• QuantumMechanic
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Hi all,

Question: is it possible to have data from another tab populate another tab if a certain condition is met? For extample:

If Practice Manager = "Bugs Bunny" where Account = "ABC Company" if "ABC Company" has an opportunity then default Practice Manager should = "Bugs Bunny"

So in the above example Account.Practice_Manager = Bugs_Bunny if Bugs Bunny were the Practice Manager on a specific account when that account had an opportunity the Practice Manager field on the Opportunity Tab would default automatically to Bugs Bunny...because Bugs Bunny was associated to that account in the accounts tab already.

Anyone leveraging Interwoven and salesforce.com together?

Help Please.

I've got the gmaps working for the most part; the only exception is that it does not provide any hits when I enter in a date parameter. I've used the explorer tool to get an error message but my eyes are going...can someone help?

Here's the error:

Query failed: MALFORMED QUERY:

(CreatedDate >= 2005-08-25T11:26:16: )

unexpected char.

How do I need to set up the date?

This is the entire query:

Select id, lastname, firstname, street, city, state, postalcode, company, title, website, email, lat__c, lon__c, Phone, MobilePhone, Fax, ConvertedDate from lead where (City != Null) and (IsConverted = false) and (ConvertedDate >= 2005-08-25T16:50:47: )





Message Edited by QuantumMechanic on 08-26-2005 04:53 PM

Message Edited by QuantumMechanic on 08-26-2005 04:55 PM

I need to transfer the ownership of opportunities from one user to another but not the account. Is there an easy way to do this?
  • November 09, 2005
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I'm wondering how I can execute workflow rules not necessarily based on the existence of a value in a particular field but on the CHANGE of a field value.

For example, I change the solution from Draft to Reviewed. How do I build a workflow rule that will execute only when the solution is updated from something other than "Reviewed" to "Reviewed"?

Any help would be appreciated.

Anyone leveraging Interwoven and salesforce.com together?
How would you go about developing territory management functionality at the county level in SF.com?

We would like the ability to define territories by their 5 digit FIPS code and then assign each county to a sales rep.

We have tried using the roles approach, but can only get down to a user level, not geography.

Help Please.

I've got the gmaps working for the most part; the only exception is that it does not provide any hits when I enter in a date parameter. I've used the explorer tool to get an error message but my eyes are going...can someone help?

Here's the error:

Query failed: MALFORMED QUERY:

(CreatedDate >= 2005-08-25T11:26:16: )

unexpected char.

How do I need to set up the date?

This is the entire query:

Select id, lastname, firstname, street, city, state, postalcode, company, title, website, email, lat__c, lon__c, Phone, MobilePhone, Fax, ConvertedDate from lead where (City != Null) and (IsConverted = false) and (ConvertedDate >= 2005-08-25T16:50:47: )





Message Edited by QuantumMechanic on 08-26-2005 04:53 PM

Message Edited by QuantumMechanic on 08-26-2005 04:55 PM