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I am new to SalesForce. We have a requirement to integrate our service with the salesforce.

In  in the Apex refrence pdf(salesforce_apex_language_reference.pdf), they tell to import the wsdl file & map the end point in Remote Setting.

Can any one please give me the sample wsdl with the end point. I tried wsdl like "AmazonWebServices.wsdl, AmazonS3.wsdl, GoogleSearch.wsdl,..."

Since those uses rpc which is not supoorted in salesforce I was not able to import it to generate Apex class.

Can any give me some inputs or some links for service end points which uses 'doucment' type instead of 'rpc'.




  • April 09, 2009
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I am trying to call a Visualforce page from a custom list button.  I have done this successfully from a detail page button by creating a page using a standard controller for the detail object, selecting Visualforce page as the content source and then picking the page I wanted from the pull down list for content.
However, I can't seem to get this to work for a list button.  I pick the list button option on the custom button or link page, and pick visualforce page for the content source, but I don't get my visualforce page to appear in the content pull down list.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
As an adjunct question, should I be using the standard controller for the detail object being displayed at the top of the page or for the objects being referenced in the list (in the case I'm working on now, the objects in the list are the same object as the detail object and reference back to the detail object)? 
I understand that one of the benefits of using a visualforce page in this manner is that the id for the detail object is automatically passed to the visualforce page, thereby making data display easier on the detail page.  If a visualforce page can be invoked from a list button, what object id is passed?  That of the detail item at the top of the page?
Thanks in advance for your help,
  • January 16, 2009
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