• LarryLeo
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Hello everyone, just wanted to share with the community this custom component I made and give something back for the help I've received. :smileyhappy:

The purpose of the component is to enable autocomplete in lookup fields. I used the autocomplete js created by Jim Roos:
(http://www.jimroos.com/2007/05/ajax-autocomplete.html) but made some modifications to it so that it could interact with an Apex controller among some other things...

So my idea was that if you were making a VF page that had an inputfield that was related to a lookupfield you would just insert this autocomplete component to that inputfield. Something like this:

           <apex:inputField value="{!Contact.accountid}" id="accname" styleClass="cField">
<c:autocomplete ObjectName="Accounts" InputId="{!$Component.accname}" AutoCompleteId="accACid" ClassName="autocomplete300"/>

The component has 4 parameters:

The name of the object or custom object that the inputfield relates to (new objects must be added inside the apex classes since i had some problems constructing a dynamic query).
The InputId which is used to relate the component to the input field
The id for the Component
A classname parameter that basically just defines the width of the suggestions menu.

Here's a screenshot of how it looks like in action:

Here's a link to the file containing the required files:



Message Edited by jonathan rico on 08-16-2008 01:55 PM

Message Edited by jonathan rico on 08-17-2008 09:04 AM
Message Edited by jonathan rico on 01-02-2010 05:01 PM