• marcusaurelius
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for creating activities for many records off a list view.  I see many examples of mass updates directly to records, but none for adding/updating activities..


tx if anyone knows anything!

Does anyone have a good code sample of a Save() method that refreshes the vf page on itself?  OR can help me with my code below?


I have a vf form accessed via a sites page ...on save, i want to have the form insert the data and then refresh the newly created page.


I tried to do this via onclick action on the command:save ..but doesnt seem to work.


here is my current approach (not working)


<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Calculate" onclick="back();"/>
 <script type="text/javascript">
function back()



Does anyone have a code example of how to sort ascending/descending in a vf page w/o having to buid out a custom controller or extension?

I'm looking for examples of how we can only have specific validation rules trigger on certain visual force pages.


We have created validation rules using the native SF functionality.  Now we are trying to create some kind of conditional statement that reads:


if you are saving from xx vf page, enforce these validation rules


looking for a trigger/extension - free solution!!


any ideas?



I'm trying to render validation rule error messages on my visual force pages.  Does anyone know how this can easily be done? 


From what I'm reading, I need to recreate the validation rules in an extension? (is that true!!?) 


Hoping for an easier approach!



i.e the ability to perform keyword searches on vf pages and/or static content like pdfs, included in a 'sites' domain?

We created a sf 'site' and went to apply IP blocks to the web user profile.  Once we try to go back to our home page, it reverts to the 'maintenance' template and we are not able to view anything else.


Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make this work?



Does anyone know how I can sort a blocktable of a related list on a vf page? The record sorting doesn't seem to follow any ordering ....i.e. if I set the sorting on the related list on the native sf page, it doesn't carry that into the vf page.


Does anyone have any ideas on how I can create a dashboard object that is a ranking? Essentially, a dashboard data view that is numbered.

1. xxxx
2. xxxx


Does anyone have a good approach to allowing a user to:


1. either look up a value via a look up field 


2. create a new record that can then automatically populate the lookup field?



I'm looking for examples of how we can only have specific validation rules trigger on certain visual force pages.


We have created validation rules using the native SF functionality.  Now we are trying to create some kind of conditional statement that reads:


if you are saving from xx vf page, enforce these validation rules


looking for a trigger/extension - free solution!!


any ideas?



I'm trying to render validation rule error messages on my visual force pages.  Does anyone know how this can easily be done? 


From what I'm reading, I need to recreate the validation rules in an extension? (is that true!!?) 


Hoping for an easier approach!



We created a sf 'site' and went to apply IP blocks to the web user profile.  Once we try to go back to our home page, it reverts to the 'maintenance' template and we are not able to view anything else.


Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make this work?



Does anyone have a good approach to allowing a user to:


1. either look up a value via a look up field 


2. create a new record that can then automatically populate the lookup field?



Hi, I have problems in save button overrides but i found the solution and post one.

this is an sample how to override the save button:

//Method to override
public PageReference save()
//Logical actions

update detalles;

//Redirect to same page
PageReference acctPage = new PageReference('/'+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('idcap'));
return acctPage;
Message Edited by Yucel on 04-15-2009 04:11 PM
  • April 15, 2009
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