• claudiom
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I have some Apex Code methods that might return error messages to the user interface. I need to translate these messages based on the user language. I looked into the Translation Workbench but I couldn't find anything related to Apex Code. I would like to know if there is a standard way to translate messages created inside Apex Code classes.

Thank you.

I'm wanting to split my opportunity form into 2 pieces, so I can make a field dependency
for one controlling checkbox to a different form.

So I made a form with one custom checkbox.
And a trigger which invokes before saving the opportunity form, and checks
if the checkbox is checked or not.

What I actually want is opening an S-Control.
But then I noticed that I can't open an s-control through the API? Correct?
Then I was thinking about opening an browser popup, but that does not seem
to work for a trigger? Correct?

Is it possible to open with a trigger a piece of AJAX code?
Or is there an other possible way to open a S-Control by checking
if a custom checkbox is selected or not.

Thanks in advance,
