• Michael Barrow
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Salesforce.com/Access Programmer/Administrator

Company Info:
Page 1 Solutions
17301 W. Colfax Ave., Suite 275
Golden, CO  80401

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
  • Main contact for 50 to 60 end users for application support and training issues
  • Primary administrator of a hybrid Salesforce.com & Microsoft Access-based information systems platform
  • Member of a two-person internal development team tasked with maintaining and extending application functionality for a fast-paced, complex, information-driven Internet Marketing Agency
  • Proactively work with management team members to look for ways to constantly improve the business process within our information systems

  • Smart, Gets Things Done, Team-Oriented
  • Strong desire to make things happen in a thriving, complex small business environment that has complex information systems, multiple ongoing projects and a high demand for constant change
  • Extremely high level of detail orientation
  • Excellent technical and plain-English communications skills, both written and oral
  • Demonstrated ability to understand the big picture of a complex, information-driven business, and to work well with management on continued MIS development
  • 1 to 3+ years experience developing and administering custom applications in small business settings
  • Salesforce.com experience strongly preferred (especially developer skills). Certifications are even more helpful.
  • Programming experience with Microsoft Access and VBA strongly preferred
  • Thorough understanding of relational database design, data modeling & reporting, query building, etc.
  • Experience working with and managing outsourced programming/add-in/AppExchange vendors preferred
  • Fluency in Microsoft Excel preferred
  • Knowledge of PHP, MySQL and JavaScript preferred
  • Bachelor in Computer Science preferred

Based on skills and experience, with three-month review. Full medical/dental + 401k

To Apply:
Please send resume and recent relevant salary history and salary expectations to Debbie Rudd at DebbieR@page1solutions.com. No phone calls please. Applications will not be considered without included salary history and expectations.
Note to  Recruiters, head hunters, placement professionals and any other3rd parties: Please don't contact us. Thanks.



One of my client needs to know how an Email Address is validated

by salesforce,because the same validation rule /specification should be done

with another application/system the client uses.


This is to balance the Email validation  specification  in both systems/application.





I created a new custom field called "Reqeustor Email" (this is a text field) and I want to create a validation rule so it must be an email address to save a record.

Can you help me out?

I'm trying to create a validation rule using the new VLOOKUP function.  The idea is:
* Registrations are detail-master to Programs
* Faimly Groups are also detail-master to Programs
* Registrations has lookup relationship to Family Groups
* want to limit so that you can only choose a Family Group that belongs to the same Program that the Registration belongs to

So basically this is a workaround to get around the lack of filtered lookups.

I tried writing the validation rule to look like this:

NOT ( 
VLOOKUP( $ObjectType.Family_Group__c.Fields.Program__c ,  
$ObjectType.Family_Group__c.Fields.Id , Family_Group__r.Id ) = Program__r.Id )

 However, this gives me an error of "Incorrect parameter for function VLOOKUP(). Expected Record Name field." which is rather inscrutable, I'm sure you'll agree.

From experimentation, I've found that it works if I replace those Id fields with Name fields.  However, I don't want to do that, as Family Group names are not necessarily unique.

Why doesn't it work with the Id's?  Is there some reason that this function won't accept Id fields as parameters?  If so, is that something that could be changed?  This is probably the most important potential use of this function in validation rules.

BTW, the documentation is not clear on this.  The only thing it says is "The field_on_lookup_object must be an indexed field."  But I can't find anywhere what constitutes an Indexed Field in SFDC, so that's not too helpful.

Thanks for any help!


  • February 16, 2008
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