• bma
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I want to change a few things:


1) One of the fields show records as links. I want to customize the URL of those links.


2) The "Action" column isn't showing any link. I need it showed (and with a custom url).



Thank you very much ;)

  • October 13, 2010
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As the first stage display when you display the select list on the screen by using the inputfield tag,
can this initial display be changed to "** Please select it" etc. though it is displayed, "-- none --"?
Please continue your favors toward the professor when there is a person who knows.
I am sorry in poor English.



I would like to use a javascript function to email the url, and i am just wondering how can i call the java script function using apex:commandlink?Can anyone help me with this? The below way of passing the javascript doesnt work, the link is just static when clicked, no action is occuring.



<apex:commandLink style="float:right" onclick="{!$Resource.EmailLink}" value="EmailLink"/>



i am posting my Javascript here:



function EmailLink(){
window.location = "mailto:"+"?subject=I thought this link might interest you." + "&body="+document.title+"  "+window.location;




  • May 02, 2010
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If i do not select any color the value of colr is null. when Submit button is clicked for the code below just the outputText value should be displayed.


But a new window is openening and the same test1 page is appearing with the outPuttext in the new Window.


 If the color value is null or empty then the new window should not be opened. How can we restrict this?


Please advise.Thanks



<apex:page controller="test1">
<apex:form >
<apex:outputText value="please select color" rendered="{!err}"/>
<apex:outputLabel value="Select color" />
<apex:selectRadio value="{!colr}">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/>
<apex:CommandLink action="{!myaction}" target="_blank">Submit</apex:CommandLink>
</apex:PageBlock> </form> </page> public class test1 { public String colr{get;set;} Public Boolean err=false; public Boolean geterr(){ return err;} public List<SelectOption> getItems() { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); options.add(new SelectOption('Red','Red')); options.add(new SelectOption('Blue','Blue')); return options; } public PageReference myaction() { if(colr == null || colr == '') { err=true; return null; } else { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/test2'); return pr; } } }






Our "Contact" object contains a custom field - 'uuid' (uuid__c).

I am able to query  and get the objecy by that field (uuid__c="somthing"). But after I have the contact object, how do I change the field?


c.uuid__c = "new string"l give me an error, and c.setUuid__c() does not exists.


can anyone help?





I have a Custome object which is a list of products that I am displaying in sites, I have a sub navigation menu that lists the products by category, I would like to pass the category selected as a variable so that the page that is linked to just filters from teh prodycts table based on the selection.


Am I correct in thinking I need an ID to do this and in that case I would need a master detail realtionship for my category rather than a picklist?


<apex:component controller="SoftwareDFListController">
            <apex:repeat value="{!Software}" var="swdfItem">
                <table id="swtable">
                <tr><th colspan="2">{!swdfItem.Name} - {!swdfItem.Vendor__c}</th></tr>
                <tr><td class="odd">Vendor Description: </td><td><apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!swdfItem.Vendor_Description__c}"/></td></tr>
                <tr><td class="odd">Addtional Links: </td><td><apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="{!swdfItem.Vendor_Link__c}">Vendor Product Site</apex:outputLink></td></tr>



ublic class SoftwareDFListController {
public Software__c[] Software {
		get {
			return [SELECT Name, Category__c, Vendor_Description__c, Vendor__c, Vendor_Link__c FROM Software__c WHERE Category__c ='Product1' ORDER BY Name];
	testmethod static void test() {
		SoftwareDFListController swdflc = new SoftwareDFListController();
		Software__c[] items = swdflc.Software;


Here is my current controller I would like Category_c to be a variable can I pass the category names in a URL or do I need them to be an Id and in that case do I need to make Category it's own table / object as a lookup.


Thanks in advance.



<li><apex:outputLink value="{!$Site.Prefix}page?pageid=xxxxMAE">Product1</apex:outputLink></li>
          <li><apex:outputLink value="{!$Site.Prefix}page?pageid=xxxxMAE">Product2</apex:outputLink></li>
          <li><apex:outputLink value="{!$Site.Prefix}page?pageid=xxxxMAE">Product3</apex:outputLink></li>


  • April 24, 2010
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Could someone please tell me how I would update a record from a custom vf page? I'm selecting fields from opportunities and useres and passing them to a custom vf page, then possibly editing them on that page, and those edits should be reflected in the records. How would I do that? Thanks!

  • April 23, 2010
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Hello, Forum:


I've read various posts around the forums concerning the defaulting in of values from a parent object into a newly created child object.  But I still don't see a solution out there.


I've created a VF page.  Using a topmost pageBlock, I've created a sort of boilerplate region where certain key information from the parent object is displayed.  This is a common technique, and it serves to orient the user in the child object with respect to the parent object.


But I'm having trouble implementing this technique.  It seems that newly created child objects do not have access to parent object values.  This is absolutely essential.  I need to fill in certain child fields based on values in the parent.  For example, in the boilerplate region, I need to display the project name of the parent object, not just its name.  The bid due date and time on the parent object needs to default in as the bid due date and time for the child object, etc.


Is there a way to accomplish this with JavaScript?  If we can't accomplish this, it would be a dealbreaker for us with SF.


Thank you.

  • February 01, 2010
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I synchronies my visualforce tab (put it from eclipse to salesforce.com). I can see it in AppSetup->Create->Tabs->VisualForce tab. I can see it when I wan to choose it in AppSetup->Create->Apps-CustomAppEdit->Choose the tabs. I add it (that's work), but I can't see in the top of the page (neither when I want to use it in 'customize My tabs'.

Is anybody know, what's the problem?

  • January 20, 2010
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I have a custom objet with no more than 1 record per year per account. but I can have account with no record for the previous year.


For 1 specific field I want to get the value and set this value in the field for this year record.


If I have a 2009 record all work fine but if I don't have I get an error. I assume because I don't have result for req2.

I am not a expert and did not find how to set 0.0 as value to req2 if I have no result

Thanks for your help


Double req2 = [select Aesthetic_patients_treated__c from Yearly_Account_Plan__c where start_date__c = last_year and Account__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id')].Aesthetic_patients_treated__c; Yearly_account_plan__c Req; Public Yearly_account_plan__c getReq(){ for (Yearly_account_plan__c rqs : [select id ,year__c, account__c,contact__c,Express_Potential__c, Aesthetic_patients_treated__c, name, CFY_Volume_Plan__c, Open_days__c, Q4_Volume_plan__c, Q3_Volume_plan__c ,Q2_Volume_plan__c, Q1_Volume_plan__c,Actual_vs_Target_CFY__c, Actual_vs_Target_CQTR__c,Actual_vs_Target_PQTR__c, Maxi_Anterior_Cost__c,Maxi_Full_Cost__c,Maxi_Teen_Cost__c,Mini_Anterior_Cost__c, Mini_Full_Cost__c, Mini_Teen_Cost__c,Q1_Objective_Actions__c,Q2_Objective_Actions__c,Q3_Objective_Actions__c, Q4_Objective_Actions__c,Teen_Target_CFY__c, Express_Target_CFY__c, Anterior_Target_CFY__c, Full_Target_CFY__c from Yearly_Account_Plan__c where start_date__c = this_year and Account__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id')]){ req = rqs; return req; } if (req == null) Req = new yearly_account_plan__c(); req.Account__c = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); req.contact__c = con.id; req.start_date__c = d; req.Aesthetic_patients_treated__c = req2; return req; }


  • January 08, 2010
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Hello. I need to replicatethe functionality of:


<body onload="document.getElementById('form').submit()>

<form id="form" method="post" action="http://localhost/Salesforce/testphp.php">

...(inputs with field data from salesforce)...




in a Visualforce Page.


Thank you!

  • January 05, 2010
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Hi i have enabled customer portal and all user register from the siteRegister page stored in customer portal.

has any body idea to list all customer Portal User in to visual force page?


Hello all,


I apologize if this is question is redundent or if it just doesn't make sense but I am having an issue that perhaps I just do not understand. Basically, I have created a package containing a simple, basic component as below:



<apex:component access="global"> <h1>Hello</h1> This is a test Component </apex:component>


In a different environment I have installed the package. I then created a new VisualForce page and referenced the above component as follows:


<apex:page > <c:TestComponent01 />



Very simple.


 Now if I set the package to be "managed/beta" and attempt to reference the component the same wa, I cannot do it. It gives the error "component testcomponent01 does not exist".


As I stated before, maybe I am just misunderstanding access permissions in a managed package but Iam under the impression that setting a component to'access="global"' would make it available to be used outside of the package.


Any assistance anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




I've created a VF page that I'm overriding the view button (detail page) for opportunities.  The related list for Opportunity Field History is causing a problem.  I've read several posts on this issue, but can't seem to get the problem resolved.


Here is the error message I'm receiving:


Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Changed Field: bad value for restricted picklist field: Travel_Expenses_are__c". 

 Here is my VF page:


<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
<apex:form >
 <apex:sectionHeader title="Opportunity" subtitle="{!opportunity.name}"/>
 <apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity Detail">
 <apex:pageBlockButtons location="both">
 <apex:commandButton action="{!edit}" value="Edit" />
 <apex:commandButton action="{!delete}" value="Delete" />
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Opportunity Information" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Opportunity Owner" value="{!opportunity.OwnerId}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Amount" value="{!opportunity.Amount}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Account Name" value="{!opportunity.AccountId}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Approved Min Amount" value="{!opportunity.Approved_Minimum_Amount__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Opportunity Name" value="{!opportunity.Name}"/>
 <apex:outputText title="Budget and Price Me" value="{!opportunity.Price_Me__c}" escape="false" style="float:right;margin-right:135px;" />
 <apex:outputField title="Length of Agreement (Months)" value="{!opportunity.Length_of_Agreement__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Close Date" value="{!opportunity.CloseDate}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Pricing Approved" value="{!opportunity.Pricing_Approved__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Stage" value="{!opportunity.StageName}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Pricing Status" value="{!opportunity.Pricing_Status__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Division VP Approval" value="{!opportunity.Division_VP_Approval__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Current Contract Fee Amount" value="{!opportunity.Current_Contract_Fee_Amount__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Probability (%)" value="{!opportunity.Probability}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Debrief Link" value="{!opportunity.Debrief_Link__c}"/>
 <apex:outputLabel value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Exclude from Pricing Report?" value="{!opportunity.Exclude_from_Pricing_Report__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contract and Account Information" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Account Net Patient Revenue" value="{!opportunity.Account_Net_Patient_Revenue__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Termination without Cause" value="{!opportunity.Termination_without_Cause__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="# Years as Client" value="{!opportunity.Years_as_Client__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Termination without Cause Description" value="{!opportunity.Termination_without_Cause_Description__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Client Since" value="{!opportunity.Client_Since__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Hosp Req'd to Terminate GPO Relationship" value="{!opportunity.Hosp_Reqd_to_Terminate_GPO_Relationship__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Existing Contract" value="{!opportunity.Existing_Contract__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Non-Standard Termination Options" value="{!opportunity.Non_Standard_Termination_Options__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="New Contract" value="{!opportunity.New_Contract__c}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Auto-Renewal?" value="{!opportunity.Auto_Renewal__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Contract Type" value="{!opportunity.Contract_Type__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Current Agreement Length (months)" value="{!opportunity.Current_Agreement_Length__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Auto-Renewal Periods (months)" value="{!opportunity.Auto_Renewal_Periods__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Contract Expiration Date" value="{!opportunity.Contract_Expiration_Date__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Auto-Renewal Notice Period (days)" value="{!opportunity.Auto_Renewal_Notice_Period__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Current Agreement Initial Annual Fee" value="{!opportunity.Current_Agreement_Initial_Annual_Fee__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Auto-Renew Frequency" value="{!opportunity.Auto_Renew_Frequency__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Current Agreement Fee Structure Type" value="{!opportunity.Current_Agreement_Fee_Structure_Type__c}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Current Agreement Fixed Fee %" value="{!opportunity.Current_Agreement_Fixed_Fee__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Expected Start Date" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Expected Start Date" value="{!opportunity.Clients_Expected_Start_Date__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Proposed New Agreement" columns="1">
 <apex:outputField title="High Risk Factors" value="{!opportunity.High_Risk_Factors__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="General Strategy / Tactics" value="{!opportunity.Strategy_Tactics__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Proposed Contract Structure Description" value="{!opportunity.Proposed_Contract_Structure_Description__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Opportunity Notes" value="{!opportunity.Opportunity_Notes__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Previous Barriers/Issues" value="{!opportunity.Previous_Barriers_Issues__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Contract Term Reductions" value="{!opportunity.Contract_Term_Reductions__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Proposed Service" columns="1">
 <apex:outputField title="Department" value="{!opportunity.Department__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Service Line" value="{!opportunity.Service_Line__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Project" value="{!opportunity.Project__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Closed Lost" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Awarded to" value="{!opportunity.Competitor__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Primary Reason Lost" value="{!opportunity.Closed_Lost_Reason__c}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Primary Reason Lost Comments" value="{!opportunity.Primary_Reason_Lost_Comments__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Useful Links" columns="2" collapsible="false">
 <apex:outputLink value="https://na3.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01550000000BCxP" target="_blank" style="float:right;margin-right:250px;" >QHR Client Contact Worksheet</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:outputLink value="http://search.hoovers.com/cgi-bin/hol_search?which=company" target="_blank" style="float:right;margin-right:250px;" >Financial Profile</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Additional Information" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Zone" value="{!opportunity.ZoneID__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Opportunity Record Type" value="{!opportunity.RecordTypeId}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Acct_Div_VP_Email_Address" value="{!opportunity.Acct_Div_VP_Email_Address__c}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="QHR Client On Oppt Created Date" value="{!opportunity.QHR_Client_On_Oppt_Created_Date__c}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="zz-PricingStatus" value="{!opportunity.zz_PricingStatus__c}"/>
 <apex:pageBlockSection title="System Information" columns="2">
 <apex:outputField title="Created By" value="{!opportunity.CreatedById}"/>
 <apex:outputField title="Last Modified By" value="{!opportunity.LastModifiedById}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Default Start Date" value="{!opportunity.DefaultStartDate__c}"/>
 <apex:outputText value="" />
 <apex:outputField title="Opportunity Record Type Name Static" value="{!opportunity.Opportunity_Record_Type_Name_Static__c}"/>

 <apex:relatedList list="Pricing__r"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="OpenActivities"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="ActivityHistories"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="OpportunityContactRoles"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="OpportunityTeamMembers"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="R00N50000001tDC2EAM"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="NotesAndAttachments"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="OpportunityHistories"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="R00N50000001u8uNEAQ"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="Opportunities__r"/>
 <apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity Field History">
 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Opportunity.Histories}" var="h">
      <apex:column headerValue="Date" value="{!h.createddate}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="User" value="{!h.CreatedById}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Connection" value="{!h.OldValue}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Action" value="{!h.Field}"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="Legal_Tasks__r"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="Proposal_Management__r"/>
 <apex:relatedList list="Revenue_Projections__r"/>


 If I removed the Opportunity Field History related list section, the page works fine and I do not get the error message.  So, the issue is with the Field History related list.


<apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity Field History">
 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Opportunity.Histories}" var="h">
      <apex:column headerValue="Date" value="{!h.createddate}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="User" value="{!h.CreatedById}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Connection" value="{!h.OldValue}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Action" value="{!h.Field}"/>

 How do I fix this error?


Thanks for any help.



I'm trying to use a custom controller with a Visualforce Email Template.  My problem is pretty simple I think.  I'm taking in a value from the custom component and I want to use it in the constructor of the controller.  I think I'm only overlooking one tiny thing to make sure everything executes in order, but it's eluding me.


the visualforce email template:



<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User" relatedToType="DAM_Digital_Asset__c"  subject="Please Approve This">

<!-- <apex:page controller="DAM_approvalsEmailController">  -->

<!-- https://c.na7.visual.force.com/apex/testmail?id=00A00000064bh3  -->
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >

<c:DAM_approvalsEmail DA_Id="{!RelatedTo.Id}" />




the component



<apex:component controller="DAM_approvalsEmailController" access="global">
  <apex:attribute name="DA_Id" type="String" description="the Digital Asset ID" assignTo="{!DA_Id}"  />


the controller



public class DAM_approvalsEmailController {

 public DAM_Digital_Asset__c da {get; set;}
 public String DA_Id {get; set;} 
 public DAM_approvalsEmailController() {
    this.da = [select id, Name, Process_Step__c, Location__c, Host_Domain__c from DAM_Digital_Asset__c where id = :DA_Id]; 




What am I not doing correctly to get DA_Id from the component so that it can be constructed?




Hy everyone,


I have a vf page with a form. The form consists of input fields and two select. I use javascript to change the two select itmes. After I insert the javascript code to my page, the command button go wrong. If I clicks on the button the page reloaded.


Here is my simplified page:


<apex:page ..." >
  <script type="text/javascript">  
    function moveOptions(sourceID, destID) {
    <apex:form id="id_01" >
      <table class="dfTable">
        <tr class="odd">
          <td class="column1">Name*:</td>
            <apex:inputText value="{!name}"/>
        <tr class="odd">
          <td class="column1">
            <apex:selectList id="actUser" ... >
            <a href="#" id="add" onClick="moveOptions(...)')" >&gt;&gt;</a>
            <apex:selectList id="availableUser" ... >
      <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" title="Cancel" value="Cancel"  />
      <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" title="Save"  value="Save" />


Is anyone know why happening this? I spent a lot of time to solve it, but I haven't got any answer or solution.




     I got the below error in visual force page. When we put the inputtext attribute as required=true. Please suggest any required messages to remove this id error message.


    j_id0:j_id1:j_id30: Validation Error: Value is required






Okay, this really shouldn't be that difficult.  I have a VF with a custom object for standard controller.  This object has a child that I will be displaying record in a table and then have the details rendered below the table.  Much like the examle in the VF developer guide done with Account and Contact.  I got it to work, however, it seems like the details section is refreshing with the standard page layout for the object.  Now, I did do the override for the 'View' option, so when I click on a single record of the 'child' object, the right VF page is shown. 


My code is no different than the one in the example, just changed the names to fit my objects/fields.  Can you not do a VF page within a VF page?



I want to set grandtotal value to input text using apex controller.

VF code is:

<apex:inputText value="{!gtotal}" id="gtotal"/> 
Controller code is like

 gtotal=gtotal- dto.price;


Here gtotal value is changed in controller  but not reflecting in VF page.

Please assist.






Please correct my below two conclusions:


  • We cannot create more than 1 Custom Object tab for same Custom Object.
  • We can create multiple Visualforce tabs for same Visualforce page.
Thx in advance,



I have written a controller extension, which is a wizard for three VF pages, that are called from the user in consecutive order. When I as systemadmin open the first page, I can open the page editor and see the Viewstate. If I now go to the second page, I can still see the page editor and the Viewstate, but the code that is displayed in the editor is that of the first page. If I now proceed to the third page, I cannot see the page editor or the Viewstate either.


Is that an error or am I too stupid?


Thanks for your help!


Hi developers,

                        how can we change the default Salesforce CRM UI.

defaultly some look and feel is observing in CRM but is possible to change as we customize some social networks themes. How can we? plz suggest options.

Hi all,

For some reason I am having a date picker appear on my VF pages.  By date picker, I mean two picklists side by side, one listing the months and one listing years from 2009-2015.  Below that is text: SunMonTueWedThuFriSat.  Then below that is a blankspot where I assume a calendar should be followed by a blue "Today" link.


Below is the source form the generated page:


</html><div class="datePicker" id="datePicker"><div class="dateBar"><img src="/s.gif" alt="Previous Month"  class="calLeft" onblur="this.className = 'calLeft';" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.prevMonth();" onfocus="this.className = 'calLeftOn';" onmouseout="this.className = 'calLeft';" onmouseover="this.className = 'calLeftOn';" title="Previous Month"/><select  id="calMonthPicker" name="calMonthPicker" title="Month"><option value="0">January</option>
<option value="1">February</option>
<option value="2">March</option>
<option value="3">April</option>
<option value="4">May</option>

<option value="5">June</option>
<option value="6">July</option>
<option value="7">August</option>
<option value="8">September</option>
<option value="9">October</option>
<option value="10">November</option>
<option value="11">December</option>
</select><img src="/s.gif" alt="Next Month"  class="calRight" onblur="this.className = 'calRight';" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.nextMonth();" onfocus="this.className = 'calRightOn';" onmouseout="this.className = 'calRight';" onmouseover="this.className = 'calRightOn';" title="Next Month"/><select  id="calYearPicker" name="calYearPicker" title="Year"><option value="2009">2009</option>
<option value="2010">2010</option>

<option value="2011">2011</option>
<option value="2012">2012</option>
<option value="2013">2013</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2015">2015</option>
</select></div><div class="calBody"><table  class="calDays" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="datePickerCalendar"><tr><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Sun</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Mon</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Tue</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Wed</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Thu</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Fri</TH><TH class="dayOfWeek" scope="col">Sat</TH></tr>

<tr class="calRow" id="calRow1"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr class="calRow" id="calRow2"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr class="calRow" id="calRow3"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr class="calRow" id="calRow4"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr class="calRow" id="calRow5"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr class="calRow" id="calRow6"><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td><td onblur="hiOff(this);" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate(this);" onfocus="hiOn(this);" onmouseout="hiOff(this);" onmouseover="hiOn(this);">&nbsp;</td></tr>
</table><div class="buttonBar"><a href="javascript&colon;%20void%280%29%3B" class="calToday" onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate('today');return false;">Today</a></div></div></div>



However on my VF page, the final lines look like this:





Any ideas where that picker might be coming from?  Unfortunately I am unable to post the full source, so I created a new VF page with only:


<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardController="Opportunity"   >
      <apex:form > 


The date picker items still appear!  A solid head-scratcher.





The standard save button in my visualforce page does not save any changes I made.  I'm assuming I have to build it into the controller, but I can not find any documentation on exactly how to do this. 


My page creates a list where I can multiple multple records at one time, but I'm unable to save them.  Thanks in advance for any help!


Here is my contoller and Visualforce code:

public with sharing class InvoicePagination {
    private final Invoice__c invo;  

    public InvoicePagination(
           ApexPages.StandardSetController controller)
           this.invo = (Invoice__c)controller.getRecord();
    public ApexPages.StandardSetController invoiceRecords{
        get {
            if(invoiceRecords == null) {
                return new ApexPages.StandardSetController(
                [SELECT Id, Name, Status__c,Check_Number__c,
                    FROM Invoice__c WHERE status__c = 'Open'
            return invoiceRecords;
        private set;
    ***********************************************Visualforce Page******************************************************

    public List<Invoice__c> getInvoicePagination() {
         return (List<Invoice__c>) invoiceRecords.getRecords();

<apex:page standardController="Invoice__c"
           tabStyle="Invoice__c" sidebar="false" extensions="InvoicePagination">
  <apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
      <apex:pageMessages />
      <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton value="Save"
      <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!InvoicePagination}"
 <apex:column value="{!inv.sales_order_number__r.Customer_Charge_Name__r.Payer__c}"/>
  <apex:column value="{!inv.sales_order_number__r.Customer_Charge_Name__r.KCC_Order__r.Name}"/>
 <apex:column value="{!inv.sales_order_number__r.Customer_Charge_Name__r.KCC_Order__r.Ship_Date__c}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!inv.name}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!inv.sales_order_number__r.Customer_Charge_Name__r.Total_Customer_Charge__c}"/>

        <apex:column headerValue="Status">
 <apex:inputField value="{!inv.Status__c}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Check Number">
        <apex:inputField value="{!inv.Check_Number__c}"/>

Have seen similar posts and tried to follow the solution - but clearly I'm still missing something. Hoping one of you lovely people can help me out.


I am using an apex repeat to display a list of product details (using a custom class, not Product2). I want to be able to enter a value for Quantity and click on a commandlink to add a product from the list to a 'shopping cart'. I have no problem getting the outputtext data across, but cannot get the value I entered in the inputtext Quantity field.

A posted solution was to use custom getters/setter methods; I tried this and can indeed see my entered value in the debug log. So far so good, however I cannot figure out how to access this in my code!


Enough wittering, here's the code:


<apex:repeat value="{!mp_liAvailableProducts}" var="AvailableProd">
    <apex:commandLink action="{!actionAddProduct}" value="Add" id="theAddProductLink" >
        <apex:param name="AddProdId" value="{!AvailableProd.strProdId}" />
        <apex:param name="AddProdQuantity" value="{!AvailableProd.iProdQuantity}" />
    <apex:inputText value="{!AvailableProd.iProdQuantity}" size="2" maxlength="2" />
        <a href="{!URLFOR($Action.Product2.View, AvailableProd.strProdId)}" target="_blank"> {!AvailableProd.strProdName} </a>
    <apex:outputText value="{!AvailableProd.strProdCode}" />
    <apex:outputText value="{!AvailableProd.strProdDesc}"/>



    public class SPSelectProducts
        public String    strProdId                            {get; set;}
        public String    strProdName                            {get; set;}
        public String    strProdCode                            {get; set;}
        public integer    iProdQuantity;
        public string    strProdDesc                            {get; set;}
        public SPSelectProducts(string ProductId, String ProductName, String ProductCode, integer ProductQuantity, string ProductDesc)
            strProdId            = ProductId;
            strProdName            = ProductName;
            strProdCode            = ProductCode;
            iProdQuantity        = ProductQuantity;
            strProdDesc            = ProductDesc;

        // Custom setters for Quantity
        public integer getiProdQuantity()
            return this.iProdQuantity;

        public void setiProdQuantity(Integer value)
            iProdQuantity = value;
            System.debug('****** Inside setter *****' + value);



    public PageReference actionAddProduct()
        SPSelectProducts sSPSP = m_mapAvailProds.get(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AddProdId'));
        sSPSP.iProdQuantity = integer.valueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AddProdQuantity'));



At this point the 'AddProdQuantity' parameter is 0, which is why I went down the getter/setter method route.

The list mp_liAvailableProducts has all the product details with Quantity = 0.

Yet the ****** Inside setter ***** debug statement shows the value I entered in the list. This method is called once for each entry in the list, my entered value appears in the correct iteration.


Thanks in advance for your help,



  • October 15, 2010
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I want to change a few things:


1) One of the fields show records as links. I want to customize the URL of those links.


2) The "Action" column isn't showing any link. I need it showed (and with a custom url).



Thank you very much ;)

  • October 13, 2010
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I have run into this problem in a few places with Contract. It's pretty obvious that Contract has an Id, as it is visible in the URL for the individual contract.


I am creating a custom button and I need to use the Id to load up the correct Contract in my visualforce page. The page works fine if I manually paste in the Id. The button is set to "URL" as the content source, and the following code is used: 




So, why would it say that Contract has no Id? How can I get the Id?





I've overridden the New page on Campaigns to render different things on a VF page depending on the RecordTypeID but I have a problem.


If a profile only has access to one campaign record type then the page doesnt render anything.

My PageBlocks are rendered based on recordtype, ie


rendered="{!Campaign.RecordTypeID = 'X'}"



This works fine for everyone except those who only have access to one record type.

Users who's profile only allows them to access one record type are never presented with the page to choose the campaign record type from a drop down, this seems to be the key - they are taken straight to the New page.


The controller seems to have no information in it (I've checked by debugging my apex) including the recordtypeid and this is causing no pageblocks to render.  The question is how can I tell in this situation which page to render?  SalesForce must know somehow what record type we're dealing with because it chooses the correct PageLayout in this situation, so how do i do it in apex/visualforce?





Hey All,


I am trying to create a custom component that will be repeated many times on a page. However, I was looking to pass some parameters into the controller of this component. Is there any way I can have visualforce do this rather than just calling the standard controller? The issue I am trying to solve is rendering several pageblocks for different parts of a set of data. I want to be able to pass the list of data pieces into the constructor so I can use a pageblocktable to render it in the component.


Thanks for any suggestions,


Background - I have an Object in Salesforce called Shifts, where the user will enter a shift, they are required to enter:


Start Time

End Time



The Employee isn't always entered yet, because somebody has to be assigned, but a lot of times it's there. The reports from Salesforce are limited in how you can display them, it's a lot harder to see where the open shifts are and when people are free if you view these shifts in a list view. Prior to Salesforce, we used Excel and we had something like this (this is just a snippet, It's MUCH larger with many more departments and employees)


Schedule Snippet


I have all the things you see in this view available in Salesforce. I have a formula field that generages everything in the little boxes. I need some advice / help on how I can write in visualforce, to put the Shift summary formula field under a column based on that shift's Date value. Basically, from left to right I'd like them organized by date, with one day per column. From top to bottom I'd like them organized alphabetically.


Any ideas / suggestions?





Help needed on writing test method.


I checked the line coverage and found the below red fonted were not covered, Please help to write test cases for the Upsert statement.



public with sharing class TallySheetItems {

private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}

Tally_Sheet__c TS;
String recordId;

public TallySheetItems(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
recordId = stdController.getId();
TS = (Tally_Sheet__c) stdController.getRecord();

List<TS_NASAAC_Item__c> TallySheetItemList;

public PageReference reset()
TallySheetItemList= [select ID, MELT__c, BND__c, GR_WT_KGS__c, Tare__c,
NET_WT_KGS__c, Melt_Date__c, INGOTS__c, Ref__c, IsDelete d__c from TS_NASAAC_Item__c where Tally_Sheet_Ref__c = :TS.ID and IsDeleted__c = false order by CreatedDate limit 100 ];
return null;

public List<TS_NASAAC_Item__c> getTallySheetItems()
if(TallySheetItemList== null) reset();
return TallySheetItemList;

public PageReference saveItem()
upsert TallySheetItemList;
return null;

public PageReference add()
TS_NASAAC_Item__c TSI = new TS_NASAAC_Item__c();
TSI.Tally_Sheet_Ref__c = TS.ID;
return null;

/* Test Case */

static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
PageReference PageRef = Page.vfTallySheet;
Apexpages.Standardcontroller sc = new Apexpages.Standardcontroller(new Tally_Sheet__c());
TallySheetItems controller = new TallySheetItems(sc);

/* Test Case ends....*/


Any help would certainly appreciated.




I have a simple VisualForce window that works fine in my DE org.  It is basically a shell that passes context via {!} expressions to a Flex swf file.  Here is the source in the DE org:


<apex:page standardController="A_R_Summary__c" sidebar="true" showHeader="true">
  <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="SliderGraphic" width="100%" height="100%"
    <param name="movie" value="{!$Resource.SliderGraphic}" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" />
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="flashVars" value="arId={!A_R_Summary__c.account__r.id}&arDate={!A_R_Summary__c.Date__c}&accountId={!A_R_Summary__c.id}" />
    <embed src="{!$Resource.SliderGraphic}"


Problems occur when I install it in another org.  The controller reference is updated with the namespace, but the {!} references are not.  The page cannot render and generates the error:

Unknown property 'testdfc1__A_R_Summary__cStandardController.A_R_Summary__c'

Here is the page in the installer org:


<apex:page standardController="testdfc1__A_R_Summary__c" sidebar="true" showHeader="true">

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="SliderGraphic" width="100%" height="100%"


<param name="movie" value="{!$Resource.SliderGraphic}" />

<param name="quality" value="high" />

<param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" />

<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />

<param name="flashVars" value="arId={!A_R_Summary__c.account__r.id}&arDate={!A_R_Summary__c.Date__c}&accountId={!A_R_Summary__c.id}" />

<embed src="{!$Resource.SliderGraphic}"



















As you can see, the controller attribute is updated to include the namespace, but the other references are not.  If I attempt to manually prefix these {!} references in the DE org with the namespace, I cannot save the file.


Can someone help me?  Thanks!




  • May 12, 2009
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