• mromani1
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I was wondering if it is possible to pass parameters to our controller method while in a VF page.


For example, normally, say we have a controller called "MyController" and inside it we have a method call "Method" which take a string parameter.


Is it possible to call this method and pass a value to it from our VF page? If so how?


Would this work?  


<apex:commandButton action="{!Method('stringvalue'}"/>


Thanks in advance.



I was wondering if it is possible to pass parameters to our controller method while in a VF page.


For example, normally, say we have a controller called "MyController" and inside it we have a method call "Method" which take a string parameter.


Is it possible to call this method and pass a value to it from our VF page? If so how?


Would this work?


<apex:commandButton action="{!Method('stringvalue'}"/>


Thanks in advance.

Just a quick question on triggers.


If we set up a trigger to go off if a certain action happens, lets say when we create a record or something, and it does any action, maybe send out an email or do some validation, update the db somewhere else, does it count towards our API call limit?


Or are triggers (all triggers) free of API calls? as in it doesnt matter how many times or what they do, triggers dont cause the API call limit to go up.



I was wondering if it is possible to have multilpe lookups to 1 table.


What i mean by this is: say we have a table A with fields 1,2,3.

Then we have Table B which has fields 1,2,3.


Field 1 in B has a lookup to field 1 of table A.


Now is it possible that field 2 in B has a lookup to field 2 in Table A (while still having the first lookup)?


I hope i am making myself clear here....just basically wondering if a table or object can be looked up on different fields at the same time...


I was just wondering something abou the "API Requests, Last 24 Hours"....


As of right now we have a limit of 5000 api request per 24hr period.


Are there any future plans regarding increasing this number? or perhaps having a limit per user in the org?

Just a quick question on governor limits.


I noticed that there is a limit on how many records you can return at a time (10 000, if I am not mistaken).


In general i wont come close to that limit, but there are a few cases where i would need to return more than that limit.

What can be done to get around this? Is there a way around this, and if so, what can i do?





Just a quick question on governor limits.


I noticed that there is a limit on how many records you can return at a time (10 000, if I am not mistaken).


In general i wont come close to that limit, but there are a few cases where i would need to return more than that limit.

What can be done to get around this? Is there a way around this, and if so, what can i do?





Is there a way to do multi table  joins?


If so, how?



My original question was this:



I would like to know if its possible to do an inner join in Salesforce?


For example, i have an Invoices and Orders table, which are linked together.

Invoices has a field 'OrderID' which links it to the Orders table.

Now, they are not in a parent child relationship, just linked through a lookup field.


I would like to do something equivalent to:


Select a.invoiceID from Invoices__c as a

join orders__c as b on a.orderid=b.id

where b.Currency='US'


so, select all invoices which have a currency of US (get that through the order table).


So far, i tried a few ways, but with no success...thats why i would like to know if its even possible to do this, and if so, how?




and it was answered very well, i user the __r relationship to traverse and do the select statement properly.

(SELECT Id FROM Invoice__c WHERE Order__r.CurrencyISOCode = 'USD')


Now i have another related question:


Is it possible to join the other way around? EX: Go from Orders__c table to Invoices__c?

The lookup relationship is in Invoices, which is why it worked so easily going from Invoices to Orders, but now i would like to go the other way around...


I would think it would look something like:


Select count() from orders__c where related invoices__c.DateOrdered == Today() <---kinda pseudo coded....


Is there a Sum function is SOQL?


I read in some other boards that it is not available, but those were posts of last year...Just was wondering if anything changed....


I know group by doesnt work, but im just asking about a straight sum of 1 column, like :


Select Sum(col1) from Invoices__c


(Im making the call from APEX...if that changes anything....)



Is there a Sum function is SOQL?


I read in some other boards that it is not available, but those were posts of last year...Just was wondering if anything changed...


I know group by doesnt work, but im just asking about a straight sum of 1 column, like :


Select Sum(col1) from Invoices__c


(Im making the call from APEX...if that changes anything....)



I would like to know if its possible to do an inner join in Salesforce?


For example, i have an Invoices and Orders table, which are linked together.

Invoices has a field 'OrderID' which links it to the Orders table.

Now, they are not in a parent child relationship, just linked through a lookup field.


I would like to do something equivalent to:


Select a.invoiceID from Invoices__c as a

join orders__c as b on a.orderid=b.id

where b.Currency='US'


so, select all invoices which have a currency of US (get that through the order table).


So far, i tried a few ways, but with no success...thats why i would like to know if its even possible to do this, and if so, how?


Is the only possible way = parent-child relationship?


Thanks for the help!



i am trying to create a report, in which i have an object called Invoices, where i do a sum of the SalesTotal.

Now SalesTotal is comprised of sales made in the US and in Canada.


The total can be done easily, but where it gets complicated for me is that i want to add only the USA sales, or only the Canadian sales.


Now to help us, i have another object called Orders which is related to Invoices (each Invoice has an OrderID). In the Orders table, there is a field for the country (Either 'CAD" or 'USD').


What i wanted to do in the formula field, was to do a sum of SalesTotal (from Invoices) where the country = US (from Orders) ..... is this possible? if so how can i do this?


Also, if you need more clarification or anything let me know.







I was wondering if it is possible to pass parameters to our controller method while in a VF page.


For example, normally, say we have a controller called "MyController" and inside it we have a method call "Method" which take a string parameter.


Is it possible to call this method and pass a value to it from our VF page? If so how?


Would this work?


<apex:commandButton action="{!Method('stringvalue'}"/>


Thanks in advance.

I was wondering if it is possible to have multilpe lookups to 1 table.


What i mean by this is: say we have a table A with fields 1,2,3.

Then we have Table B which has fields 1,2,3.


Field 1 in B has a lookup to field 1 of table A.


Now is it possible that field 2 in B has a lookup to field 2 in Table A (while still having the first lookup)?


I hope i am making myself clear here....just basically wondering if a table or object can be looked up on different fields at the same time...


I was just wondering something abou the "API Requests, Last 24 Hours"....


As of right now we have a limit of 5000 api request per 24hr period.


Are there any future plans regarding increasing this number? or perhaps having a limit per user in the org?

My original question was this:



I would like to know if its possible to do an inner join in Salesforce?


For example, i have an Invoices and Orders table, which are linked together.

Invoices has a field 'OrderID' which links it to the Orders table.

Now, they are not in a parent child relationship, just linked through a lookup field.


I would like to do something equivalent to:


Select a.invoiceID from Invoices__c as a

join orders__c as b on a.orderid=b.id

where b.Currency='US'


so, select all invoices which have a currency of US (get that through the order table).


So far, i tried a few ways, but with no success...thats why i would like to know if its even possible to do this, and if so, how?




and it was answered very well, i user the __r relationship to traverse and do the select statement properly.

(SELECT Id FROM Invoice__c WHERE Order__r.CurrencyISOCode = 'USD')


Now i have another related question:


Is it possible to join the other way around? EX: Go from Orders__c table to Invoices__c?

The lookup relationship is in Invoices, which is why it worked so easily going from Invoices to Orders, but now i would like to go the other way around...


I would think it would look something like:


Select count() from orders__c where related invoices__c.DateOrdered == Today() <---kinda pseudo coded....


Is there a Sum function is SOQL?


I read in some other boards that it is not available, but those were posts of last year...Just was wondering if anything changed...


I know group by doesnt work, but im just asking about a straight sum of 1 column, like :


Select Sum(col1) from Invoices__c


(Im making the call from APEX...if that changes anything....)



I would like to know if its possible to do an inner join in Salesforce?


For example, i have an Invoices and Orders table, which are linked together.

Invoices has a field 'OrderID' which links it to the Orders table.

Now, they are not in a parent child relationship, just linked through a lookup field.


I would like to do something equivalent to:


Select a.invoiceID from Invoices__c as a

join orders__c as b on a.orderid=b.id

where b.Currency='US'


so, select all invoices which have a currency of US (get that through the order table).


So far, i tried a few ways, but with no success...thats why i would like to know if its even possible to do this, and if so, how?


Is the only possible way = parent-child relationship?


Thanks for the help!