• Nikhil
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Hello Guys,


I need some help on a small requirement.


If the sales rep do not work on the assigned leads then we want to send a email alert to the VP sales.

First email after 3 days of lead creation/assignment

@nd email after 10 days of lead creation/assignment .


Suggestions please.!!


Thanks in advance.

We are populating a VF page by editing the Softphone layout and were expecting the call logs will be generated once the call ends automatically as a part of standard feature of spoftphone...


Activity logs are getting created if we are not using screen pop ( VF page ) rather service cloud console.. with standard record layout. but not when screen pop VF page is used.


Kindly help..

  • December 21, 2011
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Guys ,


I am using a CTI demo adaptor + softphone


I am populating a VF page from CTI Demo adaptor and Softphone..and I am able to catch the DNIS number and ANI when the page pops up via page url.. 


On the service cloud console if the call lands then its capturing the call details automatically like  calltype and call duration on click of End Call ( its createing a activity record with details automatically) ..


I have overriden the softphone. feature by populating a new F poage rather opening any standard record of salesforce when the call comes in and able to capture the DNIS/ANi from url


Issue is i that now when thecall comes in and populates a vf page ( no service cloud console) , after that on click of END CALL no acticity records get created.


Please guide how i can fetch those call realted details and can create a activity from apex.


Thanks in advance

  • December 21, 2011
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I noticed we are not allowed to create any trigger/workflow on knowledge article objects more over they are not updateable().


Any suggestions/tweak to byepass this limitation of knowledge article search.


Requirement is to create a picklist field on any knowledgearticle type (Example FAQ__Kav/FAQ__ka) and then user should be able to search article including this picklist field value.




  • December 06, 2011
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How to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">

Hi guys!


Is it possible to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">




Can we use a variable associated to flow without initiating a object of that flow in the controller.


<apex:page controller="ModemTroubleShootingCusto" >
<flow:interview name="TipCalculator" interview="{!myflow}">

{!TipCalculator.BillValue} is not working... how can i access this variable on page witout creating  interview="{!myflow}"



Please provide some help here.



  • November 28, 2011
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Hi guys!


Is it possible to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">




Can we use a variable associated to flow without initiating a object of that flow in the controller.


<apex:page controller="ModemTroubleShootingCusto" >
<flow:interview name="TipCalculator" interview="{!myflow}">

{!TipCalculator.BillValue} is not working... how can i access this variable on page witout creating  interview="{!myflow}"



Please provide some help here.



  • November 28, 2011
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I am trying to check the current  Apex Test Result 

So after clicking RunAllTest i am getting "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException" error. I am doing this from Salesforce.com sandbox Chrome browser.


Please let me know the solution if anyone already faced any such issue.




Hello Folks,


I created a Visualforce wizard with 1 controller Class and 2 Visual Force pages.



Issue Description :


  • If i open the WizardPage1.page and the  Click Next button - my script Inserts a new account Record ,set a String property AccountId with the inserted Account's Id and redirect to WizardPage2 .
  • Now on WizardPage2  if i reload(F5 / Mouse RightClick "Reload /")the page .It inserts another account record. whereas i am expecting the "AccountId" property to retain the First inserted account (Seems it is getting reset on reload of page)
  • Then I added a "Back" button on WizardPage2 and tried  follwoing


    • Go to WizardPage1 Click Next - (Account Created) redirected to WizardPage2.
    • Clicked "Back" on WizardPage2 and reached WizardPage1.
    • From WizardPage1 again clicked Next and reached "WizardPage2.
    • Now if i Reload the page Account is not getting created again and i can access value of property "AccountId".



      Below is my controller and VF pages.

      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Start

      public with sharing class customWizardcontroller {
      public Account objBidpricing {get;set;}
      public String AccountId {get;set;}
      public customWizardcontroller()
      objBidpricing = new Account(Name = 'Wizard testing');
      catch(Exception e)
      //Handle Exception  
      public Pagereference goNextStep()
      if (AccountId ==  null ||  AccountId == '')
      insert objBidpricing;
      AccountId = objBidpricing.Id;
      return Page.WizardPage2;
      catch(Exception e)
      //Handle Exception

      public with sharing class customWizardcontroller {
      public Account objAccount{get;set;}

      public String AccountId {get;set;}



      public customWizardcontroller()



          objAccount= new Account(Name = 'Wizard testing');


               catch(Exception e) { //Handle Exception   }


      public Pagereference goNextStep()


         try{ if (AccountId ==  null ||  AccountId == '')

        { insert objAccount; AccountId = objAccount.Id; }


        return Page.WizardPage2;


               catch(Exception e) { //Handle Exception }




      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Ends


      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------WizardPage1 Start


      <apex:page Controller="customWizardcontroller" >


      <apex:form id="quesAndAns">


      <apex:pageBlock title="Bid Pricing" id="pbBidPricing"> 

      <apex:pageblockbuttons >

      <apex:commandButton action="{!goNextStep}" value="Next" />







      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------WizardPage1 Ends



      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------WizardPage2 Start




      <apex:page Controller="customWizardcontroller" >





      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------WizardPage2 Ends



      If anyone already faced such issue or can figure out odd in my code please suggest.


      Thanks in advance.


    • October 25, 2010
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    Hi Guys,


    I have a requirement where my client wants to do a one time mass email activity.


    Objects are as follows....

    Every contact is associated with more than one enrollment (custom object) and every enrollment has more than 1 enrollment Items(custom object).






    So need is to post emails to every contact with the enrollment details (In particulat format like fist display enrollment and then under that enrollmentItems and so on.


    I dont know if the Regular massemail functionality of SFDC can be used here.Please suggest if possible.


    Also I think this is not possible via Apex as Apex has limitations , like we can not post more then 10 emails in one go using the Messaging.SingleEmailMessag . If we use Messaging.MassEmailMessag then a Email template is required and then how to put different information in every email.


    Please help if have any idea about the solution !!!!



    *G-Cal-Event =  Google Calender Event 


    Hi Folks,I am trying to create Google Calander Events from Apex and got success tooNow i have to retrieve some Events from Google Calender (on the basis of the Event Subject/EventId).

    Here i need to search multiple events .but as per wiki seems full  text search supports only one search string at a time 

    What if i have to search events with name as Event1  or event 2

    How can i club these two in single search query. 

    Need search to work for multiple stringsI also want to update some events for that there is a

    method to update Google Calender EventThis method can update only one

    Event not multiple Please guide if anyone knows how to bulk update.


    Both of the Queries are super important to me.Please help..



    Message Edited by Nikhil on 02-16-2010 11:27 PM
    • February 17, 2010
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    Hi Folks,
    we created public site on a customer portal and while  inserting few opportunitylineitems for a newly created opportunity we are getting this error..

    "Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: []"

    The steps are..

    #1 Insert a opportunity..

    #2 Insert Few opportunitylineitems on the basis of some buiseness logic for the opportunity created in step1

    Sample code is something like this.
    ContactId= CurrentLoggedUsersContactId ;
    Opportunity Opp = new Opportunity(with all required details filled......);
    insert  Opp;
    OpportunityLineItem Oli = new  OpportunityLineItem (Contact__c = ContactId,UnitPrice=40.0,PricebookEntryId=01uT0000000pbcuIAA,OpportunityId= Opp.Id);

    Insert Oli;//Error comes right at this line of code 
    I check all the 3 Ids provided in insert call are valid.
    This thing was working fine before the spring 10 release.

    IS this because of the new release??

    Please guide if any one knows or faced a similar problem.

    Nikhil Jain
    • February 01, 2010
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    Hi Folks,


    I am trying to import excel data from my local machine in a Flex datagrid (Which is ofcource on a VF page)

    .Did any one implemented this or if can guide me 




    • August 21, 2009
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    Hi Folks,


    I created a DataGrid in Flex and bind a ArrayCollection of Acounts with Datagrid


    The bind is with Account sObjet ArrayCollection.


    I want to maintain a checkbox on every record so that when user clicks save i can identify on iteration that which record is selected


    Please guide me the right way to implement this thing in flex


    Following is the code ===========================================================

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


                private var accs:ArrayCollection;


                private function init(flag:int):void
                        var lr:LoginRequest = new LoginRequest();
                        lr.username = "";
                        lr.password = "";
                        lr.callback = new AsyncResponder(loginHandler);


                private function loginHandler(result:LoginResult):void
                   force.query("Select Id From Account", new AsyncResponder(queryHandler));                           



                private function queryHandler(result:QueryResult):void
                    accs= result.records;

       <mx:DataGrid id="dg" dataProvider="{opps}"   editable="true">


                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Job Manager" dataField="Jmgr__c" editable="true" />                 </mx:columns>









    Message Edited by Nikhil on 08-21-2009 06:42 AM
    • August 19, 2009
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    Hi Folks,


    I am trying to transfer some data from one Salesforce org to another Salesforce Org by using EmailService.


    So to achive this I created a EmailService in X-Org(Production)

    -Generated one EmailID  for this EmailService,Marked the EmailService and EmailID as ACTIVE

    -While creating EmailService i left the "Accept Email From" text Box as blank ,then i generated the EmailD there is again a text Box as "Accept Email From" in this i specified the my Email as njain@astadia.com,beause the user from which i am logging into the Y-Org(Production) has njain@astadia.com as Email


    From the Y-Org(Production) I am posting a email through Apex code to this newly generated EmailID


    The whole thing is working in Sandbox perfectly fine.


    But this is not working in Production.

    Then i tried dropping a email to the EmailService EmailID from my outlook(njain@astadia.com).

    Now the Emailservice is catching the mail and processing it as well.


    But when i am dropping email from Apex code of Y-Org(Production) its not catching the mail


    Can anyone please suggest anything for this.


    Already tested

    EmailService as well as Email Generated are Active and are catching email from outlook(from authenticated EmailId )

    From  X-Org(Production) email is posted with no Error


    I tried dropping the mail to myself as well and i found in the from part it is showing no-reply@salesforce.com on behalf of njain@astadia.com,so i kept "no-reply@salesforce.com" in "Accept Email From"  text box and then tried but still not working


    Please help




    Hi Folks,


    What's the best approach to transfer records from saleforce.com Org to other salesforce.com org (not like production to sandbox - But from 1 production org to another production org)


    My Requirement is as follows:-

    I have two different production orgs xORG and yORG- Now if user creates a Account in xORG i want to create same Account record in yOrg with same data - After insertion in ORG Y i want to link the records between both org via any key or a unique number.


    So is there any native functionality available in salesforce to transfer recordsbtween two different orgs.


    Please suggest if any one knows the solution



    Hi Forum members


    I added a hoover to my visualforce page and the hoover appears on the mousover event of a label


    onmouseover calls a javascript code which is following


        <script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js"></script>
        <script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script


           function myHover()


                 sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}

                 var resultQuery = " Select ID,Name from ACCOUNT LIMIT 2";


                            result = sforce.connection.query(resultQuery);



               //Some Code to show hoover with result





    Now the problem is this code works fine in a DEVELOPER Org and shows data of above query on hoover


    But when i run this same code in sandbox or any Trial org 

    the line  sforce.connection.query(resultQuery); raise following excepion





    {faultcode:'sf:INVALID_SESSION_ID', faultstring:'INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session', detail:{UnexpectedErrorFault:{exceptionCode:'INVALID_SESSION_ID', exceptionMessage:'Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session', }, }, }






    Please comment if someone knows the solution of this problem




    Message Edited by Nikhil on 04-07-2009 02:46 AM
    • April 07, 2009
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    Hi Forum members,


    1) I created a Dev Org and enabled SSO in it.

    2)Then i downloaded the webservice code to authenticate user fromsalesforce



    3) I hosted this webservice on some webserver (Dot net IIS)

    4) Now i have Url of the .asmx file from i can generate WSDL as well http//:.......mywebservice.asmx?wsdl

    5) Setting o SSO is in Setup |  Administrator setup |  Security control |Single Sign-On Settings


         Now what to put in these

          Delegated Gateway URL  -


        It should be "http//:.......mywebservice.asmx?wsdl"   OR "http//:.......mywebservice.asmx"  or          

        something      else


           SAML Enabled  = ?????


    Please help/guide me if anyone knows about this cause this is too important for one of my deliverable





    • March 02, 2009
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    Hi All,

    I created a trigger on Attachment object and event used is afterInsert,afterDelete

    Sample Code
    trigger abc on Attachment (after insert, after delete) {
        if (Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert)
            // Block 1
         else if (Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isDelete)
             // Block 2


    here trigger successfully  executes "Block2" when i update the attachment but it doesn't executes "Block 1" when a new attachmeent record is created

    So trigger is not responding on  <after Insert> event

    Please suggest ASAP


    • November 26, 2008
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    Hi Forum members

    If i have 5 opportunity recordtypee.
    So on creting of new opp record,when user selects the recordtype i want that if reordtype seleted is the 5th one it should be redirected to a VF page, and in all other case it redirects t same conventional opp edit page

    Please comment

    • November 25, 2008
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    Hi forum members,

    My requirement is to create a trigger which should get fired on update of record
    It should update data in jitterbit simultaniously

    how can i access jitterbit from my trigger

    Please advice


    • November 18, 2008
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    Hi Forum members


    I added a hoover to my visualforce page and the hoover appears on the mousover event of a label


    onmouseover calls a javascript code which is following


        <script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js"></script>
        <script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script


           function myHover()


                 sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}

                 var resultQuery = " Select ID,Name from ACCOUNT LIMIT 2";


                            result = sforce.connection.query(resultQuery);



               //Some Code to show hoover with result





    Now the problem is this code works fine in a DEVELOPER Org and shows data of above query on hoover


    But when i run this same code in sandbox or any Trial org 

    the line  sforce.connection.query(resultQuery); raise following excepion





    {faultcode:'sf:INVALID_SESSION_ID', faultstring:'INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session', detail:{UnexpectedErrorFault:{exceptionCode:'INVALID_SESSION_ID', exceptionMessage:'Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session', }, }, }






    Please comment if someone knows the solution of this problem




    Message Edited by Nikhil on 04-07-2009 02:46 AM
    • April 07, 2009
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    I have created a visual force page with a print button. When I press the print button, I receive this error below. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


    Please let me know.



    Good morning.


    I need to implement a solution in my company but do not know if you can perform this task.

    I need to delete a value in ALL the opportunities created inside my base. But this taskmust be performed only ONCE.

    This can be done?

    If yes. How can I make it?

    I appreciate the answers.


    Customer Portal URL Issue after logged in, copy the URL and paste it some other browser, it will redirect to Salesforce Login screen, instead of the Customer Portal Login Screen


    Step 1:
    Open Firefox
    My Login Portal URL : https://ap1.salesforce.com/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=00D90000000KfQ4&portalId=060900000000mMw
    logged in using my creditials and successfully logged in also and its landing now below URL


    Step 2:
    Copy it "https://ap1.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp" Successfully logged in URL and Paste it IE/Chrome browser and enter


    Step 3:
    now page is redirect to Salesforce Login screen
    instead of the Customer Portal Login Screen (https://ap1.salesforce.com/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=00D90000000KfQ4&portalId=060900000000mMw)


    here i want to redirect Customer Portal Login Screen. its possible?
    Please let me know your thoughts.

    how to enable charts in developer edition. is there any link to enable this feature and how to interact with salesforce.com to enable this feature.







    after if i save it giving error; chart is not identified component.

    Private Sharing Settings on Case object. 


    Case creator should be able to change a checkbox field where as case owner should not be able to do this. 


    • March 15, 2012
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    our company would like to integrate with SFDC. Basically, we want to synchronize Leads/Contacts & Response data (hourly) between SFDC and our System. 

    The process involves following steps in Salesforce: 
    -) User selects/defines a list of contacts/leads 
    -) User clicks "sync" 

    -> By clicking on "sync", an asynchronous job (@future (callout=true)) will be created, which receives the User.getSessionId() as parameter 

    The job would run like every hour, therefore the sessionid should be kept alive. 
    -> Is this a potential security issue, or not best practice? 

    Or is there a better solution for this issue? 

    We also thought of using a OAuth1.0 workflow, where the user authenticates with Salesforce within our application. But there again, is the issue of keeping the sessionid alive -> we would have to make frequent calls to the SF API in order to keep the sessionid alive. 
    -> Please correct me if I am wrong.


    Does someone know of a better approach?






    How can I create a profile to manage only a few certain objects (ie: Quotes, Followup and Information request objects)?

    I'm having a hard time to create a profile described above. I only want my super user to manage only the objects above. Please advice.





    • March 08, 2012
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    i have used API to integrate, I need to create an account of SFA into my app automatically as soon as i create an account of SFA. Can i use that SFA account directly into my app account directly. Is there any option to create account automatically

    • March 06, 2012
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    We are populating a VF page by editing the Softphone layout and were expecting the call logs will be generated once the call ends automatically as a part of standard feature of spoftphone...


    Activity logs are getting created if we are not using screen pop ( VF page ) rather service cloud console.. with standard record layout. but not when screen pop VF page is used.


    Kindly help..

    • December 21, 2011
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    How to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">

    Hi guys!


    Is it possible to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">




    Can we use a variable associated to flow without initiating a object of that flow in the controller.


    <apex:page controller="ModemTroubleShootingCusto" >
    <flow:interview name="TipCalculator" interview="{!myflow}">

    {!TipCalculator.BillValue} is not working... how can i access this variable on page witout creating  interview="{!myflow}"



    Please provide some help here.



    • November 28, 2011
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    Hi guys!


    Is it possible to pass Flow name dynamically like <Flow:Interview name="!{!DynamicName}">




    Can we use a variable associated to flow without initiating a object of that flow in the controller.


    <apex:page controller="ModemTroubleShootingCusto" >
    <flow:interview name="TipCalculator" interview="{!myflow}">

    {!TipCalculator.BillValue} is not working... how can i access this variable on page witout creating  interview="{!myflow}"



    Please provide some help here.



    • November 28, 2011
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    I am trying to check the current  Apex Test Result 

    So after clicking RunAllTest i am getting "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException" error. I am doing this from Salesforce.com sandbox Chrome browser.


    Please let me know the solution if anyone already faced any such issue.




    Field is not writeable:Invoice__c.Id


    public class SampleAcc {

       static testMethod void testAccTrigger(){
     Pricebook2 s = [select id from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true];  
     // create the product
        Product2 p1 = new Product2(
            name='Test Product 1',
            Description='My Product',
        insert p1; 
        PricebookEntry pbe1 = new PricebookEntry(
        insert pbe1;  
     Opportunity opp1 = new Opportunity(Name='ww',StageName='Qualification',CloseDate=date.today());
     insert opp1;
     OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem();
     oli.Quantity = 1;
        oli.TotalPrice = 1;
        oli.PricebookEntryId = pbe1.id;
        oli.OpportunityId = opp1.id;   
        insert oli; 
     Invoice__c inv =new Invoice__c();
     inv.name = 'ww';
     insert inv;
       Accomodation__C acc = new Accomodation__C();

       insert acc;


    shows error in this line


    Field is not writeable:Invoice__c.Id


    am new to apex .please solve it

    I have Look up field in Account - Sales_orgnizaion__c

    i need a lookup field in opportunity - Sales_Organization__c

    i need to auto populate the opportunity field and editable .

    I think we need to use updating the filed update , Can any one please give ,what is the procedure and code  

    • September 28, 2010
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    hello friends,


    I am facing an issue with Map<>.


    Step1:- I have created a Map<> with list of products (which is getting from one object, say "Product").


    Step2:- I am getting records which has product ID from another object (say "Purchase").


    Step3:- I am looping through each record from Purchase and get the "ProductId"  and reference to the Map<> I have created from the "Product" object.


    Issue :- If the ProductId is not there in the map<> it will through an error "System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object".


    How can I avoid the ID's which are not in the Map<>? How can I identify that the ID is not in the Map before I make a refernce to the Map<>?


    Thanks in advance.






    I am trying to set focus to a specified textbox through its controller class(as it is requirement) ...


    For this in asp we have like "Page.RegisterStartupScript()"...

    for eg..


    private void SetFocus(String controlID)
      // Build the JavaScript String
      System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
      sb.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
      // Register the script code with the page.
      Page.RegisterStartupScript("FocusScript", sb.ToString());



    Is there any method in apex in Force.com to register a javascript on current page through apex code...


    please reply asap...


    Thank you!!!

    I'm trying to duplicate some of the User maintenance functions in a visual force page, and I'm running into a bit of a problem. In the normal user form, if a user is a delegated administrator, the picklists for roles and profiles only show what they have access to. In my visual force page, the list comes up with all roles and profiles. Does anyone know how to get the same picklist?


    For example, our delegated administrator for zone 1 can see the roles for his zone and all roles under the zone. He can also see all profiles defined in the delegated administration form. When I put that field on my form, all roles and profiles display.


    Any help is appreciated - thanks!

    Hi Folks,


    I am trying to import excel data from my local machine in a Flex datagrid (Which is ofcource on a VF page)

    .Did any one implemented this or if can guide me 




    • August 21, 2009
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    I want to do something like this:




    I have a function defined in Apex class called getConfirmMessagesExist.


    But each time I save the page, it says can not find function name confirmMessagesExist. Any Idea?


    Can we pass parameters from visualforce to apex? Thanks!