the requirements as:

1. Deep SF Lightening and Platform Custom Development Experience:  Direct custom component development with experience with backend compute and API integration.
2. Strong front-end framework experience:  Will be utilizing a Javascript and Node.js SDK to directly integrate into SF components.  Requires understanding of the SF security model to overcome cross-site obstacles. 
3. SF Data Storage:  Experience with how SF stores native and custom data objects and how that can be extended by 3rd parties to modify/transform the data as its being stored and retrieved
4. SF Data Sharing:  Experience with how SF exports and shares(e.g. emails) data out of and into SF and how 3rd parties can modify/transform the data as its being shared
5. SF Identity and Access Control:  Experience with integrating 3rd party platforms and aligning identity via SSO.  Experience with SF Access Control and Event system to allow for alignment of access control with 3rd party systems.
6. SF Reporting:  Experience with utilizing 3rd party data feeds to create actionable reports and dashboard in SF
Hello Everyone,
I have one requirement where I need to add multiple onchange event to a list. So I have multiple records which has lightning combobox and I am trying to add ochange event value to a list. I am able to add a single onchange value but I am not able to add the multiple onchange event for a single transaction if user updates multiple records.
Below is my code :-
handleChange(event) {
    this.value = event.detail.value;
    const selectedRecordId = event.target.dataset.id;
// i need to add the multiple events on the below list .
    this.listRecords = [{Id : event.target.dataset.id ,[event.target.dataset.field] : event.detail.value}];
    console.log( "newrealform",this.listRecords);


Please help me on the same . Thanks in advance