• denvel samit
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Similar questions are raised in many threats but the solutions proposed do not fit my case. I have got a simple SOQL: 

Select WorkOrder.Id from TimeSheetEntry where WorkOrder.Id in (Select Id from WorkOrder Where...)

The error is The left operand 'WorkOrder.Id' cannot have more than one level of relationships. 

If I provide hardcoded Orders it works, so the relationship exists and is referred to properly as I understand. How to use the subquery?

I'd like to build an algorithm that allows me to force rank opportunities... similar to how you can rank your video rentals on the Netflix website.  Example:  If I have 4 opportunities: 


1. MacDonald's

2. Burger King

3. Wendy's

4. Carl's Jr


then I manually elevate the" Wendy's" Opportunity to the top rank I'd want the other Opportunities to automatically re-rank as follows:


1. Wendy's

2. MacDonald's

3. Burger King

4. Carl's Jr


This "Force Ranking" will help me keep our team focused on the most important projects.  Having to manually re-rank opportunities is too time consuming and error-prone, especially when the list is long.  Any advice on how I can achieve this?


Thanks -Tom