• netsmurph
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I am trying to migrate a VBA document automation applicaiton from an Access database to Saleforce, calling SF data and populating local word templates. 
What is the best approach with VB.NET - I have been pointed towards datasets, but am not entirely sure what is the best practice..
Is it possible to define the relationships locally (in a local MDB for example), so that when SOQL string comes in, the relationship is already defined and couldl make processing faster(?).
My key concern is that if I have to write very bespoke data sets for each SOQL data set, if my Saleforce data fields change, is there any way to pick these up automatically, or would I have to change my VB code each time?
Is it likely in the future that SOQL will support joins - or is there any 3rd party VB query tool that could make the above much simpler?
Any pointers would be appreciated
I am new to VB.NET, and am creating a simple document batching program with Saleforce data into MS Word.
I have downloaded the API6.0 VB.NET samples and have run them successully (with command prompt interface).
I wanted to start making some changes to the underlying code to test a few things, but any changes I make to the project do not seem to have any effect to the executable.
Also if I try to debug the code, I get error:
"Visual Studio cannot start debugging becuase the debug target C:/....... sample_vb_p.exe is missing.  Please build the project and retry, or set the OuputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at the correct location for the target assembly."
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I could progress with this?
Do you need to build a new executable before running so that changes to code are compiled?  If so how do I go about this if I cannot debug it???
Many thanks in advance
I am using salesforce api for one of my Biz talk integration project .
I want to fire some query with multiple tables say account ,contact etc and with some where condition like urn value null .
Can any one tell me how can i do this as Query method does not support joins .
Please reply as soon as possible if any one knows solution for this
Thanks in Advance