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How would I go about using a StandardController with a custom component. What is the namespace for the, for example, account standard controller?

Any help would be much appreciated.
  • December 16, 2008
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After an hour or two of frustration at the fact that there's no way to change the number of records returned by a record set (the pageSize property) without creating a Controller Extension which the Professional Edition can't do, I finally figured out a workaround.

The workaround involves linking an apex:inputHidden to the pageSize property as such:

<apex:inputHidden value='{!pageSize}' id='PageSize'/>

I then create an apex:actionFunction which will allow me to refresh my form once I've changed the size of the record set:

<apex:actionFunction name='refresh_list' rerender='myForm'/>

I then use javascript to change the value of that input field and reRender the form:

<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('myPage:myForm:PageSize').value = 50;

Full Code:

<apex:page standardController='User' recordSetVar='users' id='UsersPage'>
<apex:form id='myForm'>
<apex:inputHidden value='{!pageSize}' id='PageSize'/>
<apex:actionFunction name='refresh_list' rerender='myForm'/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value='{!users}' var='u' rows='50'>
<apex:column value='{!u.name}'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('UsersPage:myForm:PageSize').value = 50;

Message Edited by YoriMPI on 12-11-2008 09:15 AM
  • December 11, 2008
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I have build a "read-only" version the data from a custom object using visualforce. I can layout all the fields on the page, but I don't know how to add just the "Approval History" related list section to the page. It seems like there should be some simple syntax to show or hid related list sections associated with that object.
Thank you in advance for your response.
Can I Load my custom VF page just after Save of Task/Event? I mean that I create a new Task, and then when User presses Save, the record is saved and my Custom VF page is loaded and in that screen I can do my custom processing WITH the Record JUST Created.

Help needed ... thanks ...
  • December 18, 2008
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        I have to display parent and child object details in tree based Table structure in PDF..
      Name                                             Amount             Total
      Grand Parent object Name 1        G.Amount         G.Total_G__c
      Parent Name1                               P.Amount         P.Total_Parent__c
      Child 1                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Child 2                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Child 3                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Grand Parent object Name 2        G.Amount         G.Total_G__c
      Parent Name  2                             P.Amount         P.Total_Parent__c
      Child 4                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Child 5                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Child 6                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Grand Parent object Name 3        G.Amount         G.Total_G__c
      Parent Name 3                              P.Amount         P.Total_Parent__c
      Child 7                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Parent Name 4                              P.Amount         P.Total_Parent__c
      Child 8                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
      Child 9                                           C.Amount         C.Date_Child__c 
Here my relation is
Child has Parent lookup.. Parent has GrandParent Lookup
Grand Parent Fields Amount & Total
Parent Fields Amount & Date
Child  Fields Amount & Date
Above are sample fields.. My requirement is like that...
How to achieve my requirement..
I think Datatable and repeat method will help me...
Any one has a sample code,  that will help more...
I dont know how to achive this....
Ok so I am totally new to this and need some help.  I have an APEX page with that uses a custom Object and a standard Controller. Like this:
<apex:page standardController="Rep_Page__c" showheader="false">
I get a field from that object like this

Rep_Page_c has a look up field: {!Rep_Page__c.Sales_Library_Item_1__c}
this does a lookup on another custom object named sales_library which is basically a listing
of articles with fields for headlines teasers content and other stuff I want to pull that
data into the page as well through that lookup. Do I need to build a custom class for that?

Basically I dont know how to call the data from that object onto the same page where a standard
controler is delared for another object. It seems like there should be an easy way to do this
since the two objects are related via that lookup but I dont know what that is. Any help would
be greatly appreciated even just a kick in the right direction.

  • December 17, 2008
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I want to open new popup window in current visualforce page and retrieve some data from custom object and display on that new popup window. After user interruption , i want to store the result back to custom object.

Can anybody provide me pointers on this?

Thank you very much in advance.

I am trying to create a survey that is related to our account object.
I have created a custom object called Survey, created a master-detail relationship between account and survey, created my visualforce page. I would use the standard object layout but the field labels are too long to display so I created my visualforce page. When the user selects "New Survey" from the related list section of account, they see the survey, but the "Client_Name__c" field is blank on the visualforce page and the user has to manually select the name of the account from whose record they just navigated.
How can I get that field to auto-populate the "Client_Name__c" with the ID of the account object?
How would I go about using a StandardController with a custom component. What is the namespace for the, for example, account standard controller?

Any help would be much appreciated.
  • December 16, 2008
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Hi I'm not able to pass a Field Value in URL to another page so that a Particular field is always prepopulated on page load.

I've my button code as this:
<apex:commandButton value="New Billing" onclick="javascript:{!URLFOR($Action.Billing__c.New,null,[retURL=URLFOR($Action.Task.View,task.Id),ActivityId__c=task.Id],false)}"/>
With this URL the value is Set correctly, but the value is not prefiled on page load :(.

 Now if I replace the value of URL to this:
<apex:commandButton value="New Billing" onclick="javascript:{!URLFOR($Action.Billing__c.New,null,[retURL=URLFOR($Action.Task.View,task.Id),00N80000002c4Qe=task.Id],false)}"/>

 Where 00N80000002c4Qe is ID value of the control on target page which is needed to be pre-populated. But this above throws me SYNTAX Error of missing Field Name.

Can anyone guide me how to properly Set Return URL as well as pass some custom values in URL from a VF page?

  • December 16, 2008
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After an hour or two of frustration at the fact that there's no way to change the number of records returned by a record set (the pageSize property) without creating a Controller Extension which the Professional Edition can't do, I finally figured out a workaround.

The workaround involves linking an apex:inputHidden to the pageSize property as such:

<apex:inputHidden value='{!pageSize}' id='PageSize'/>

I then create an apex:actionFunction which will allow me to refresh my form once I've changed the size of the record set:

<apex:actionFunction name='refresh_list' rerender='myForm'/>

I then use javascript to change the value of that input field and reRender the form:

<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('myPage:myForm:PageSize').value = 50;

Full Code:

<apex:page standardController='User' recordSetVar='users' id='UsersPage'>
<apex:form id='myForm'>
<apex:inputHidden value='{!pageSize}' id='PageSize'/>
<apex:actionFunction name='refresh_list' rerender='myForm'/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value='{!users}' var='u' rows='50'>
<apex:column value='{!u.name}'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('UsersPage:myForm:PageSize').value = 50;

Message Edited by YoriMPI on 12-11-2008 09:15 AM
  • December 11, 2008
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Is there a way to import excel data into a multi-select Picklist?

I need to a) have several values in my excel field which will map to different existing options on the Picklist, and b) not overwrite any existing selections in the Picklist if I am updating a pre-existing Contact.

At the moment it just imports whatever I have into the excel field as a new option on the picklist, overwriting whatever was previously selected.
My question derives from working on a SFDC Customer Portal project for the business I work for. After configuring and setting up a Custom Profile, Custom Object, and Workspace permissions for Portal users, we found that when logged in as a Customer Portal user, the portal user is able to delete/remove related content from records created under the Custom object we configured. This Custom Object is permission to ONLY allow READ access to Customer Portal Profile Users. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can remove the delete button or prevent our portal users from deleting items from the "Related Content" section? Could this be a Bug?

Message Edited by EarlatOnboard on 11-07-2008 11:04 AM