• rick82000
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This is the first time I am writing Ajax, but it seems pretty straight forward. However I am getting an error for which I cannot find an answer online.


I am trying to put a custom button on a Case Page Layout so when a user clicks the button then it will update the Case Owner to be user. The logic is able to query all the information correctly, but I am unable to update the record.




var CaseObj= new sforce.SObject("Case");

var CaseNum = '{!Case.CaseNumber}'
var UserId = '{!User.Id}';
var CaseId = '{!Case.Id}'
var ExistingOwner = '{!Case.OwnerId}'
var CaseObjs = sforce.connection.query("select id, OwnerId from Case where Id ='{!Case.Id}'");

CaseObj = CaseObjs;

if ( UserId == ExistingOwner) {
alert ('You already own the case');

else {

CaseObj.OwnerId = UserId;
CaseObj.Id = '{!Case.Id}';
result = sforce.connection.update([CaseObj]);
alert ('You have accepted Case Number' + CaseNum);


alert (CaseId + UserId + ExistingOwner + CaseObj);




This particular line gives me the following error when executed: "A problem with OnClick Javascript for this button was encountered. faultcode: Soapenv: Client, faultstring Missing entity type information. SObject requires a seperate 'type' field be sent"

result = sforce.connection.update([CaseObj]);

I will appreciate any help on this issue.


Thank You in advance.




I am trying to roll up a custom amount fields based on the parent/child relationship on the account.


For Example: 



  • There is a Parent Company record, and two Child company records.
  • Each Child Company has 100k in the field (Assets Under Advisement). I would like to sum the Child company Assets Under 
  • Advisement on the parent company. Hence the parent company Assets Under Advisement should be 200k.



Here is my  Trigger for the same (I need help on how can I complete this trigger without running on Apex Governor limit for too many SOQL Queries. Please note that my trigger is not complete.Of course :smileytongue::)



trigger RecalculateAssetsUnderAdvicement on Account (after update) {
	Double AssetsTotal =0.0;
	Account[] Originator = Trigger.new;
	Account [] UpdateAcc = new Account[]{};

for (Account Origin : Originator){
for (Account OuterLoop : [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
		for (Account ChildRecords: [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
					AssetsTotal = ChildRecords.Assets_Under_Advicement__c;
				OuterLoop.Assets_Under_Advicement__c = AssetsTotal;
			update UpdateAcc;




trigger RecalculateAssetsUnderAdvicement on Account (after update) {
Double AssetsTotal =0.0;
Account[] Originator = Trigger.new;
for (Account Origin : Originator){
if (Origin.ParentId != null) {
for (Account ChildRecords: [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
AssetsTotal = ChildRecords.Assets_Under_Advicement__c;
update UpdateAcc;

Hi All,


Is there a step by step tutorial on how to compile APEX code / deploy to server? I see code snippets everywhere, but not quite sure how to apply it to my Salesforce instance?


I realliy need the basics mapped out for me (i.e., Open Eclips IDE, Create New  Project, Paste Code Into....etc etc etc) Even a Hello World type example would be extremely helpful!


Thank you Salesforce Community.

  • September 01, 2010
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I have written a trigger and the error is comng at the line it is highlighted


The fields here highlighted are the lookup of User object.



trigger UpdateMarkRequestTrigger on Marketing_Request__c (before update) {
for(Marketing_Request__c mr:Trigger.old){
if(mr.Status__c=='Review Completed')





Help will be appreciated





  • September 01, 2010
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This is the first time I am writing Ajax, but it seems pretty straight forward. However I am getting an error for which I cannot find an answer online.


I am trying to put a custom button on a Case Page Layout so when a user clicks the button then it will update the Case Owner to be user. The logic is able to query all the information correctly, but I am unable to update the record.




var CaseObj= new sforce.SObject("Case");

var CaseNum = '{!Case.CaseNumber}'
var UserId = '{!User.Id}';
var CaseId = '{!Case.Id}'
var ExistingOwner = '{!Case.OwnerId}'
var CaseObjs = sforce.connection.query("select id, OwnerId from Case where Id ='{!Case.Id}'");

CaseObj = CaseObjs;

if ( UserId == ExistingOwner) {
alert ('You already own the case');

else {

CaseObj.OwnerId = UserId;
CaseObj.Id = '{!Case.Id}';
result = sforce.connection.update([CaseObj]);
alert ('You have accepted Case Number' + CaseNum);


alert (CaseId + UserId + ExistingOwner + CaseObj);




This particular line gives me the following error when executed: "A problem with OnClick Javascript for this button was encountered. faultcode: Soapenv: Client, faultstring Missing entity type information. SObject requires a seperate 'type' field be sent"

result = sforce.connection.update([CaseObj]);

I will appreciate any help on this issue.


Thank You in advance.




I am trying to roll up a custom amount fields based on the parent/child relationship on the account.


For Example: 



  • There is a Parent Company record, and two Child company records.
  • Each Child Company has 100k in the field (Assets Under Advisement). I would like to sum the Child company Assets Under 
  • Advisement on the parent company. Hence the parent company Assets Under Advisement should be 200k.



Here is my  Trigger for the same (I need help on how can I complete this trigger without running on Apex Governor limit for too many SOQL Queries. Please note that my trigger is not complete.Of course :smileytongue::)



trigger RecalculateAssetsUnderAdvicement on Account (after update) {
	Double AssetsTotal =0.0;
	Account[] Originator = Trigger.new;
	Account [] UpdateAcc = new Account[]{};

for (Account Origin : Originator){
for (Account OuterLoop : [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
		for (Account ChildRecords: [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
					AssetsTotal = ChildRecords.Assets_Under_Advicement__c;
				OuterLoop.Assets_Under_Advicement__c = AssetsTotal;
			update UpdateAcc;




trigger RecalculateAssetsUnderAdvicement on Account (after update) {
Double AssetsTotal =0.0;
Account[] Originator = Trigger.new;
for (Account Origin : Originator){
if (Origin.ParentId != null) {
for (Account ChildRecords: [select id, Assets_Under_Advicement__c from Account where id =: Origin.ParentId]) {
AssetsTotal = ChildRecords.Assets_Under_Advicement__c;
update UpdateAcc;