• AdammcUK
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I am trying to create the following structure, but I want the Actual and Estimated time to be rolled up to the top level object e.g.


Projects -> Milestones -> Tasks -> Times 


Task holds the Estimated Time field and Time has the Actual time entries, rollup is simple enough there, however it appears you cannot roll up the Est + Act time to the Milestone or to the Project


Essentially I want to be able to look at a project (high level view) see what the total estimate was and what the actual is so see how far we are off completion. 


Am I missing something here?  

I need to provide subtotals in a VF template e.g.



  Setup £500 


  Hosting 12 x £10 

  Software Lice 12 x £10


Total One off costs: £500

Total Ongoing Costs: £20 per month 


I have managed to break down the line items on the opp by using a custom field on the product to designate its an annual license field


however, my totals are for the total annual amount e.g. £740 in the above example


<tr> <td class="section" colspan="4">INITIAL COSTS</td> </tr> <apex:repeat var="opp" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}"> <apex:outputText rendered="{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Annual_Cost__c == false}"> <tr> <td>{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Name}<br>{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Description}<br>{!opp.Description}</td> <td>{!ROUND(opp.Quantity,1)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp.UnitPrice*1.00,2)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp.TotalPrice*1.00,2)}</td> </tr> </apex:outputText> </apex:repeat> <tr> <td class="section" colspan="4">ONGOING COSTS</td> </tr> <apex:repeat var="opp2" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}"> <apex:outputText rendered="{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Annual_Cost__c == true}"> <tr> <td>{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Name}<br />{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Description}<br />{!opp2.Description}</td> <td>{!ROUND(opp2.Quantity,1)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp2.UnitPrice*1.00,2)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp2.TotalPrice*1.00,2)}</td> </tr> </apex:outputText> </apex:repeat> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">TOTAL NET</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(relatedTo.Amount * 1.00, 2)}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">TOTAL TAX</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(((relatedTo.Amount * 1.15) - relatedTo.Amount), 2)}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">GROSS AMOUNT</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(relatedTo.Amount * 1.15, 2)}</td> 


We have an opp with item lines as follows


Product X

Product Y

Product Z


We print it using the PDF rendered in VF and it outputs in a seemingly "random" order


Product Y

Product Z

Product X


Is this a known issue -- is there any way of working around this problem? ***Ideally*** what we wouild love to be able to do is grouped items e.g ...



2 x $500.00   Programming    $1000.00 

3 x $500.00   Testing             $1500.00  



12 x $10.00   12 Months Hosting       $120.00   

12 x $1.00     12 Months Domain Reg $12.00    

I need to perform an IF in a visualforce PDF template so I can break the quote into sections e.g. Product, Services, Ongoing costs etc ...


Any ideas how I can do this? 


<apex:repeat var="opp" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}">

<!-- IF (opp.Qty==999) --> <tr> <td colspan="4"><h2>{!opp.Description}</h2></td> </tr> 

<!-- ELSE --> 

<tr> <td>{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Name}<br>{!opp.Description}</td> <td>{!ROUND(opp.Quantity,1)}</td> <td align="right">{!ROUND(opp.UnitPrice*1.00,2)}</td> <td align="right">{!ROUND(opp.TotalPrice*1.00,2)}</td> 


<!-- END IF --> 


We are using email2case with our Google Apps account so all emails to support@ get picked up by the email2case agent and piped in


It works apart from intermittently it will just *crash or hang* where it fails to connect to Salesforce or fails with a connection error when connecting to imap.gmail.com (see below)


2009-01-26 17:14:34,468 [Timer-0] INFO     processing 0 messages

2009-01-26 17:25:03,812 [Timer-0] ERROR Unable to connect to mail service.

Service: imap.gmail.com

User: support@domain.co.uk


Message: * BYE Temporary System Error;

  nested exception is:

        com.sun.mail.iap.ConnectionException: * BYE Temporary System Error



Worse still ... it doesnt re-connect .. so our support system just dies 



We have been advised (by Salesforce support) that it doesnt work with Google Apps, however, we tried it on another IMAP email account and experienced the same problems


It is making the email2Case totally useless for us as we have keep resetting agent to get it to start polling again.


Attached our config files incase there is something obvious we've missed but it works most of the time


============= Email2Case.txt =================
















======  SFDCCONFIG.TXT ======================































We are using VF to generate a Quote for jobs based on Opps + Products we need it to render the PDF attachment as A4 rather than Letter size --- is this possible?

Adam // Internetware

Message Edited by AdammcUK on 01-20-2009 05:13 PM

I need to provide subtotals in a VF template e.g.



  Setup £500 


  Hosting 12 x £10 

  Software Lice 12 x £10


Total One off costs: £500

Total Ongoing Costs: £20 per month 


I have managed to break down the line items on the opp by using a custom field on the product to designate its an annual license field


however, my totals are for the total annual amount e.g. £740 in the above example


<tr> <td class="section" colspan="4">INITIAL COSTS</td> </tr> <apex:repeat var="opp" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}"> <apex:outputText rendered="{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Annual_Cost__c == false}"> <tr> <td>{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Name}<br>{!opp.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Description}<br>{!opp.Description}</td> <td>{!ROUND(opp.Quantity,1)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp.UnitPrice*1.00,2)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp.TotalPrice*1.00,2)}</td> </tr> </apex:outputText> </apex:repeat> <tr> <td class="section" colspan="4">ONGOING COSTS</td> </tr> <apex:repeat var="opp2" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}"> <apex:outputText rendered="{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Annual_Cost__c == true}"> <tr> <td>{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Name}<br />{!opp2.PriceBookEntry.Product2.Description}<br />{!opp2.Description}</td> <td>{!ROUND(opp2.Quantity,1)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp2.UnitPrice*1.00,2)}</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(opp2.TotalPrice*1.00,2)}</td> </tr> </apex:outputText> </apex:repeat> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">TOTAL NET</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(relatedTo.Amount * 1.00, 2)}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">TOTAL TAX</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(((relatedTo.Amount * 1.15) - relatedTo.Amount), 2)}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="section" align="right" colspan="3">GROSS AMOUNT</td> <td align="right">£{!ROUND(relatedTo.Amount * 1.15, 2)}</td> 



We are using VF to generate a Quote for jobs based on Opps + Products we need it to render the PDF attachment as A4 rather than Letter size --- is this possible?

Adam // Internetware

Message Edited by AdammcUK on 01-20-2009 05:13 PM