• KnewTV
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I have a query that when I print with the following.....

<?php    print_r($record); ?>
I get....

Array ( [rie__Session__r] => sObject Object ( [type] => rie__Session__c [id] => [values] => Array ( [Name] => Forum M-22: 3-D Flash [rie__Session_Abstract__c] => Test Description ) [fieldsToNull] => ) [Name] => Shawn Adams [rie__Session__c] => a0Ro0000006Q1uJEAS )

This works fine...
<?php  echo   $record['Name']?>
I get... Shawn Adams

Neither of these work...
<?php  echo  $record[rie__Session__c.Name]  ?>
<?php  echo  $record[rie__Session__r.Name]  ?>
<?php  echo  $record->sobjects[0]->values->rie__Session__c->Name;  ?>

Any suggestions?

We have been using the quote2PDF and it works great. Recently installed this into another ORG and it works. Tried to upload into a package and the test code is not being seen for the quoteExt APEX. There is a separate APEX class called quoteExtTests that is not seen. The quoteExtTest passes the test run and becomes valid. What connects these together?
We have a projecy that is utilizing the API and python. We have a number of projects that we need a professional developer. We are in the south bay.

Message Edited by KnewTV on 06-10-2008 02:46 PM
I have a query that when I print with the following.....

<?php    print_r($record); ?>
I get....

Array ( [rie__Session__r] => sObject Object ( [type] => rie__Session__c [id] => [values] => Array ( [Name] => Forum M-22: 3-D Flash [rie__Session_Abstract__c] => Test Description ) [fieldsToNull] => ) [Name] => Shawn Adams [rie__Session__c] => a0Ro0000006Q1uJEAS )

This works fine...
<?php  echo   $record['Name']?>
I get... Shawn Adams

Neither of these work...
<?php  echo  $record[rie__Session__c.Name]  ?>
<?php  echo  $record[rie__Session__r.Name]  ?>
<?php  echo  $record->sobjects[0]->values->rie__Session__c->Name;  ?>

Any suggestions?


I have a managed package that had 2 triggers on the same object.  There were fired on completely different operations by the CheckMarx scan kept saying that multiple triggers on the same object is a bad thing so as part of a maintenance release I decided to consolidate the two existing triggers into a single new trigger.  I was able to delete the old triggers from my org and build a new version of the package (beta build at the moment) that only contained a the new single trigger.  Install into a clean environment and the one and only trigger is installed and everything works great. 


So far, so good.  However, when I install the new version into an org with the old version it does not remove the old triggers.  Now I have 3 triggers instead of 2 and if all are firing then I am doing everything twice.  All 3 are listed as Active but I can't tell if all 3 are firing.


Anyone have a clue as to why if I was able to remove the triggers from my org/package the upgrade install will not remove the old triggers? 





  • August 24, 2010
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We are having two related issues with using images in our VF pages for our products that we want to render to PDF (we are running in a Sandbox with Summer '08):
1) when we include an image file from an external server , the page will not render at all and gives an error 500.  No PDF is generated at all.    We have tried bringing the image in using both a normal <img> tag as well as the <apex:image >  tags. We have tried being in and out of developer mode, and have tried https and http URLs to the external server that is hosting the image.  The image does show in a browser window when we remove the 'renderAs=PDF'.  We have tried images of various sizes from multiple external servers and the results are always the same - will show in browser window, will not even render the pdf file.
2)   We also have an image at the top of the page which is a Static resource in SF.  this image is essentially our logo header.  When we choose render as pdf, (and remove any external image links), the PDF will be generated however the logo file does not appear.  Again, it shows if we remove the renderAs PDF.  As soon as we try to render as PDF, the image disappears.
Any ideas?  is there any more information that I can provide??
I installed a mass delete option for open activity related lists on contact and opportunity page layouts. What I'd really like is the ability to allow users to select/delete multiple tasks directly from their SF homepages "My Tasks" lists. Is it possible to alter the mass delete code to allow for this functionality? I see that the code is specific for each type of record the activities related list is attached to, so the code would need to delete tasks in general regardless of if they're related to an opportunity or contact, etc. (code pasted below.) Then there's just the matter of adding a mass delete button to the "My Tasks" list, provided that's possible. Has anyone tackled anything like this already?

var records = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Contact )};
//could this be changed to:  var records = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Tasks )}; ?

if (records[0] == null) {
alert("Please select at least one record.") }
else {

var errors = [];
var result = sforce.connection.deleteIds(records);
if (result && result.length){
var numFailed = 0;
var numSucceeded = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
var res = result[i];
if (res && res.success == 'true'){
} else {
var es = res.getArray("errors");
if (es.length > 0) {
if (numFailed > 0){
alert("Failed: " + numFailed + "\nSucceeded: " + numSucceeded + " \n Due to: " + errors.join("\n"));
} else {
alert("Number of records deleted: " + numSucceeded);