• weraysdtjifrytg
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I'm very, very, very new at this. I'm sure there are some OBVIOUS mistakes here, can anyone point them out to me please?


The error I get is Expected ')' which I do not think means what it says...







var salesorders=sforce.connection.query(SELECT TotalAmount__c, Quote__r.TotalAmount__c FROM SalesOrder__c);

if (!
(document.getElementById('00N20000002M8v0').value ==document.getElementById('00N20000002M8uv').value)

{alert("Oops! The Total Amount is different than the one quoted to the customer.")} 
else {alert("All good")};



Basically I am trying to comapre two fileds' values from the child and parent objects and alert the user if they don't match.








I'm quite new at this...


Is there any way to create a custom button with on-click Java which will do something like this:


- create (new custom object records)

-query relationship (select Product, Price, from PriceBookEntry)

-automatically populate custom object's fields according to Product chosen (chosen through lookup)






Can anyone tell me if it is possible to create a lookup to a Pricebook list?


I need Products AND their related price to be filled in a custom object.





I have 2 custom objects both with LineItems lists.


How can I pre-populate the second object LineItems list with the one from the first object?

(I can pre-populate the custom object fields, but not the line items).


Many thanks



I'm very, very, very new at this. I'm sure there are some OBVIOUS mistakes here, can anyone point them out to me please?


The error I get is Expected ')' which I do not think means what it says...







var salesorders=sforce.connection.query(SELECT TotalAmount__c, Quote__r.TotalAmount__c FROM SalesOrder__c);

if (!
(document.getElementById('00N20000002M8v0').value ==document.getElementById('00N20000002M8uv').value)

{alert("Oops! The Total Amount is different than the one quoted to the customer.")} 
else {alert("All good")};



Basically I am trying to comapre two fileds' values from the child and parent objects and alert the user if they don't match.








I'm quite new at this...


Is there any way to create a custom button with on-click Java which will do something like this:


- create (new custom object records)

-query relationship (select Product, Price, from PriceBookEntry)

-automatically populate custom object's fields according to Product chosen (chosen through lookup)






Can anyone tell me if it is possible to create a lookup to a Pricebook list?


I need Products AND their related price to be filled in a custom object.





I have 2 custom objects both with LineItems lists.


How can I pre-populate the second object LineItems list with the one from the first object?

(I can pre-populate the custom object fields, but not the line items).


Many thanks



I have a Task related to a Case. When I set a given Status on the Task, I would like to set a certain flag on the related Case.

JavaScript Onclick is working well for me to update Task fields; can anyone help me update the related Case ?


example :


{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/16.0/connection.js")}var task = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Task )};task.Status = 'CS Decision expected';


// FIXME, please :
// case = task.Case;   // get related Case
// case.Flag__c = 'CS Decision requested by plant';   // update flag on Case
// sforce.connection.update(case);

var result = sforce.connection.update(task);if (result[0].getBoolean("success"){ window.location.reload();}else{ alert("Error"); 


  • June 29, 2009
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Hi All,
Are price books available only to the opportunity object or any custom object.
I have different prices for the same product across Europe and have price books set up.
I can't populate my custom object with the price book value although  I have the Product as a look up.
Any help would be grately appreciated.