• MattAustin
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I just created a new visualforce page, overriding the edit function on an opportunity.  Using the standard controller, no extensions.   I added all the inputfield to the page, but my field dependencies are not enabled on the new page.  Is there a trick to making the visualforce page use the field dependencies that are configured for the opportunity?  I can't figure it out.  Please help.
I am using the schema browser in the force.com IDE.  I wanted to see all of the profiles where the attribute PermissionsMangeCases was set to true.  I used the SOQL query below, but something is not right with the results.  Is there a bug?
This returns all profiles where PermissionsManageCases is true and false
     SELECT Name, PermissionsManageCases from profile
     where PermissionsManageCases = false
This does not return anything (and based on the above query, there are several profiles where this attribute is true)
     SELECT Name, PermissionsManageCases from profile
     where PermissionsManageCases = true
I want to use visual force to modify this screen and add one of my custom fields to it.  is this possible?  I am not sure what controller I need to extend.  Please offer your advise.

Can I use visualforce to set default values on a standard page layout?  I want to set the Opportunity Name field to a default value when the "new" button is clicked (and before the "save" button is clicked).   I am not sure what the visualforce command should look like to accomplish this task.  Is this possible?  Does anyone have a code snippet they could share?
Is it possible to just use the External ID of an object during an API update call, rather than requiring the ID field?  This is how the upsert works, it seems like the update call could work the same way, but I cannot figure out how to make it happen.
Did something change between API 10 and API 12 relative to the use of the Id field in a SOQL statement?
select Id from User where SAP_Personnel_Number__c = '90000019' or Id = '90000019'
I have been running the SOQL statement above for several months under API 10 and it has been working fine. I started using API 12 and now I am getting an error when I execute this SOQL query:  "INVALID_QUERY_FILTER_OPERATOR"
Any ideas what this means, or how to work around it?   
I am writing some APEX callouts to call webservice on our company network,  I want to restrict access to these webservice only allow the Salesforce IP address, but I can't find the IP address ranges I should use.  Can anyone help me?
It is my understanding that you can not use the ExternalID as the key for an API Update function.  This does not make sense to me, as the ExternalID should be a unique key for the record.  Can someone explain the reason why?
Does anyone have a sample of what the SOAP message structure looks like for making an upsert call, with the partner wsdl, where the master record's external ID is used as the foreign key (rather than the salesforce ID)?.  I saw some examples of how to do this in code, using the enterprise wsdl, but not sure how the SOAP message looks for the partner wsdl.  I am trying to test this using XMLSpy, so I need the actual SOAP structure.
Here is the body of the SOAP message I currently use, but it requires the salesforce ID as the foreign key "Sales_Order__c" :
  <m:upsert xmlns:m="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com">
Hello, I am trying to setup outbound messaging from Salesforce to our webservice.  I have created a webservice per the wsdl that I downloaded from Salesforce.  The webservice works fine when I test it using a SOAP client, but I get the following error when Salesforce invokes it.   I am using HTTPS, but not client certificates to authenticate Salesforce.  Our server certificate is valid and current.  What could be the cause of this error?  (our webservice is built using .NET 2.0 framework, could there be a JAVA / .NET interop problem???)
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated
We have downloaded the trial version of OpenAccess' ODBC driver for SalesForce.  It is working fine when we query a single table, getting several hundred rows returned.  However, when we join tables (Opportunities to Accounts), we only get about a dozen rows returned.  What would limit the numbers of rows returned on a join? 
Can I use visualforce to set default values on a standard page layout?  I want to set the Opportunity Name field to a default value when the "new" button is clicked (and before the "save" button is clicked).   I am not sure what the visualforce command should look like to accomplish this task.  Is this possible?  Does anyone have a code snippet they could share?
Does anyone have a sample of what the SOAP message structure looks like for making an upsert call, with the partner wsdl, where the master record's external ID is used as the foreign key (rather than the salesforce ID)?.  I saw some examples of how to do this in code, using the enterprise wsdl, but not sure how the SOAP message looks for the partner wsdl.  I am trying to test this using XMLSpy, so I need the actual SOAP structure.
Here is the body of the SOAP message I currently use, but it requires the salesforce ID as the foreign key "Sales_Order__c" :
  <m:upsert xmlns:m="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com">
Hello, I am trying to setup outbound messaging from Salesforce to our webservice.  I have created a webservice per the wsdl that I downloaded from Salesforce.  The webservice works fine when I test it using a SOAP client, but I get the following error when Salesforce invokes it.   I am using HTTPS, but not client certificates to authenticate Salesforce.  Our server certificate is valid and current.  What could be the cause of this error?  (our webservice is built using .NET 2.0 framework, could there be a JAVA / .NET interop problem???)
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated
We have downloaded the trial version of OpenAccess' ODBC driver for SalesForce.  It is working fine when we query a single table, getting several hundred rows returned.  However, when we join tables (Opportunities to Accounts), we only get about a dozen rows returned.  What would limit the numbers of rows returned on a join?