• Marc Batchlor
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Good evening,

I don't suspect that this is specific to the Java API, but here goes. When I authenticate using the WS API using a support customer user (specifying an organizationId in the LoginScopeHeader), getUserInfo (method called on the loginResult object) returns null.

To be clear:

    a- LoginScopeHeader is supplied correctly with only an organizationId specified (no portal Id specified)
    b- Authentication is successful
    c- I've got a valid/populated loginResult object
    d- I've got a valid userId, sessionId and such in the login result

However, calling the returned loginResult.getUserInfo which should return a populated GetUserInfoResult object is instead returning null. There are no exceptions thrown, or any indication of error. But, there is also no information returned. Is this intentional? I can't conceive of a good reason to prevent that information from being accessible to an application.

I generated the classes using Axis 1.x (final release of 1.x) today based on the Enterprise WSDL downloaded from Salesforce today. I'm using Java 1.5_12, Windows XP, Eclipse 3.2.2.

Thanks for your time,


Hey all,


I've been searching all over for this answer to no avail. When I generate .java files from the partner .wsdl, what is the license type for the .java files? Are they considered public domain, or is there an open-source license I can distribute it under?


I have a customer that wants to remove anything from my distribution that does not have an explicit license, and this is a blocker for me.


Note - this isn't an explicit cross-post - I asked a similar question in the General forum several days ago asking about the license type for the .wsdl files (no answers to that thread). This is ultimately what I'm looking to get an answer to.


Finally - if you don't have an answer, but can tell me where to find the answer (or who to contact at sf.com), I'd be most grateful.

