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I'm trying to integrate a non-native app into chatter. I'd like to be able to make chatter updates for a user from a notification system.


Sample flow:


User updates task x, y, and z in App.

App server sends out notifications to various outlets (email, sms, chatter)


The problem I'm having:

I'm currently using the 'web server' flow. The original 'get token' call forces me to be logged in as a user. The token I'm given then pertains ONLY to that user (in this case, the admin). Ideally, I have a single token that I can use, then specify a username to impersonate. That doesn't appear to be the way OAuth2 works, though. That means I need a specific auth token for EVERY USER in the org to make this happen. What's the best way to accomplish this? I don't want every user to have to go to an 'activation' page where they so I can grab their token specifically. I need the admin to be able to do this.


Is there a way for an admin to export valid auth & refresh tokens for a group of users?




Is there any chatter REST API to get updates for everything I am following ? Thanks.

  • July 12, 2011
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I want to test refresh token flow using outh framework.

I want to do it something like below


if(response.toString().contains("access token expired")){



How do I test this? Is there any way to manually deactivate the access token?


  • July 11, 2011
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The Chatter REST API wiki is here

  • May 11, 2011
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I want to use a profile image with REST API and proxy.php.

However,a JSON returened by REST API doesn't have a profile image url on API's domain.
It has the url on "xxx.salesforce.com" domain.
Therefore,to use REST API and the picture ,it needs to login twice(rest api and force.com)
I don't want to force my user to login twice.
Please tell me solution for this problem.


I'm trying to upload photo using chatter rest api, and its working great for test.salesforce.com and login.salesforce.com.


I'm able to login using OAUTH, do get in response instance_url, acess_token etc, and I set the instance_url in my photo upload request and its works great only when my instance_url is a nxxx.salesforce.com or c**.salesforce.com (ie it works for valid salesforce production and sandbox instances).


However when I try to login against *.cloudforce.com (a salesforce org), login is successful, instance_url returned is xxx.cloudforce.com, but when I use that instance url for photo upload request its says "Destination URL not reset". Is it something to do with this exception type org of *.cloudforce.com ? 

I am planning to develop an application using standard objects of chatter but the UI and most of the features will be custom built. I want my customers to use this application from my website (may be through a button). I am currently using sales cloud. do I need to need to puchase chatter plus license for my customer or chatter free will work. or I need to buy force.com licenses for all the customers of mine.



I have requirement to fetch comment likes. I'm not able to figure out on how to retrieve commentlikes.


FeedLike object represents likes. You can't query FeedLike records directly. They can only be queried via the parent NewsFeedUserProfileFeed, or entity feed, such as AccountFeed.


So to query FeedPost likes, use following:

SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, CreatedById, CreatedDate, FeedItemId, FeedEntityId FROM FeedLikes) FROM UserFeed


to query group post likes, use following:

SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, CreatedById, CreatedDate, FeedItemId, FeedEntityId FROM FeedLikes) FROM CollaborationGroupFeed


How to retrieve comment likes?



I tested my app in the DE org and everything worked fine.  I went to connect it to our main org and I got this:

{"message":"The Chatter Connect API is not enabled for this organization or user type.","errorCode":"API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG"}


I know that our admins are going to resist enabling anything that they don't think is necessary for business.



1) Is there a doc somewhere on how to enable it properly?  (I couldn't find it)

2) Is there a doc from Salesforce that outlines the security best practices and soothes the mind of an average admin.  Things that I am looking for in a doc like that is that via Chatter API no one will be able to get the customer data, change the customer data, get any opportunity data or anything like that.


Thank you!!



I would like to implement a "search by hashtag" type of feature, and retrieve all the text posts that contain a specific hashtag (e.g. #tag).


Can you please let me know if that's currently possible using the Chatter REST API?


A quick test shows that my json response does contain a search link for a specific hashtag (as seen below) but this link does not seem to be usable with OAuth.



"body":{"text":"this is a #tag","messageSegments":[{"type":"Text","text":"this is a "},{"type":"Hashtag","text":"#tag","tag":"tag","url":"/_ui/common/search/client/ui/ChatterSearchResultsPage?str=%23tag&sen=a0f&sen=a0e&sen=a0d&sen=068&sen=a0D&sen=005&sen=a0G&sen=a0J&sen=a0i&sen=015&sen=a0g&sen=a0V&sen=a01&sen=a02&sen=a0P&sen=a08&sen=a0Y&sen=a0Z&sen=0F9&cache=grdlvher&chatterSearchArea=FEED_TOPIC_FEED_LINK_CLICK"}]}



If this is not currently possible using the Chatter REST API, can you please let me know how to access the messageSegments using the Salesforce REST API?


Thanks in advance,




I'm trying to integrate a non-native app into chatter. I'd like to be able to make chatter updates for a user from a notification system.


Sample flow:


User updates task x, y, and z in App.

App server sends out notifications to various outlets (email, sms, chatter)


The problem I'm having:

I'm currently using the 'web server' flow. The original 'get token' call forces me to be logged in as a user. The token I'm given then pertains ONLY to that user (in this case, the admin). Ideally, I have a single token that I can use, then specify a username to impersonate. That doesn't appear to be the way OAuth2 works, though. That means I need a specific auth token for EVERY USER in the org to make this happen. What's the best way to accomplish this? I don't want every user to have to go to an 'activation' page where they so I can grab their token specifically. I need the admin to be able to do this.


Is there a way for an admin to export valid auth & refresh tokens for a group of users?




Is there any chatter REST API to get updates for everything I am following ? Thanks.

  • July 12, 2011
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I want to test refresh token flow using outh framework.

I want to do it something like below


if(response.toString().contains("access token expired")){



How do I test this? Is there any way to manually deactivate the access token?


  • July 11, 2011
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 Hai Friends,


     I am trying accessing chatter using  REST APi, I am not understanding the process, Can you any body please help me to access chatter using REST API.



  Thanks In Advance





I have to expose products and chatter feed of products on public web site written in Java. How would the oAuth work? Obviously people around the world are not going to login to Salesforce to get authentication token. In other word how would my server to salesforce authentication work with out rediecting to Salesforce visually. Sorry I know very little about oAuth.







If I want to expose chatter feed of products on public web site which is going to be hosted on Heroku. How would the oAuth work? Obviously people arounf the world are not going to login to Salesforce to get authentication token.





Is there a Chatter REST API to Find People as per Chatter Screen it is in the people section of the Tab at the top? Let me know as soon as possible. Thanks

I'm having problems getting my package to appear in the LMA.

    • I created a managed package in a Developer Edition org, and uploaded it to the App Exchange.

    • I installed the LMA into my production org. This is my AppExchange Publishing Org (APO).

    • I logged into the App Exchange, using credentials from my APO.

    • On the Publishing tab, I clicked "Your Organizations," and added my Developer Edition org as a "Linked Organization." My package then appeared in the "Your Uploaded Packages" tab on the Publishing Home page.

    • On the "Your Organizations" tab, I added my APO as the "Current AppExchange Publishing Organization." 

    • I created a private listing. I've filled in all the required fields on all the tabs, but on the "Your Private Listings" tab, the listing still shows up as only 52% complete. (There's no indication of what's missing or what I have to do to get to 100% complete.) Listing Type is "App." Status is "New." 

    • On the listing's "Offering" tab, I linked the latest version of my package to the listing, and selected it in the "Select the latest version of your application" pull-down. 

    At this point, shouldn't I be able to log into my APO, go to the LMA, and see that the App Exchange has created Package and Package Version records for my app? I'm not seeing that.


    I'm shocked at how poorly documented this whole process is. There are a LOT of resources on the App Exchange -- documents, presentations, webinar recordings, etc. -- but they're often out of date, referencing tab names, links, and field labels that have changed. And nowhere have I been able to find a simple list like the one above that summarizes all the steps you need to take, and how to take them. IMHO, Salesforce should create one or two documents that describe how things work right now, and then DELETE all of the outdated documentation, webinars, and other materials from their sites. As it is, I'm shocked that anybody manages to get listings up on the App Exchange!