• witherellson robbin
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Scenario from our custom Salesforce apps: 

A user creates a new Booking (custom object) via a dialog that allows the user to add a number of default Services (custom object), as well as to add one or more students (Contact object).

This in turn triggers a number of flows that create the sudent, link it via a generic junction object to the booking, this in turn triggers a flow that creates the services and assigns the student to the services. 

The Services are then calculated in terms of the sales and cost prices and when all is done the Booking is updated with the total value.

A few more things happen, which leads aside from all the optimisations I have implemented, to the famous SOQL 101 error when the number of default services exceeds about 6-8.

The problem is that each custom object has at least one flow attached that is triggered under certain rules. I find it absolutely impossible to trace exactly what is happening.

So the question is, is there a way in Salesforce or a 3rd party tool that can properly trace flow and trigger execution and comes up with an execution table and the number of SOQL calls made.

This would greatly help to see if there are any SOQL calls triggered that shouldn't be and ultimately allow to add further execution rules for unneccessary triggered flows and Apex triggers.