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Hi everyone...

Our project requests are outpacing our existing capacity and thus I am reaching out to the community to see if anyone in the Charlotte area is interested in short term consulting work to help us stop the bleeding.  Looking for someone with at least 1.5 years experience with APEX, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, JQuery, SQL.  The majority of work will be refactoring existing APEX code and assisting us with bug fixes.

The engagement will last 3-4 weeks starting the last week of November.  Our office is located in the SouthPark area of Charlotte, NC.

If you have any questions or are interested, please email me directly rkish@b2rfinance.com.


Randy Kish
VP Cloud Computing
B2R Finance


On a standard Salesforce edit page, when the save button is clicked, the button immediately grays out and prevents the user from clicking the button multiple times.  I'm trying to get the same effect on a VFP but I am having no luck.  Has anybody already done this?  I don't know if it's pertinent, but my save button is calling a method called Save in a custom controller.



<apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save" id="saveBtn" /> </apex:pageBlockButtons>




  • March 02, 2009
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 I am trying to create a tabbed view of customer objects and am following the method provided in the Visualforce PDF file. When referencing a child object I am getting the following error

'Job_Application__r' is not a valid child relationship name for entity Position

 Position is a custom object and Job Application is a custom object that is related to it. It is also made visible in the page layout area. What needs to be done to avoid this error. I am not able to get this done for any of the customer objects. Sample of the line is

<apex:relatedList subject="{!Position__c.id}" list="Job_Application__r" />

Please do let me know how to reference a custom object.


I used Apex Explorer and Sforce Explorer. I was not able to find one of my Custom Object in them. But when I check in the setup>Create>Objects I find it listed there. What could be the reason for that?




  • February 23, 2009
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We currently have two positions available:
  • Administrator
  • Consultant/Developer
Please contact me if you are interested.


  • January 13, 2009
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Contact me privately ASAP, if you can dedicate roughly 40hrs/wk for the next 4-6 weeks. Preference given to those in the Bay Area, but not necessarily required.