• SFDC_Dev_2009
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I am trying to add a validation rule to check that when a value is entered in Field A,Field B should not be empty.


Any Suggestion?

I have created a Cross object Custom formula field that displays the Address .Here is the format to display the address field.



Account.BillingStreet  & BR() &
Account.BillingCity & ", "
 & Account.BillingState  & " " &
Account.BillingPostalCode  & BR()
& Account.BillingCountry


Now my question is there is a Comma in the formula and it displays, when the BillingStreet,BillingCity,etc., fields are empty.

How to resolve this?



I would like to update lookupfield(Contact) in Opportunity detail page,when a lookupfield(Contact) is updated in Account detail page.Currently i use tect type in Formula fields and it displays only the ID.


Please help

I have created some custom fields in Account detail page,When i save account page some of the custom and standard fields need to be copied to the cutom fields in case and opportunity page and viceversa.


I am using group edition . How can i override save button in standard objects(Account,Case,Opportunity)


I would like to use visualforce instead of scontrols.


Any suggestion please?

Hi ,


I would like to populate Custom address fields(Billing/Shipping) inside Opportunity and Case detail page from Account detail page Standard address fields (Billing/Shipping)  and viceversa


Currently there is no address data type available.


Can anyone please guide me to achive this ?

I am creating a workflowto assign a task for the contact owner before 7 days on contact's birthday.

I have created a formula field to calculate contacts next birthdate from Birthdate field using the following formula




IF(DAY(Birthdate) >=





I have assigned a task,now how do i test this?


AND( ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Medical_Position__c , "Medical"), ISPICKVAL(Medical_Position__c  ,""))


The above validation works only for specific picklist values like "Medical"


I need to validate a dependent picklist field and make it required when some of the values in a controlling picklist is selected and it can be of any value.

Also for some of the values in Controlling picklist field, the dependent picklist is disabled and in that case it should not display the Error Message.



Help Needed!!


I am creating a Apex trigger that fires when a picklist value equals some value in an object and a record is created .


The newly created record (Trip)is a child record for another custom object(Planner).


trip.Trip_Name__c = planner.Id;


When  i tried updating with id field i ger FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION error


Trip name is a lookup field to planner record.


 How do i update the lookup field in the child record with parent object id




Please Help

Does a trigger get fired in sandbox without running any test classes?

Is it possible to create Apex trigger directly into Production usin Force.com IDE Or Should it be created first in the Sandbox and then moved to Production?


Please advise.

Is it possible to integarte Salesforce.com with QuickBooks SDKs using APEX webservices ?


Or Should i go for External appliactions developed using other programming languages?


Can anyone suggest me ?





I am working on the workbook tutorial.


I created a package  "Mileage Tracker"  in my developer edition using online user interface.


Now i am trying to create same package name using Force.com IDE.


Hence i tried deleting the package name. But there is no option available to delete the package name in developer edition.


Can someone help?




I am receiving following error


"Error opening the editor.


 while trying to open Apex triggers from the code that i have checked out from codeshare using Subclipse.



Any help would be appreciated.


SF Developer

Can i override account "save" button using Visualforce . 

My visualforce page only executes javascript that queries information from account detail page and creates task



I am using Professional edition




I need to create a custom button on the detail page that creates a task.


I am using professional edition.


Shall i go for Scontrol or is there any other way this can be achived using apex/visualforce


It seem that scontrol will become obsolete soon.



Does Professional edition supports APEX



Where can i find archived webinars?

I am trying to add a validation rule to check that when a value is entered in Field A,Field B should not be empty.


Any Suggestion?

I have created a Cross object Custom formula field that displays the Address .Here is the format to display the address field.



Account.BillingStreet  & BR() &
Account.BillingCity & ", "
 & Account.BillingState  & " " &
Account.BillingPostalCode  & BR()
& Account.BillingCountry


Now my question is there is a Comma in the formula and it displays, when the BillingStreet,BillingCity,etc., fields are empty.

How to resolve this?



Hi ,


I would like to populate Custom address fields(Billing/Shipping) inside Opportunity and Case detail page from Account detail page Standard address fields (Billing/Shipping)  and viceversa


Currently there is no address data type available.


Can anyone please guide me to achive this ?


AND( ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Medical_Position__c , "Medical"), ISPICKVAL(Medical_Position__c  ,""))


The above validation works only for specific picklist values like "Medical"


I need to validate a dependent picklist field and make it required when some of the values in a controlling picklist is selected and it can be of any value.

Also for some of the values in Controlling picklist field, the dependent picklist is disabled and in that case it should not display the Error Message.



Help Needed!!


I am creating a Apex trigger that fires when a picklist value equals some value in an object and a record is created .


The newly created record (Trip)is a child record for another custom object(Planner).


trip.Trip_Name__c = planner.Id;


When  i tried updating with id field i ger FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION error


Trip name is a lookup field to planner record.


 How do i update the lookup field in the child record with parent object id




Please Help

Is it possible to create Apex trigger directly into Production usin Force.com IDE Or Should it be created first in the Sandbox and then moved to Production?


Please advise.



I am working on the workbook tutorial.


I created a package  "Mileage Tracker"  in my developer edition using online user interface.


Now i am trying to create same package name using Force.com IDE.


Hence i tried deleting the package name. But there is no option available to delete the package name in developer edition.


Can someone help?




I am receiving following error


"Error opening the editor.


 while trying to open Apex triggers from the code that i have checked out from codeshare using Subclipse.



Any help would be appreciated.


SF Developer

Where can i find archived webinars?