• VaibhavSeth
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Hi Salesforce Friends,

I am new to Salesforce. I created my org not to long ago. I'm looking for guidence and Advice on a project I'm working on. I've created a survey with a bunch of questions, and I've also created a custom object with fields related to those questions. I want to create a flow that will trigger as soon as a new survey response is created. The flow will then create a new record in my custom object based on the survey responses. One record type will be selected based on a response.

I'm not sure how to tackle this in the flow canvas. Even though I started the org not to long ago, I've been learning Salesforce for a few weeks. I'm still a beginner :). I'm hoping someone can provide me with some guidance on how to complete this flow. Which Elements should go first, etc.

Thanks, Everyone!

- Jaden M
Hi friends, 
When restore master-detail and lookup data from recycle bin, what can be restored and what can be not?
Thank you.
Best Regards
  • September 08, 2023
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I want to validate the input in flows .what should be the logic in that validate input block 

criteria 1: the length of the currency should be less than 16 or should                     accept 2 decimal  
criteria 2 : the currency should be greater than or equal to 0 

So when i upload document should be downloadable.
Create a button of download in lwc .when i click download button the file will download which i upload 

any one please with this requirment
Hi All,

I have currently created and activated an Entitlement Process as well as created an Entitlement named "Gold Support" related to an account named "ABC Corp". I have also created many other accounts associated with an Entiement named "Gold Support". 

My Question is how can I automate the Enitlement name field during a case creation using Flow Automation?

Keep In mind I'm trying to add a specific Account Entitlement to a case that is specific to that Account. An example is I created an Entitlement "Gold Support" on "ABC Corp", when I create a new case it should automatically add the Gold Support Entitlement for Account "ABC Corp" to the case of the "ABC Corp". 

That same process should be other Accounts associated with their own Entitlements to their respective cases. I don't want an Gold Support Entitlement of Account "ABC Corp" added to a different Account case such as "Grand Hotel Inc". I want the respective acccount entitlements to be added to their own respective cases using Flow Automation.

I currently created a flow automation but the entitlement is overlapping with other Account cases as well. Can you give me a step by step process how i can achieve this in Flow Automation. 
Hi Salesforce Friends,

I am new to Salesforce. I created my org not to long ago. I'm looking for guidence and Advice on a project I'm working on. I've created a survey with a bunch of questions, and I've also created a custom object with fields related to those questions. I want to create a flow that will trigger as soon as a new survey response is created. The flow will then create a new record in my custom object based on the survey responses. One record type will be selected based on a response.

I'm not sure how to tackle this in the flow canvas. Even though I started the org not to long ago, I've been learning Salesforce for a few weeks. I'm still a beginner :). I'm hoping someone can provide me with some guidance on how to complete this flow. Which Elements should go first, etc.

Thanks, Everyone!

- Jaden M
Hi,  I've created a custom lookup field (HomeUW) in the Contact object that points to a custom table object.  I'm attempting to have the pop-up window in the search show more than just the "Name" column.

I've created an apex class controller as such to return the fields I'd like to see in the pop-up window:
public class GiftlinkLookupController {
    public String selectedGiftLinkId { get; set; }
    public List<GiftLink__c> giftLinkRecords() {
        return [SELECT Id, ZIP_Code__c, Name, City__c, State__c FROM GiftLink__c ORDER BY Name, ZIP_Code__c];
    public PageReference selectGiftLink() {
        // Perform any actions you want with the selected GiftLink record (selectedGiftLinkId)
        return null;
The visualforce page looks as follows:
<apex:page standardController="Contact">
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Select a GiftLink">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!giftLinkRecords}" var="gl">
                        <apex:facet name="header">ZIP Code</apex:facet>
                        <apex:facet name="header">Name</apex:facet>
                        <apex:commandLink value="{!gl.Name}" action="{!selectGiftLink}">
                            <apex:param name="selectedGiftLinkId" value="{!gl.Id}" assignTo="{!selectedGiftLinkId}" />
                        <apex:facet name="header">City</apex:facet>
                        <apex:facet name="header">State</apex:facet>
I'm getting an error when trying to save the visualforce page that says :Unknown property 'ContactStandardController.giftLinkRecords'

What am I missing?  Is there a better way to do this?


public with sharing class WeatherWrapper {


    public Forecast forecast;

    public class Forecast{


        public List<Forecastday> forecastday;


    public class Forecastday {


        public List<Hour> hour;


    public class Hour {



        public String time_Z;


        public Condition condition;


        public Integer humidity;


        public Double temp_c;


        public Double wind_mph;


    public class Condition {


        public String text;


        public String icon;


    public static WeatherWrapper parse(String json) {

        return (WeatherWrapper) System.JSON.deserialize(json, WeatherWrapper.class);


public static WeatherWrapper forecastWeather1(String city){

        List<WeatherWrapper.Forecast> forecast = new List<WeatherWrapper.Forecast>();

        Http http = new Http();

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

        req.setEndpoint('callout:WeatherAPI/forecast.json?q=' + city);


        HttpResponse res = http.send(req);

        WeatherWrapper weatherResponse = WeatherWrapper.parse(res.getBody());

        return weatherResponse;


SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, ActorID, StepStatus, Comments FROM StepsAndWorkitems)
FROM ProcessInstance

After submitting approval request:
Whenever I query processInstance and StepsAndWorkItems in the developer console I am getting two items under StepsAndWorkItems. One item has status of ‘Started’ and the second a status of ‘Pending’.

After rejecting approval request:
Whenever I query this in the developer console after rejecting the approval record I am also seeing two results under StepsAndWorkItems. One item with a status of ‘Rejected’ and a second item with a status of ‘Started’.

Test Scenario:
My custom object will create after submitting a request for approval.
I have a flow that triggers (with invocable method for query) whenever my custom object gets created or updated. Info from processInstance I want to copy over to my custom object. 

I want to retrieve the actorID(approver) by checking for the item with status of ‘Pending’. I am expecting this to be available after submitting the record, but whenever my flow queries ProcessInstance it is returning empty.

When my flow runs after rejecting the approval record, when the flow queries ProcessInstance, I am seeing three items under StepsAndWorkItems. An item with status of ‘started’, ‘pending’, and ‘rejected’. 

Why could this be behaving differently during my test scenario vs when I query in the developer console?

I'm having a little difficulty getting a tenure formula working.
Essentially, I need it to calculate the number of years between the start date and today's date to the nearest tenth, but rounded down.

So with a start date of 2022/08/01 and today's date 2023/08/01, the tenure should be 1.0.

I calculate this by doing (Today() - Start_Date__c )/365 essentially, but with leap years and rounding, things get a little tricky.

I tried doing varying modifications to the calculation such as using FLOOR, dividing by 365.25, and/or subtracting 0.05 to force a round down, but things get thrown off when it's a matter of a day difference near the tenure promotion date, and the more (or less) years difference between the start date and today, depending on the formula used, the more it gets thrown off.

Any suggestions how this can be achieved? Essentially it shouldn't hit the whole number until it's the actual date of their tenure, and no sooner.

I'm almost thinking I may have to move this out of a simple formula field and move it to some Flow calculation looking for leap years in between the start date and today.

Any help would be truly appreciated. Thanks.

I am trying to put togetjer a formula for firstly the difference between 2 dates with the resukt divided by 90 and then secondly the result rounded down.

What I was trying was the following;

FLOOR(Request_no_longer_backlog__c  -  Date_Backlog_start__c / 90)

but the error I am getting which I am struggling to solve is the following;
Error: Incorrect parameter type for operator '/'. Expected Number, received Date

Both of the 2 fields used above are date fields.

Can anyone suggest how I solve this please?

I have an existing formula field that I'm trying to update to also include a product field that if checked True, then exclude it from the Total Services Discount. 

The new field on the product object is called Exclude from Services Discount. I need to add this field to the formula below that if checked True, it will exclude the product from the Total Service Discount Formula. 
IF (SBQQ__PrimaryQuote__r.Discount_ServicesPercent__c > 0.00,SBQQ__PrimaryQuote__r.Discount_ServicesPercent__c,
IF (Total_Services_Net_Value_Sum_Rollup__c > 0.00 && Total_Service_List_Price_SUM_Rollup__c> 0.00,1-(Total_Services_Net_Value_Sum_Rollup__c / Total_Service_List_Price_SUM_Rollup__c), SBQQ__PrimaryQuote__r.Discount_ServicesPercent__c))

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
