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Is there any way to have a Case be re-opened when a customer responds to an email reply? I saw some suggestions that this could be accomplished with Workflow but we are on Professional and would not want to upgrade for something as basic as this. Please help!

Trying to set up web-to lead code so that when a website visitor hits "Submit", an email is sent to my email address to notify that a form has been submited?  Salesforce could not help me with any validation rules or code help...


Please help me if someone can...

I have created some custom email fields in Salesforce. Now when I try to email them using the email button and a template the system can't find an email for them. I searched but can't find a way around. Tech support wasn't any help at all.


Can I change the default email address to a new custom one?



I am trying to  install Wikiforce 1.0 but getting "Missing Feature" error. 


Here is the error:

Missing feature Apex Classes Installing this package requires the following feature and its associated permissions: Apex Classes 


I called support who said they do not support force.com apps, and there is no support for the all on force.com.  I dont understand what apex classes are, and why I cant add them to my account so I cant install this app.  Support did suggest that i get a free developer account and install wikiforce there.  However, I would to have it included in my preofesisinal edition, so that my team can have access to it, and have everything located on the same place.


Is there any way to have a wiki installed in my professional edtion salesforce, so that myself and those who i grant access to can use the wiki?  Doesnt necesarily have to be Wikiforce, thats just the one I found searching thorough the app exchange.


Thank-you in advance for you help.

Can I send an email through Scontrol? On running SControl I want to send email notification to specific users....
Can it be done usinf SControl?
If Yes then how?
Waiting for reply.


I'm trying to two things at the same time in my javascript, Set fields on the contact record, then fire an email. 

Overview: We're going to start managing partner data, contacts and accounts, from within SFDC.  We currently have a Partner Extranet that allows the partner to log in and get access to documents and marketing stuff.  When a new partner signs up, an Account and Contact is created.  Once the Partner Manager approves this partner they want to have a "One Click" approval that does multiplet steps, Mark the contact as active, create a password, send welcome email with the contacts username (their email address) and password.

Issue: Each of the steps work independently however when I try and do them all at once, only the email step seems to work.  The screen seems to go right to the email step.  When I send the email and return to the contact record, no password is set nor is the active field.

Any Ideas, the code is below


var URL = "https://na1.salesforce.com/{!Contact_ID}/e?retURL=%2F{!Contact_ID}";
var field_pswd= "&00N30000000ksPV=";
var sPassword = "";
var field_active="&00N30000000ksPa=1";
var template="00X30000000gvfF";


function Main() {
sPassword = GeneratePassword();
//Here is where I set all the values for the URL to Edit and auto save the record.

//Here is where I create an email from this record with a pre-determind template.

function GeneratePassword() {
var length=4;
var noPunction = true;
var numl = 0;

for (i=0; i < length; i++) {

numI = getRandomNum();
if (noPunction) {while (checkPunc(numI)) {numI = getRandomNum(); }}

sPassword = sPassword + String.fromCharCode(numI);

return sPassword;

function getRandomNum() {

// between 0 - 1
var rndNum = Math.random();

// rndNum from 0 - 1000
rndNum = parseInt(rndNum * 1000);

// rndNum from 33 - 127
rndNum = (rndNum % 94) + 33;
return rndNum;

function checkPunc(num) {

if ((num >=33) && (num <=47)) { return true; }
if ((num >=58) && (num <=64)) { return true; }
if ((num >=91) && (num <=96)) { return true; }
if ((num >=123) && (num <=126)) { return true; }

return false;