• forecast_is_cloudy
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Following the mobile workbook I went the Android route: I did the SDFCRestSample app but I wanted to do the CloudTunes one and the SalesforceSDK package that you need to use comes with 3 errors in OAuthActivity.java


  • The method onAuthCancelled(boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method
  • The method onAuthError(Uri, String, String, boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method
  • The method onAuthSuccess(OAuthToken, boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method

Removing the @override does clear them but then the CloudTunes apk crashes when loading into the emulator/device


Help? Ideas?


Also on the workbook it says that the salesforceSDK is available in a jar file but I have not been able to find it at all.


I rather use the salesforceSDK than creating my own library if possible

  • October 17, 2011
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i wrote the batch apex code i.e,

global class batchOrphanedContacts implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,schedulable {
	global string strQuery;
    global void execute(schedulablecontext sc){
       batchOrphanedContacts bc= new batchOrphanedContacts();
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
    	string Cname='TestFound Contact';
        return Database.getQueryLocator('select Id,lastname,AccountId,owner.email from Contact where name=:Cname  ');   
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Contact> lstCon){
          string MesgBody;
          string[] Email;
          list<OpportunityContactRole> lstOPPConrole;
          list<Contact> lstUpdateContact=new list<Contact>();
          Contact objCon;
          map<Id,Integer> mapConCount = new map<Id,Integer>();
          map<Id,Contact> mapContacts=new map<Id,Contact>();
          map<Id,Id> mapConAccount = new map<Id,Id>();
          for(Contact objContact:lstCon)
          lstOPPConRole=[select id,ContactId,OpportunityId,Opportunity.AccountId from OpportunityContactRole where ContactId in: mapContacts.keyset() order by ContactId];
           if(lstOPPConRole != null && !lstOPPConRole.isEmpty()){
            for(OpportunityContactRole oppConRole : lstOppConRole){
                if(mapConCount.get(oppConRole.ContactId) != null){
                    if(mapConAccount.get(oppConRole.ContactId) != OppConRole.Opportunity.AccountId)
            for(Integer iCount=0;iCount<mapContacts.values().size();iCount++){
                objCon = mapContacts.values()[iCount];
                MesgBody = '';
                if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id) != null){
                    if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id) == 1){
                        objCon.accountId = mapConAccount.get(objCon.id);
                         MesgBody = 'Account found for the Contact '+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                         Email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                    }else if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id)>1){
                        MesgBody = 'Too many Accounts found for the Contact'+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                        Email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                    //Not Found
                    MesgBody = 'No Accounts found for the Contact'+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                    email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                if(MesgBody != ''){
                	if(sendMail(MesgBody,Email) == false){
        update lstUpdateContact;
    //send Email 
    public boolean sendMail(string body,string[] toAddresses ) {
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        email.setSubject('Review Orphaned Contact');
        email.setToAddresses( toAddresses );
        email.setPlainTextBody( body );     
          Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r =Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});
          return true;	
        }catch(Exception ex){
          return false;  
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){      
       system.debug('all done.');   

 i need to stop sending  mails after Completing 1000 mails for a day . please help me 

. Advance thanks




  • July 18, 2011
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Does anybody know in which table are stored the users requests to join private groups in Chatter?


I have seen the "CollaborationGroup", "CollaborationGroupMember" and "CollaborationInvitation" tables but no way to find something like "CollaborationGroupMemberRequest".





what I'm trying to achieve is to have a visualforce page to show both Parent and child fields (VF page object is child)



I have a custom object 'Tests_to_run__c' with two look-up relations to two custom objects.  
'Tests_to_run__c' is the child.
Object parent 1 is 'Software_Testing__'c and child relationship name is 'Tests2run__r'
Object parent 2 is 'Testing_Item__c' and child relationship name is  'Test_item_to_run__r'
 I'm trying to have the visualforce page to show some fields from the parent Objects here's the page :
<apex:page standardController="Tests_to_run__c" showHeader="true" extensions="mytest2runedit">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Testing the functionality" subtitle="{!ftt.name}"/> 
<apex:form id="Test2run" >
  <apex:messages />
  <apex:pageBlock title="Testing the functionality" id="Test_Block" mode="edit">
  <apex:messages />
      <apex:pageBlockbuttons >
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSection title="Complete the Test assigned to you" columns="2" collapsible="False">

      <apex:outputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Name}"/>
      <!--  apex:outputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Owner}"/-->
      <apex:outputField value="{!st.Software_to_Be_Tested__c}"/> 
	  <apex:outputField value="{!st.Version__c}"/> 

      <apex:outputField value="{!ftt.Software__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!ftt.Description__c}"/>

      <apex:inputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Compulsory__c}"/>
      <apex:inputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Assigne_to_User__c}"/>
      <apex:inputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Completed__c}"/>      
      <apex:inputField value="{!Tests_to_run__c.Test_Comments__c}"/>            


and the controller extensions :
public class mytest2runedit {

public Testing_Item__c ftt {get;set;}
public Software_Testing__c st {get;private set;} 

public mytest2runedit(ApexPages.standardController controller){
	   Tests_to_run__c t2r = (Tests_to_run__c)controller.getRecord(); 
       t2r = [select id, Software_testing__c, Testing_Item__c, Completed__c, Compulsory__c, Assigne_to_User__c from Tests_to_run__c where id=:controller.getRecord().Id limit 1];
       Software_Testing__c st = [select id, version__c, Software_to_Be_Tested__c from Software_Testing__c where id =: t2r.Software_Testing__c limit 1];
       Testing_Item__c ftt = [select id, Software__c, name, Description__c from Testing_Item__c where id =: t2r.Testing_Item__c limit 1];


If I run the code in the controller from the System Log, I can actually see the above retrieves the parent fields values correctly, but when running the page the values from the parent fields do not appear in the page.
I'm probably justy missing something which I'm unable to figure out.
Any suggestions ?



Thanks in advance for any help on this.





I am trying to write a APEX Webservice that will be called from .NET. Before trying to use it at NET i wanted to test the WS Class I wrote in the APEX using a test class. Does anyone have examples of any test classes to test the APEX Web services?
Appreciate your response.

I have created a VisualForce page which allows an object record to be updated.


I utilized site to display the page, the user can go in edit fields and Save which updates the page.


The problem is that after the user updates the page it is defaulting to mysite.force.com/siteName/SalesforceID


When an update occurs I would like to send my user to a thankyou page. How do I intercept the URL it is going to send the user to and redirect that user instead somewhere else?

I'm writing a unit test on the opportunity and opportunity line item.  I am getting the error "No standard price is defined".


Here is my test method:


public static testMethod void test3() 
    	Pricebook2 pb = new Pricebook2(Name = 'Standard Price Book 2009', Description = 'Price Book 2009 Products', IsActive = true);
    	insert pb;
    	Product2 prod = new Product2(Name = 'Anti-infectives 2007', Family = 'Best Practices', Practice__c = 'GP/BP', Service_Level__c = 'Partial Service', Product_Abbrev__c = 'CMR_Antiinfect', Sales_Unit__c = 'Each', Standard_Unit__c = 'Each', Product_Year__c = '07', Item_Type__c = 'Non-Inventory (Sales only)', IsActive = true);
    	insert prod;
    	PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry(Pricebook2Id = pb.Id, Product2Id = prod.Id, UnitPrice = 10000, IsActive = true, UseStandardPrice = false);
    	insert pbe;
    	Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Test Syndicated 2010', Type = 'Syndicated - New', StageName = 'Planning', CloseDate = system.today());
    	insert opp;
    	OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(opportunityId = opp.Id, pricebookentryId = pbe.Id, Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 7500, Description = '2007 CMR #4 - Anti-Infectives');
    	insert oli;
		List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [Select Id From OpportunityLineItem Where OpportunityId =: opp.Id];
		update olis[0];


The error is thrown on the line where I try and insert the PricebookEntry record:


PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry(Pricebook2Id = pb.Id, Product2Id = prod.Id, UnitPrice = 10000, IsActive = true, UseStandardPrice = false);
    	insert pbe;


I'm not sure what I'm missing. 


Thanks for any help.



I am trying to query the Event object and traverse down thru the relatedTo (whatId) object and its corresponding fields. I was trying the following query in Eclipse:


Select e.What.Account_Name__c, e.What.Project__c, e.What.Confirmed_Start_Date__c, e.What.Account__c, e.WhatId, e.Account.Name, e.AccountId From Event e


I get the following error: No such column 'Account_Name__c' on entity Name.  The field exists on a custom object Project_Request__c that is the relatedTo field on the Event.


How can I query the Project_Request__c object that is the relatedTo id on the event and access the fields on the Project_Request__c object from the Event object?


Thanks for any help.


Hi all,


I want to know whether we can add a new tab in my chatter for desktop application.Like if I want to show some custom content on the new tab.So is it possible to add the custom tab.?




  • March 21, 2011
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Good day,


I am new to web services. I have a requirement to pull set of records from external system to Salesforce. The external system is looking for a number as input from Salesforce. The team is ready to provide WSDL as well. I know that Salesforce can consume the WSDL and parse that as Apex class. I can invoke the methods in that calss to send a request and receive a response.


Is it possible to receive the set of records as response and  dispaly the VF page without storing that in a custom objects?


If yes, how can we retrieve the list of records and process it?


it would be really great if someone help on this.



  • March 10, 2011
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I am trying to do the following and getting an error: "Unexpected Token"



What is the correct way to select tasks where the Creator != Owner?


Task> ltsk = [SELECT id, subject, CreatedById, OwnerId FROM Task WHERE OwnerId != CreatedById];

  • February 28, 2011
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I'm trying to create a visualforce page to replace the Log A Call page.  Everything is working fine, except when I try to add  <apex:inputField value="{!Task.Type}" /> this works without error, but the actual field doesn't appear on the actual VisualForce page.  I'm trying to add the standard field Type, is the standard field Type, not the RecordType.  I also noticed that this field doesn't show up in the Apex Explorer.   Can anyone help me with this.



I have a problem... I have a custom object that has a lookup to the Leads object.  (Leads >> Feedback)


Upon converting the lead, I would like the like the feedback object to attach to the newly created opportunity.  How would I attempt to do this? The feedback object also has a lookup to an opportunity.  Any help is appreciated.


There's a similar thread here but doesn't help much: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/General-Development/Converting-Lead-lookup-relationship-w-custom-object/m-p/69891


Thank you-





whenever I am trying to migrate one custom object to production. it is throwing this error.



                    GFQuote__c.BDM__c: There is already a Child Relationship named Quotes on User "    


where as both the environment has the existing field BDM__c.


Can any body quickly comment on this. Waiting for reply

I was thinking of creating a wizard in salesforce. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or places that I could go to find refrences? Also I was wondering if at all possible that there was a place I could go to find some sample code. 

This is driving me crazy. I have an object (called WebSurveyQuestion__c) with a lookup field to an object called WebSurveyAnswerType__c. I would expect to have a child relationship on WebSurveyQuestion__c down to the WebSurveyAnswerType__c, but it's the reverse (the WebSurveyAnswerType__c object is the parent).


I keep trying to write the query on the question object, as that's where I can limit the results:


Select Id, (Select Public_Question_Label__c from WebSurveyQuestions__r), Public_Question_Label__c, Answer_Type__c

From WebSurveyQuestion__c WHERE Public__c = trueAND Parent_Question__c = ''order by Question_Order__c 


What I can't figure out is how to get the name for the AnswerType (Answer_Type__c in the above returns the ID, and I want to return the name).


What am I missing?


Is there some some way to traverse from child to parent? What relationship name would I use (the relationship name is defined for the child on the parent object, but not the opposite)?

Excuse me, as I'm seasoned Java programmer but new to Apex.


In Java you would have an import statement, like "import mypackage.thiscompany.com.*;"  The import statement is at top of class, right below package declaration.


How do you do an "import" in Apex?


What I want to do is reference another class for utilities.    Specifically there are some SFDC code share classes for JSON that I want to use from ANOTHER Apex class.  How to I point to those JSON classes in my own Apex class?




Another example might be for JavaMail or JDOM; what if a person wanted to use those 3rd party packages via an import?




I've created 2 FORMULA fields in my custom object. One of which is of TEXT AREA field and another is TEXT FIELD.


Now I want to perform some operation that will based on the field types (i.e. TEXT AREA or TEXT FIELD). However using the describe call I don't get such information of the formula field. When I try to fetch the field type for FORMULA FIELD every time it returns the STRING type.


So how can I differentiate between FORMULA TEXT AREA and FORMULA TEXT FIELD ?


Thanks & Regards,

Anand Agrawal.

Are Fieldsets accessible in Apex or only in Visualforce? From the Release Notes and docs, it seems only the latter but will be great to know for sure as I could REALLY use them in my code for now. I'm basically trying to get the different set of fields on the layouts for different record types but there doesn't seem to be a way in Apex to get those so was hoping to use Fieldsets.



i had installed an application from appexchange,now i want to know how to run that apps.


Please tell me.


  • February 11, 2011
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I am a native app developer who is new to Salesforce .


When I create an app by extending the Salesforce1 app and add more functionality using VisualForce, is my app packaged as a native app or is  it rendered as a mobile web app in my device?




I started using Salesforce1, downloaded the app, logged in. Seeing stuff. Thats cool. But our organization has several Apps, one of which we utilize primarily.


How can I tell which App I am connected to when I log into Salesforce1?



When we login to salesforce SDK, sometimes we are required to enter a verification code on new devices.  When we hand this account over to judges in submission process, how will they be able to verify the account to test it with?


is the programming language of the Force.com platform limited to apex? can i write a native Force.com app using languages like Java or python?

  • December 31, 2013
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Whats the best way to develop a Andriod App for Salesforce. (Must have offline mode and Digital Signature)


Thanks for all the answers.



I'm seeing a consistent and baffling problem with the calculations of FY (across several different organizations).  Has anyone else seen this, can you explain the behavior, or propose a work-around?


The problem is that FISCAL_YEAR() returns a value off by one.


To reproduce the problem:


  1. Double-check your FY settings.  Let's say Sept-Aug for simplicity, but this holds across FY.  FY is named by Ending Month.
  2. With these settings, today must be in FY 2012 - we are between Sept 2011 and August 2012, which is FY 2012.
  3. Create a new closed opportunity, with a close date of today.  Logic compels that the opportunity must be in the current fiscal year, which per (2) is 2012.
  4. Note the Opportunity ID.  Open up the Developer Console, paste the following code, and change the opp ID accordingly:

AggregateResult[] ar = [SELECT FISCAL_YEAR(CloseDate) fy FROM Opportunity

WHERE Id = '006A000000GjODf' GROUP BY FISCAL_YEAR(CloseDate)];

System.debug('FISCAL YEAR IS: ');



  1. Check the output - it displays a FY of 2011 instead of 2012.
  2. I'm seeing this consistent pattern:  FISCAL_YEAR() is returning one fiscal year too low for all opportunities.

Has anyone else seen this, can you explain the behavior, or propose a work-around?



  • April 19, 2012
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What is Salesforce.com mobile application development platform??

  • October 19, 2011
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Following the mobile workbook I went the Android route: I did the SDFCRestSample app but I wanted to do the CloudTunes one and the SalesforceSDK package that you need to use comes with 3 errors in OAuthActivity.java


  • The method onAuthCancelled(boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method
  • The method onAuthError(Uri, String, String, boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method
  • The method onAuthSuccess(OAuthToken, boolean) of type OAuthActivity must override a superclass method

Removing the @override does clear them but then the CloudTunes apk crashes when loading into the emulator/device


Help? Ideas?


Also on the workbook it says that the salesforceSDK is available in a jar file but I have not been able to find it at all.


I rather use the salesforceSDK than creating my own library if possible

  • October 17, 2011
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This question has to do with developing Visualforce pages for the Salesforce Mobile application. 


Is it possible to refer to the data set that is on a user's mobile device via a Visualforce page/Apex Controller? 


Similarly, is it possible to link to a Salesforce Mobile record detail page from a Visualforce page?  For example, if I have a list of records in a Visualforce page that is brought up using a mobile tab, can I have one of those records link to the mobile record detail page (i.e., the standard, out of the box mobile page layout/record detail)?


For those of you who haven't tried, just trying to address a record detail with the base url + the record ID doesn't work -- it brings up the Salesforce online version. 


I also know that it's possible to create a formula field link in a mobile record detail page that points to a Visualforce page, but I haven't seen any documentation that says you can go the other way around. 


I'd like to do this so I don't have to program my own record detail page.



If I initiate a REST authentication request 

$url = SFDC_LOGIN_URI."/services/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=$id&redirect_uri=".urlencode(SFDC_CALLBACK_URI);

header("Location: ". $url); 


When SFDC invokes my callback page I get a code.  


Question is; If I have multiple users in my application invoking the code above.  Is it possible to match up each authentication request with the callback response that SFDC provides?


I tried appending a session Id to the redirect_uri in my code but SFDC throws an error that the URI did not match.

We have a requirement where we want to access chatter status data for users in my group on regular basis to be shown in other application.

We are using web server flow and got access token and refresh token.I save it to properties file which can only be accessed by deployer of the application.


Currenlty I am using my salesforce account for this.

For making this automated ,we are thinking of having a separate saleforce accout dedicated for this functionality which will follow every user in my group to have updates from them?


Is this the correct way to go for it?




  • July 20, 2011
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I need to develop a custom web service which might return high volume of data. what is max reponse size limit 3MB? If I have to return more than the limit what would be the easiest way. I am using SOAP.


Thanks in advance.

i wrote the batch apex code i.e,

global class batchOrphanedContacts implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,schedulable {
	global string strQuery;
    global void execute(schedulablecontext sc){
       batchOrphanedContacts bc= new batchOrphanedContacts();
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
    	string Cname='TestFound Contact';
        return Database.getQueryLocator('select Id,lastname,AccountId,owner.email from Contact where name=:Cname  ');   
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Contact> lstCon){
          string MesgBody;
          string[] Email;
          list<OpportunityContactRole> lstOPPConrole;
          list<Contact> lstUpdateContact=new list<Contact>();
          Contact objCon;
          map<Id,Integer> mapConCount = new map<Id,Integer>();
          map<Id,Contact> mapContacts=new map<Id,Contact>();
          map<Id,Id> mapConAccount = new map<Id,Id>();
          for(Contact objContact:lstCon)
          lstOPPConRole=[select id,ContactId,OpportunityId,Opportunity.AccountId from OpportunityContactRole where ContactId in: mapContacts.keyset() order by ContactId];
           if(lstOPPConRole != null && !lstOPPConRole.isEmpty()){
            for(OpportunityContactRole oppConRole : lstOppConRole){
                if(mapConCount.get(oppConRole.ContactId) != null){
                    if(mapConAccount.get(oppConRole.ContactId) != OppConRole.Opportunity.AccountId)
            for(Integer iCount=0;iCount<mapContacts.values().size();iCount++){
                objCon = mapContacts.values()[iCount];
                MesgBody = '';
                if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id) != null){
                    if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id) == 1){
                        objCon.accountId = mapConAccount.get(objCon.id);
                         MesgBody = 'Account found for the Contact '+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                         Email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                    }else if(mapConCount.get(objCon.id)>1){
                        MesgBody = 'Too many Accounts found for the Contact'+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                        Email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                    //Not Found
                    MesgBody = 'No Accounts found for the Contact'+ '\r\r\n' + URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + objcon.id;
                    email=new string[]{objcon.owner.email};
                if(MesgBody != ''){
                	if(sendMail(MesgBody,Email) == false){
        update lstUpdateContact;
    //send Email 
    public boolean sendMail(string body,string[] toAddresses ) {
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        email.setSubject('Review Orphaned Contact');
        email.setToAddresses( toAddresses );
        email.setPlainTextBody( body );     
          Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r =Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});
          return true;	
        }catch(Exception ex){
          return false;  
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){      
       system.debug('all done.');   

 i need to stop sending  mails after Completing 1000 mails for a day . please help me 

. Advance thanks




  • July 18, 2011
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Does anybody know in which table are stored the users requests to join private groups in Chatter?


I have seen the "CollaborationGroup", "CollaborationGroupMember" and "CollaborationInvitation" tables but no way to find something like "CollaborationGroupMemberRequest".



Is there any chatter REST API to get updates for everything I am following ?


  • July 12, 2011
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