• Doc_B
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I'm trying to create a notification for when a contact's Account is changed.  I've attempted to create a workflow rule that is evaulated every time a record is created or edited.

The rule consists of simply this:

ISCHANGED( Account.Name )

When I try to check the syntax I get the following error:
Error: The ISCHANGED function cannot reference the Account.Name field.

I R konfuzed....please help.
  • March 07, 2008
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Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, I have a question the abilities of SOQL:

I'm trying the following query:
Select Name,
       (select Contact.Email, Contact.LastName, Contact.FirstName, Role
               From OpportunityContactRoles
               Where ((Role = 'Investor' OR Role  = 'Investor - Primary')) ),
       (select Contact.Email, Contact.LastName, Contact.FirstName, Role
               From OpportunityContactRoles
               Where (Role = 'RR' ) )
From Opportunity Where (Name Like 'HH%')

When I run it through Apex Explorer I get the following message:
Query Failed: MALFORMED_QUERY: Cannot follow the same aggregate relationship twice: OpportunityContactRoles

What I would like to do is for each Opportunity return the names and email address of the investor and their RR.  I need all of the names and email address to be on the same row when exported out.

Is this even possible with SOQL?  

Doc B.
  • November 02, 2007
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Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, I have a question the abilities of SOQL:

I'm trying the following query:
Select Name,
       (select Contact.Email, Contact.LastName, Contact.FirstName, Role
               From OpportunityContactRoles
               Where ((Role = 'Investor' OR Role  = 'Investor - Primary')) ),
       (select Contact.Email, Contact.LastName, Contact.FirstName, Role
               From OpportunityContactRoles
               Where (Role = 'RR' ) )
From Opportunity Where (Name Like 'HH%')

When I run it through Apex Explorer I get the following message:
Query Failed: MALFORMED_QUERY: Cannot follow the same aggregate relationship twice: OpportunityContactRoles

What I would like to do is for each Opportunity return the names and email address of the investor and their RR.  I need all of the names and email address to be on the same row when exported out.

Is this even possible with SOQL?  

Doc B.
  • November 02, 2007
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