• MDXHiker
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I have some apex triggers and classes which involve sending mails outside salesforce.

I have been getting this error today - this is existing code.


I do see that salesforce doc has this


All mass email and single email messages sent with this call count against the daily mass mail limit of the sending organization. When the daily mass mail limit for the organization is reached, all sendEmail() calls through the API are rejected, and the user receives a MASS_MAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error code. However, single email messages sent through the application are still allowed.


How do I get around this?


Any clues ? Thanks

Message Edited by MDXHiker on 10-21-2009 10:38 AM

To deploy changes to existing force.com components, I used to


Create a new Force.com project against your Sandbox org, and in Step 2 of the wizard select "Choose metadata components" then use the "Choose Metadata Components" dialog to select just those files you want to deploy to production.


I no longer see this option. I can only select until the type of component now - but not go down to the file.

For example I need to change 1 class of the 10 apex classes I have. Same with trigger.


How do I select just those files I want to deploy to production? 



In the opp I have a lookup relationship to a custom object which is not a child.

So on the Opp record there is no related field which specifies the value that is selected on this custom object.


How do I write a join in SOQL to query the values for a given opp ?


If I bring these tables down to SQL Server the query would look something like



o.Id [OpportunityId],
gp.CusObj_ID__c [GPID]
FROM Opportunity o
LEFT JOIN CusObj__c gp
ON o.CusObj__c = gp.Id




Message Edited by MDXHiker on 04-23-2009 04:24 PM

I am testing out functionality in dev edition where in an email is sent depending on some conditions in the Opp object. There is a trigger on the opp which then calls an apex class that send out the email.


I get the following in the debug logs 


Single email queued for send (pending commit)


and the email is not received at hte destination.


Why do I get this 'pending commit'  ? Are there any limitations in the dev edition?



Message Edited by MDXHiker on 01-22-2009 02:52 PM
I have a few classes and triggers in Production. I needed to make some changes to one class.
I did that change and tested in Sandbox. Now when I try to deploy it via Eclipse the change is not recognized at all during deployment.
I tested the test cases and they are all above 75% in Sandbox. I cant test them in production as the changes are not recognized
How do I force the IDE to recognize the change?
Is there a way I can get the priorvalue of a field and compare iwth the current value ?
Objective to fire a trigger when a value is changed on a particular field.
Can I call apex classes from JS which is behind a button or a link ? An example would be great. thanks 
Is there an easy way we can move reports to a new hierarchy? I can of course go into each report one by one but it would take ages

There are many pricebooks and products associated with them. Some products are not to be seen by users but they need to be used on creating product lines. Can I enable a product ( assuming it is disabled after creating ) , create a line and then disable it again ?

Thanks for the answers
I have a few classes and a trigger deployed in my env. I had deployed these using the Force.com IDE in Eclipse.
I made a few changes today in the trigger, but the IDE cannot detect the changes when I try to validate the deployment.

Has anybody seen this before ? How do I force the IDE to recognize the changes

Thanks in advance
I have 2 users which have the same profile. And I have a few custom objects which are added to the page layouts which are associated with the profile.
One sees the custom object but the other does not.
Is there a perm at the user level what can they can see and cannot ?
I thought everything is tied to the profile and record types/layour combination.
I have a trigger which is fired on insert and update. The trigger modifies few few fields on a std object.

There also workflow rules on the std object with field updates. Now this is fires the trigger once again. So I have the trigger firing twice. What is the way around this?

Has nayone worked around this ? Thanks
How do I delete/undeploy apex classes thru' the Eclipse IDE ? Thanks

An example would be great
I found this on the Eclipse Help page

You can deploy Apex classes, triggers, and s-controls from the home organization to Developer Edition and sandbox organizations (test organizations), or to Unlimited Edition organizations (production organizations). You can select a variety of options for deployment including archiving and testing options, and predeployment validation.

Does this mean IDE cannto deploy to Ent. Edition orgs?


Message Edited by MDXHiker on 07-24-2008 03:10 AM
I have a few apex classes written in sandbox and now I need to promote them to Production.

How do I do this using the compileAndTest API call as hte help pages suggest ?

Thanks a lot for your help
I have a apex code which runs fine when the user is a sysadmin.
But it errors with null pointer when the user is another profile.

How do I debug this ? Thanks
I have a apex class which is called by a trigger on a custom object.
i.e a condition is met on a custom object which fires the trigger which in turn calls the class.

The class is trying to update the custom amount fields on an Oppty obj

public class AmountsUpdate {
public void create(String oppId,Decimal amount_To_Adjust,String reason)
Opportunity Oppty=new Opportunity(Id=oppId);
update Oppty;
} code continues

 I get a null pointer expection when I am trying to add the amount to the base amount.
I am trying to get the Oppty whose Id =OppId in the creation of the object

Is this not a valid in Apex?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I use outbound messages to kick off a process which does further downstream processing. I have an integration which is running for the past 6 months
Over this last weekend, I noticed that extra attribute was being sent over which my schema did not account for. Hence it starting erroring out.
Now the outbound message and the workflow rule in Salesforce was not modified whatsoever.

I am puzzled that this was being inserted.

   <SessionId xsi:nil="true"/>

To resolve this I wrote a script to strip out the namespace, and then it worked fine


My question is how was attribute added over hte weekend and what do I do to prevent future changes like these?


Message Edited by MDXHiker on 06-09-2008 03:08 PM
Is there a way to export a custom object created in Sandbox to a file or another form?

The intent is to not lose changes on the custom object when a refresh is done
Has anybody solved the issue of putting a validation rule on a multi-select list field? Salesforce does not give this ability in the rules section as the field does not show up

To deploy changes to existing force.com components, I used to


Create a new Force.com project against your Sandbox org, and in Step 2 of the wizard select "Choose metadata components" then use the "Choose Metadata Components" dialog to select just those files you want to deploy to production.


I no longer see this option. I can only select until the type of component now - but not go down to the file.

For example I need to change 1 class of the 10 apex classes I have. Same with trigger.


How do I select just those files I want to deploy to production? 



We all have a limit to send email from Salesforce.com, i.e 500 emails for Enterprise Edition.

Here my query is, is this only for mass emails or counted for single email sent from “Send An Email” from Contact /other objects?
What about workflow email alerts – this is also countable against the per day limit.?

Please clarify.

In the opp I have a lookup relationship to a custom object which is not a child.

So on the Opp record there is no related field which specifies the value that is selected on this custom object.


How do I write a join in SOQL to query the values for a given opp ?


If I bring these tables down to SQL Server the query would look something like



o.Id [OpportunityId],
gp.CusObj_ID__c [GPID]
FROM Opportunity o
LEFT JOIN CusObj__c gp
ON o.CusObj__c = gp.Id




Message Edited by MDXHiker on 04-23-2009 04:24 PM

I am testing out functionality in dev edition where in an email is sent depending on some conditions in the Opp object. There is a trigger on the opp which then calls an apex class that send out the email.


I get the following in the debug logs 


Single email queued for send (pending commit)


and the email is not received at hte destination.


Why do I get this 'pending commit'  ? Are there any limitations in the dev edition?



Message Edited by MDXHiker on 01-22-2009 02:52 PM
I have a few classes and triggers in Production. I needed to make some changes to one class.
I did that change and tested in Sandbox. Now when I try to deploy it via Eclipse the change is not recognized at all during deployment.
I tested the test cases and they are all above 75% in Sandbox. I cant test them in production as the changes are not recognized
How do I force the IDE to recognize the change?
Can I call apex classes from JS which is behind a button or a link ? An example would be great. thanks 
I have a few classes and a trigger deployed in my env. I had deployed these using the Force.com IDE in Eclipse.
I made a few changes today in the trigger, but the IDE cannot detect the changes when I try to validate the deployment.

Has anybody seen this before ? How do I force the IDE to recognize the changes

Thanks in advance
Can we use SOSL in APEX?