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Has anyone setup a visibility scenario like this.



I Need the Account page to be visible to everyone across the board, just the basic info, which isn't a problem.  However, I need to restrict the phone number to being visible to only the owners and their superiors in the role hierarchy.  Note, this is not record access, but field access.  I am scratching my head a little and could use a fresh perspective, if indeed it is possible.



  • November 05, 2010
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Does anyone know the integration options that might be available besides the api?  Specifically, if we move from an enterprise license to a professional license, are there tools/methods we could use to take the place of the standard api methods?  I have heard there are, but would like to check them over.


thanks for any direction.

  • October 04, 2010
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Im a little shocked (incredulous) that while I can do a lookup to the Lead Owner Phone field while designing an email template, I an unable to lookup to the mobile and fax (or many other standard user fields).  Am I missing something?  I cannot even create a custom field on the lead to do the work.  I thought this was a no-brainer/quick update, but has anyone else ran into this?  It seems crazy....





  • August 30, 2010
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Is this even possible?  This is a 'dirty data' search/cleanup I am trying to perform and return characters, double spaces, etc. are causing issues.  Any ideas?



  • August 18, 2010
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Does the below limit....


'A single Apex transaction can make a maximum of 10 callouts to an HTTP request or an API call.'


Apply within a batch transaction?  For instance if I can write the batch to iterate on 10 records at a time, will I be able to get by this limit?  Really unfortunate if not.


Thanks for any direction.

  • August 12, 2010
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I am getting an 'Insert Failed' error that looks like this...


# Test Results:

Run Failures:
  BeforeUpdateQuoteLineItem_cls.BeforeUpdateOnQLI System.DmlException: 
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING,
 Required fields are missing: [OpportunityId]: [OpportunityId]
  BeforeUpdateQuoteLineItem_trg Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger 
is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required


when trying to run the below to test an insert trigger that inserts a custom child object record on the quote line item when it is updated in the appropriate way.  Obviously I never get to the update part since the insert is not functioning.  It is complaining about lacking the 'OpportunityId' but I cannot even see that field referenced on the quote line item object.




Any advice?  much appreciated.




public with sharing class BeforeUpdateQuoteLineItem_cls {
	public static testMethod void BeforeUpdateOnQLI()
		Account TestRecord0 = new Account(Name='Neiltest',Type='Customer',Market__c='Phoenix');
		insert TestRecord0;
		Opportunity TestRecord1 = new Opportunity(Name='OppTest',Account= TestRecord0,Market__c='Phoenix',LeadSource='Internal Sales',CloseDate=Date.today()+30,StageName='Qualified');
		insert TestRecord1;
		Quote TestRecord2 = new Quote(Name='QuoteTest',Opportunity=TestRecord1);
		insert TestRecord2;
		PriceBookEntry TestRecord4 = [SELECT Id, Product2 FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Name = 'Business Complete Hosted Assurance 10Mb' limit 1];
		String ProductNewId=TestRecord4.Product2;
		QuoteLineItem TestRecord3 = new QuoteLineItem(Quote=TestRecord2,PriceBookEntry=TestRecord4,Bundle_Options__c=null);
		insert TestRecord3;
		TestRecord3.Bundle_Options__c = 'UPGRADE TO PREMIUM';
		upsert TestRecord3;

		List <Bundle_Option__c> TestRecord5 = [SELECT Id FROM Bundle_Option__c WHERE Quote_Item__c = :TestRecord3.Id];
		Integer ListCount = TestRecord5.size();
		System.assertEquals(1, ListCount);


  • July 17, 2010
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I am bumping up against a strange wall here.  I want to graph/dashboard the history of the Lead Status field, all the way through conversion, if it occurs.  I want to count how many Lead Status Changes someone makes, and chart it over time.  I am running into a strange one, because apparently when the Lead is converted the History on the Lead Status field is no longer updated...... therefore the final status of 'Converted' does not show up in the History report, and therefore cannot be graphed along with the other Status changes.


PLEASE, if anyone has any ideas on this let me know.  I have tried Apex update triggers, workflow, custom status fields ,,,,,,,  nothing appears to be able to handle this. 


This will be bad as it would be assumed this should be easy, and the sales/marketing manager would not be impressed if I couldn't simply graph a leads progress......





  • July 07, 2010
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I am bumping up against a strange wall here.  I want to graph/dashboard the history of the Lead Status field, all the way through conversion, if it occurs.  I want to count how many Lead Status Changes someone makes, and chart it over time.  I am running into a strange one, because apparently when the Lead is converted the History on the Lead Status field is no longer updated...... therefore the final status of 'Converted' does not show up in the History report, and therefore cannot be graphed along with the other Status changes.


PLEASE, if anyone has any ideas on this let me know.  I have tried Apex update triggers, workflow, custom status fields ,,,,,,,  nothing appears to be able to handle this. 


This will be bad as it would be assumed this should be easy, and the sales/marketing manager would not be impressed if I couldn't simply graph a leads progress......







  • July 07, 2010
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I am new to using visualforce markup on sites.  I have a project requiring me to write a page that loads from a link on our primary corporate web site, that will collect a set of data from a non-authenticated user, and then create a lead from that data and return them to a site on our corporate page again.


I would like a basic example of the VF markup and other setup instructions that I can customize as I learn this, and hopefully have a working tool for the cheeses afterword....


Any direction much appreciated.  VF is still a little scary to me.

  • June 29, 2010
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Is there a way to have them able to update an attachment file and have it update the attached file without having to re-attach a new version and deleting the old one?

  • June 29, 2010
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I have been tasked with getting this up and running and haven't done anything quite this involved yet.  On the salesforce side in particular  I am not sure what  I need in the http/php class to get the login to function.


Any thoughts on where to go from that? 


thank you,



  • June 29, 2010
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I am trying to trigger the addition of related records (call them sub/bundle items) when a product is added via the quote line item object.


So simply put, when someone adds a product that happens to have child items, add those child items to the related list on the quote line item object.


I tracked the issue back to the fact that the ProductName and the ProductId variables below are coming up empty.  The PriceBookId is a required field on the quote line item, and I am adding that in the test class, hardcoded.  So I would assume that AFTER the quote line item is inserted I could reference that price book entry and its related object info just fine, as I have in other cases.......but no such luck so far.


Here is the trigger code.  As I mentioned the last two variables are coming up blank.  Any help greatly appreciated.....lost enough hair over this one already.



AfterInsertQuoteLineItem_trg on QuoteLineItem (after insert) {


for (QuoteLineItem i : Trigger.new)




String QuoteLineItemId = i.Id;


String ProductName = i.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Name;


String ProductId = i.PriceBookEntry.Product2Id;



  • June 28, 2010
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I just want to update a long text field, but insert a return character and spaces as well.  I have not found yet the way to do that.  Any suggestions?



  • June 09, 2010
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I am  trying to create a custom button to auto fill those so the user does not have to.  Specifcally I want to load 'Record Type' as the search field and then populate the text field so they can just hit search.


If I am not mistaken it title is "Field 5" but it is not working quite like what I am familiar with....


Do I have the field name correct?  I may not be formatting the URL correctly, but I am not an expert on those .


thanks, for any help.....

  • May 28, 2010
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Is there a way to determine what the source IP is from Salesforce when it makes a callout to our webservice? 



  • May 27, 2010
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I would like to run an @future class, which updates a batch of records, as someone I specifically define, even though it may be initially triggered by another individual.  There are issues with 'last updated by and such that I do not want to change to the triggering user.


Any help on this..... the only thing I can find is the testing scenario......


Thanks for it...



  • April 29, 2010
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I also want the process to just skip the http callout so it doesn't completely kick the process out....

  • April 27, 2010
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I am getting conflicting information.  While deploying I get an error (subject line).  On a few blogs I see discussion of Callouts not being supported from triggers, while at the same time there are specific examples provided that are doing just that, and is something very similar to what I have put together......(for instance the below link)




Is there clarification anywhere presently on this?


Thanks for the direction....

  • April 26, 2010
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I have used this in a query on the Attachment Object as a filter for the Name field.  I want it to filter in the following way.....




so it will pull anything with the Case Number and the string 'ICB' ANYWHERE in the Attachment Name.


As it seams to work I need to state the Name exactly to get any results...... which is no different then just using the ' = ' ......


Could anyone provide help on how to use the LIKE statement so it functions as a 'Contains' type of filter?


Thanks in advance....




		if(caseN != null){
			String filter1 = CaseN + '_ICB.xls';
			//String filter2 = CaseN;
			CurrentDoc =  [
			  SELECT Id, Name, ContentType, CreatedDate FROM Attachment WHERE Name LIKE :filter1


  • April 23, 2010
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I am trying to do something I thought would be fairly simple, but I have hit a bump.  I am simply trying to display a list of Documents (and eventually use it as a direct link to view them) that have the case number being viewed in their name.  I am getting a 'list index out of bounds: 0' error on the layout when i refresh the page.  I have done something like this before without issue, but I apparently I am missing something....


Any advice appreciated....


Here is the controller...


public class RequestICBDocument_cls {
	public static List<Document> getLinkList()
		String DocName = 'ICB_' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('CaseNumber');
		List<Document> CurrentDoc =  [SELECT Id, Url FROM Document WHERE Name = :DocName]; 
		return CurrentDoc;




Here is the Component  "ICB_Doc_List"


<apex:component Controller="RequestICBDocument_cls">

    <apex:repeat value="{!LinkList}" var="d" id="theRepeat">
        <apex:outputText value="{!d.Url}" id="theValue"/>




Here is the VF Page that I place on the Layout...


<apex:page standardController="Case" tabStyle="Case" >
    <div style="background-color:#F3F3EC; height: 50px;">
        <c:ICB_Doc_List />


  • April 21, 2010
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Has anyone setup a visibility scenario like this.



I Need the Account page to be visible to everyone across the board, just the basic info, which isn't a problem.  However, I need to restrict the phone number to being visible to only the owners and their superiors in the role hierarchy.  Note, this is not record access, but field access.  I am scratching my head a little and could use a fresh perspective, if indeed it is possible.



  • November 05, 2010
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This position includes customization of Salesforce, reporting, managing data, user support and implementing new features.  Requires strong communication and time management skills.  Must have 2-3 years of experience with Salesforce customization and administration.  No third party's.




  • October 22, 2010
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Im a little shocked (incredulous) that while I can do a lookup to the Lead Owner Phone field while designing an email template, I an unable to lookup to the mobile and fax (or many other standard user fields).  Am I missing something?  I cannot even create a custom field on the lead to do the work.  I thought this was a no-brainer/quick update, but has anyone else ran into this?  It seems crazy....





  • August 30, 2010
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Does the below limit....


'A single Apex transaction can make a maximum of 10 callouts to an HTTP request or an API call.'


Apply within a batch transaction?  For instance if I can write the batch to iterate on 10 records at a time, will I be able to get by this limit?  Really unfortunate if not.


Thanks for any direction.

  • August 12, 2010
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I am bumping up against a strange wall here.  I want to graph/dashboard the history of the Lead Status field, all the way through conversion, if it occurs.  I want to count how many Lead Status Changes someone makes, and chart it over time.  I am running into a strange one, because apparently when the Lead is converted the History on the Lead Status field is no longer updated...... therefore the final status of 'Converted' does not show up in the History report, and therefore cannot be graphed along with the other Status changes.


PLEASE, if anyone has any ideas on this let me know.  I have tried Apex update triggers, workflow, custom status fields ,,,,,,,  nothing appears to be able to handle this. 


This will be bad as it would be assumed this should be easy, and the sales/marketing manager would not be impressed if I couldn't simply graph a leads progress......





  • July 07, 2010
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Could you confirm the following - should resetting the Contact on a Case, which is under a different Account than the previous Contact, auto-change the Case's Account?

For example, Case currently has Account set to "ACME", with Contact "John Smith" (who is under ACME). If I change the Contact to "Jane Doe" (who is attached to Account "XYZ"), should the Case Account field change to "XYZ" automatically? Or should that be a manual change?

Currently, we have some confusion internally as to whether that should be happening. Could you confirm the expected functionality?

After rolling out O3 (3.3.104) to across the site, and upgrading the early adoption test clients, we're finding certain machines experience frequent Outlook crashes ("Outlook experienced a serious problem with the 'salesforce.com outlook edition enhanced' add-in...").


A couple of the troublesome machines were early adopters that didn't have any problems until upgrading the connector version. Outlook 2007 SP2 on XP. We've done the uninstall/reinstall thing.


Other suggestions? Or can someone point me to where to download earlier versions of the Outlook Connector?

  • January 12, 2010
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Great opportunity with a Fortune 500 Company.



· Candidate will responsible for supporting the enhancements and management of the CRM system utilized across the product servicing organization.


· Meet with business stakeholders to understand processes, create documentation, and identify options for CRM automation.


· Gather and document business requirements.


· Analyze data and create reports in Lotus Notes and Salesforce.com.


· Create and contribute to presentations.


· Support the administration of CRM user accounts and roles.


· Work as a backup to the end user support manager via email.


· Coordinate ongoing end user training sessions.


· Prefer 2+ years of experience as a business systems analyst or a key contributor to large multi-phased application projects.


· Working knowledge of information systems and web applications.


· Experience working with CRM sales applications is a plus.


· Proven history with tasks involving a large and diverse end user group.


· Comfortable working with clients at various levels of an organization with an ability to communicate clearly with technical and business partners.


· Solid written and verbal communication skills.


· Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems or Business Management or comparable experience.


· Excellent facilitation and presentation skills.


· Demonstrated ability to deliver tasks on time.


· Able to have flexible work hours to support project across multiple time zones.


· Proven ability to excel in a complex, fast paced, team-oriented environment.


· Proven ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment.


· Exposure to Method1 or Six Sigma methodology is a plus.


· Knowledge of sales organizations is a plus.


· Financial service industry experience is a plus.

  • September 10, 2009
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Hello all-
I've been battling the sf.com Outlook integration module for quite from time now.  When I first open Outlook 2003 I see the Salesforce.com toolbar add in. This is working correctly and is not the problem.  When I open up a email, I do not see the Salesforce.com toolbar anymore.  Nor to I have the option to add this toolbar  to my view.  So the only way I know how to add an email to Salesforce.com is that I have to first scroll to  email I want, highlight it and then click on the Add Email icon.    From reading the tips and trick it states I should be able to access the toolbar from within an email that's been expaned (or opened).  Hope this makes sense.
I've tried:
- Uninstalling/installing the Salesforce.com Outlook integration software
- I've ensured that no items are "disabled" in outlook
- I've tried uninstalling the Salesforce.com add-in and reinstalling it into a new directory
None of these help.  My thoughts are that I need to manually remove the Salesforce.com Outlook plug-in in order to do a clean installation.  just a hunch.
Also BTW, when I close my Outlook for the day I get an error message stating that there is something wrong with my Salesforce.com Outlook Edition module.  When I close this I then get the Outlook Error messaging asking if I want to report this to microsoft, yada, yada, yada.