• cmarkiewicz
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I was viewing AppExchange demos, and one included a screenshot of an Opportunity Detail page which had a non-standard button on the row of buttons (Edit, Delete, Clone, etc).  The button had the same look-and-feel as the others (but it had a different word on it, and presumably its own link behind it).  Obviously this could be someome tinkering with the HTML before taking the screenshot.  But I wanted to see if it is possible to create such a button in SFDC? 

I'm familiar with GreaseMonkey - but I'm hoping for a cross-browser solution.

Hello.  I imported some activities using the Ron Hess excel connector.  My first issue was that the time was wrong on all of the activities.  I adjusted the time zone on my computer - as well as the time zone of the "importing" user - reimported, and everything was fine.  But then I changed the time zone of the importing user (from EST to EDT), and the times for many of the events changed (those affected by Daylight Saving Time). 

I switched that user back to EST and everything is fine, but obviously this dependency is a problem.  How can I "freeze" these times so that I can change the user?  Hmmm, or am I only seeing the changes in the times because I'm logged in as me?

I have a section of a website which writes info directly to Salesforce.  I need the ability to quickly test whether the SFDC is down.  I was just testing my webapp (while Salesforce was down) and the browser just hangs for a while - then I get a session timeout error (below).

Is there a quick way to check if the site is down, so that I can take the appropriate action?  Does the binding's timeout value also apply to the login command?  If so, I suppose I can set to timeout value to a low number (10 seconds?) for login, and then I'll bump it back to 60 seconds...


 faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException
 faultString: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
        {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}stackTrace: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
        at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
I just tried the ajak toolkit and I agree. Some VERY useful stuff. Thanks for the suggestion.
I am trying to create an scontrol that works in Mozilla (it already works in IE). The issue is with XML parsing. The IE version contains the following (create a doc, load, ans set properties):

xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:sf='urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com'");
xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
var objNodeList = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("//sf:TotalPrice");

In Mozilla, I've gotten as far as creating and loading the doc. But where do I go from there? What API am I using to get at the elements? (Or is there a better way?)


Hello. I have modified the SObject class so that it contains an additional field - along with a set* and get* for the field. However the corresponding field does not exist in Salesforce.com. When I attempt to persist the object through sforce, I get the exception:

e:common.exception.ApiException: No such column 'deletedInSF' on entity 'Account'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names

This makes sense. But is there a way to make sforce ignore this field (for example, does the parser do any sort of filtering when it is querying an object?). Obviously I can handle it through the object hierarchy, but I'd like to know if I can make the API ignore the field instead.

Hello. I am writing some replication procedures. Essentially I have a database with Company records - each of which corresponds to an Account. The Company holds the Salesforce ID for sync purposes. The replication code queries all Companies that have been updated in a given timeframe, then calls retrieve() with the Account IDs. However if one of the IDs is not valid for whatever reason, this method throws an exception.

I would prefer it to work like the update() method - where if any of the individual processes had errors, those errors are returned in the response array. Then I can walk through the array and handle each success/failure individually.

Is there any way to do this with the retrieve method? Do I want to use query() instead?

Hello. The Salesforce UI formats phone numbers to (xxx) xxx-xxxx. (Another post indicates that the import wizard does this as well.) However when a phone number is passed through the API, it does not get reformatted. Is there a way to force this through the API, or do I have to reformat the string that I send to it?

I noticed that this topic has been addressed already in the forums, however I have some additional questions.

First, why are seconds truncated? It doesn't make sense to me that the system truncates seconds on this API call, but not globally (on all timestamps).

Second, it causes unnecessary processing in two-way replication. For example: I create 30 new Accounts in the first 50 seconds of a minute, then I grab a timestamp as the "end of sync" time. When I do my next sync, getUpdated will return those 30 Accounts because they were updated during the final minute of the previous sync.

thanks for your time
Hello. We are designing a synchronization process. Is there a mechanism that allows me to disable web access to a Salesforce? Ideally, I would be able to disable web access while maintaining API access. This would ensure that no actions occurred through the Salesforce web interface during the synchronization process.
I want to retrieve a deleted Contact for replication purposes. I think I have the steps right - I call getDeleted(), I iterate through the result and build an array of the IDs, then I call retrieve using the ID array. But while my ID array contains the right IDs, my retrieve call returns nothing. Your documentation indicates that I should be able to do this (point 5 in the Replication section). Please let me know what I'm missing...
Hello. I have an array of IDs and I want to get all corresponding objects. The retrieve method seems ideally suited for this, but I want to return all fields. Can I use a wildcard as the field list parameter? Should I be using some other method? Or do you discourage the use of wildcards in this instance?
I just tried the ajak toolkit and I agree. Some VERY useful stuff. Thanks for the suggestion.
Using PHP.
Here is SOAP envelope being sent to Salesforce.
Any idea why I am getting "Must send a concrete entity type" when I go to create a new lead given this SOAP message.



San Francisco
General / Pending
333 Market Street, Suite 100

  • December 05, 2004
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Hello. I am writing some replication procedures. Essentially I have a database with Company records - each of which corresponds to an Account. The Company holds the Salesforce ID for sync purposes. The replication code queries all Companies that have been updated in a given timeframe, then calls retrieve() with the Account IDs. However if one of the IDs is not valid for whatever reason, this method throws an exception.

I would prefer it to work like the update() method - where if any of the individual processes had errors, those errors are returned in the response array. Then I can walk through the array and handle each success/failure individually.

Is there any way to do this with the retrieve method? Do I want to use query() instead?


guys guys guys

I have been struggling hard to set the class path in Windows 2000 for the WSDL2Java thing. Finally i tried running a .bat file with the following command in it

"java -classpath C:\Axis\axis-1_1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\libaxis.jar;C\Axis\axis-1_1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\libaxis-ant.jar;C:\Axis\axis-1_1\webapps\ax
INF\libsaaj.jar;C:\Axis\axis-1_1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\libwsdl4j.jar org.apache.a
xis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -v -a -T 1.2  enterprise.wsdl"

but am getting the error like :

 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/wsdl/WSDL2Java

can anyone please help me out with this.

please please please



  • November 02, 2004
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I'm writing serveral extensions to salesforce that have to scale up to 10 of thousands of records, but the out of the box dev account is capped at 1000. How can I get this limit increased?

Mark Orr
Chief Architect
enContext Solutions.



Hello. We are designing a synchronization process. Is there a mechanism that allows me to disable web access to a Salesforce? Ideally, I would be able to disable web access while maintaining API access. This would ensure that no actions occurred through the Salesforce web interface during the synchronization process.
I want to retrieve a deleted Contact for replication purposes. I think I have the steps right - I call getDeleted(), I iterate through the result and build an array of the IDs, then I call retrieve using the ID array. But while my ID array contains the right IDs, my retrieve call returns nothing. Your documentation indicates that I should be able to do this (point 5 in the Replication section). Please let me know what I'm missing...