• Mike Wires.ax284
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I've been working with the SF API for awhile now, and have a quirky problem. I've noticed this several times, when I executing a piece of code similar to the following query / PHP....

      $query = "Select Assistant_Commission_Percent__c, Assistant_Name__c, CreatedById, CreatedDate, Id, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, Name, OwnerId, Strategist_Commission_Percent__c, Strategist_Name__c,  SystemModstamp from User_Commission__c where UserId__c ='". $_POST['OwnerId'] ."'";
      $result = $sforce->query(array("queryString" => $query));
      echo "User Commission Object<br>";
      echo $query;
      echo "<pre>";
      echo "</pre>";
I get the following return...

User Commission Object
Select Assistant_Commission_Percent__c, Assistant_Name__c, CreatedById, CreatedDate, Id, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, Name, OwnerId, Strategist_Commission_Percent__c, Strategist_Name__c, SystemModstamp from User_Commission__c where UserId__c ='00530000000uXmoAAE'
stdClass Object
[result] => stdClass Object
[done] => 1
[queryLocator] =>
[records] => stdClass Object
[Id] => a0B50000000JYp3EAG
[size] => 1
The query syntax is correct, even the result (Id) is correct, but I ONLY get the Id of the object I'm looking at returned. I am using the enterprise WDSL, and it is updated. In the past, its seems that leaving the code alone for a day fixes the problem, and 'magically' 24 hours later the same code returns all the fields I requested. (Yes, I might be losing my mind with a statement like that.)

Any ideas what is causing this and/or has anyone experienced a similar problem?