• Pradeep_Navatar
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I am develping custom App. For that app, i am creating few custom profiles.


I am going to create Managed Package of the app and going to upload it on AppExchange.


Is it possible to package custom profiles, while creating a Managed Package?


Thanks and Regards,
Devendra S

Hello Evryone,

I have a small issue that,

I need to insert the Records from a DataTable to my custom Object.

(i.e., there are 10 InputText Fields in a Datatable in my Page, Now I need to Insert these values to my Object )


I have written the properties for that inputText, But it taking the last entered value.


Please Help me...............

Thanks in Advance............

This should be simple, but I'm having a hard time with it. I want to create a formula field that gives me the number of minutes between the record's CreateDate and LastModifiedDate. What does that formula need to look like?


Thanks for your help!

We have a visualforce email template and want to send a checkbox with it. It shows the boolean value as true or false rather than showing the checkbox in the templete. Is there any way to display the checkbox in email template.



Is it possible to create customer portal user without linking them with Account or Contact? I have custom object which will be source information for that user. Basically I have created several custom objects for capturing student prospective and applicants, and I want to create customer portal user based on the applicants information.


I  am new in force.com and have no experience in Salesforce CRM; I am trying to create custom application in force.com which don't rely on any CRM objects.





I am wondering is there a way I can hide a specific value in a visualforce page using either controller or in Visualforce page.


Suppose I have original Picklist Values in setup :

A- 123




I want to Display only 2 values on a Visual force page.Like



How can I acheive this?


Please put some code if it is possible.

  • May 03, 2011
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I tried to post this earlier, but I cannot locate the post. (Sorry if this is a duplicate.)


I am trying to compile an example from the following apex code documentation:



I keep receiving the above compile error when trying to create the Apex class shown below (and on the web page path above).






public class SOQLController { 
    public String name { 
        get { return name;} 
        set { name = value;} 
    public PageReference query() { 
        String queryName = '%' + name + '%';
        queryResult = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE 
           (IsDeleted = false and Name like :queryName)];
        return null; 



Thanks, Matt

wat is mini page layout and mini console view?

Hello All,


I need help to update a Custom field whenever I insert a Solution into Case. I did a lot of R&D and found that the CaseSolution object has association between Case and Solution and also it not possible write an Apex triggers on CaseSolution object, is there any other workaround to achieve this?


I am stuck in this issue and unable to get the solution from last 4 days. Any help regarding this will be greatly appreciated.


Please anyone help me regarding this.

Thank you!




i want to use jquery validation plugin in salesforce.

i name the id in salesforce but when it comes to html the id is changed.




pls help me to solve this problem i am not geting the out put


i am a beginner i managed to create the below trigger to update the primary fields in contact from otc contact .  


can any one help me writing a test class for it.


thanks in advance for your help.


trigger UpdatePrimaryOTCContact on OTC_Contact__c (after insert, after update) {
    List <String> ContactIds= new List<String>();
     For(OTC_Contact__c otc : trigger.new)
     List<Contact>Contacts = [Select Id, Name, Primary_OTC_Contact__c, Primary_CheckPoint_Ship_To__c, Primary_Checkpoint_Learning_Ship_To__c From Contact Where id IN:ContactIds];
     Map<String,Contact>ContactMap = New Map<String,Contact>(); 
     For(Contact ct : Contacts)
       ContactMap.Put(ct.id, ct);
     List<Contact> ConUpdates = New List<Contact>();
     For(OTC_Contact__c otc : Trigger.new)
       system.debug('Entered for loop');
        if(otc.Is_Primary__c==TRUE && otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Ship_To__c==TRUE
                        && otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Learning_Ship_To__c==TRUE)
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
       else if(otc.Is_Primary__c==TRUE && otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Ship_To__c==TRUE)
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
       else if(otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Ship_To__c==TRUE && otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Learning_Ship_To__c==TRUE)                        
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
       else if(otc.Is_Primary__c==TRUE && otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Learning_Ship_To__c==TRUE)
           Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
     else if(otc.Is_Primary__c==TRUE)
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
     else if(otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Ship_To__c==TRUE)
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
        else if(otc.Is_Primary_Checkpoint_Learning_Ship_To__c==TRUE)
         Contact con = ContactMap.get(otc.Contact__c);
   update ConUpdates; 


I hav made two custom object..candidate and job application..wats d demand is "wenever first name in candidate object is "XYZ" den automaticaly job status should be "hold"...job status picklist value is "hold" and job status is a field on job application...plzz help me in this...i need to write trigger on this.....


Any help will be appreciated..


How can i keep Required mark for an input text  value in a visual force page?Setting required="true" is not working..


 Name : <apex:inputtext value="{!ContactName}" id="name"  required="true"/>





Hi All,

Is there any way to hide a tab from all the profiles at a time.

Thanks in advance.

  • February 10, 2011
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I'm able to get my custom list view with the metadata API stored in the xml file zip. However, the tag "operation" contain the operation in letters and I would like to translate this definitions in operator SOQL. Is someone can give me the operator I should use for each operation below ?












Thank you by advance.

I'm sure this information is on this board, i've read a few posts about similar stuff but not sure how to go forward.


I have a VF page which I am showing inline on a record detail. Along with showing information it has a button that when pressed opens a different page in a new window like this:


    <script language="javascript">
        function newWindow(file,window)
          if (msgWindow.opener=null)
          msgWindow.opener = self;

    <apex:commandButton onclick="newWindow('/apex/editCountries?id={!targetId}','editdwindow');"  value="Edit Countries" />


On the page that is shown in the new window, editCountries, a user can update fields and there is a button to save on that page which saves the updates and closes the window:



<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" id="theButton" onclick="self.close();"/>

The updates work fine and the window closes but how can i change this so that the original page, the one that has the button to call the second page gets refreshed when the Save button is clicked on the second page?


Both pages use seperate controllers.  




  • February 07, 2011
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Hi Devs,


I have few questions regarding AssignedTo field.

AssignedTo field in Event or Task is a lookUp in User or Calendar.


Why it is a lookUp to the Calendar(Is it neccesary)?Can we give a calendarId to this field?


If yes, how to select a calendar to this AssignedTo field?To do this what are the changes to be done to the calendar?


can this AssignedTo field accepts any other value which is not a User?






I am trying to display dates of current week. How can i do it? What i am trying to do is display the timesheet for the week.

So if i view the page today then it should display me the current week dates. Any pointers to approach this problem would be very helpful




  • February 01, 2011
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hi dear

  how can i trap inputtext value in javascript

  if i want to check validations on inputtext by  using javascript

Dear Gurus,


this is probably a no-brainer, but I am looking for help with the following:


I have an Apex class where I am trying to access values from a field that I have put in a List object. Then object populates as expected...However the below string format is returned using the method - uanVals.get(i). It is my understaning that the get method on the List object will return me the result in the proper index ....which it does.


The method  uanVals.get(i) from  a list object returns the proper records, however the formate below is giving me trouble.


"Utility_Account__c:{Utility_Account_Number__c=1008901001900249540108, Id=a0EQ0000001trzXMAQ}"


How can I get the call from the list object to only return me the string value I need. In this case '1008901001900249540108';


Thanks in advance



  • January 27, 2011
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I am develping custom App. For that app, i am creating few custom profiles.


I am going to create Managed Package of the app and going to upload it on AppExchange.


Is it possible to package custom profiles, while creating a Managed Package?


Thanks and Regards,
Devendra S

Is there a way in apex to know what record types the logged in user has access to on particular object?




I am using the following in my visualforce page to open a new window but it is opening in the same window, can anyone please tell me how to open a popup window ?


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function popupwindow(){
        var newwindow = window.open('/apex/CallReportDataComponentPage','Call Report'); 

<apex:commandButton action="{!InvokeCallReport}" value="Generate Report" onclick="popupwindow"/>




i have a small problem.


I need to know the difference between 2 datetimes in seconds.

One is a CreatedDate field, the other is datetime.now()


I tried converting them to timestamps to calculate with them but it didn't work.


Anyone have ideas?



I Need to display year and day of a particular date..


I have three fields.

Suppose in first field i have entered 1/05/2011




In second filed month has to display like(jan or feb or march,.............)


In third field year has to diplay (2011)



Please can any one help me out..??


Thanks & Regards,



Hello Evryone,

I have a small issue that,

I need to insert the Records from a DataTable to my custom Object.

(i.e., there are 10 InputText Fields in a Datatable in my Page, Now I need to Insert these values to my Object )


I have written the properties for that inputText, But it taking the last entered value.


Please Help me...............

Thanks in Advance............

I am working with Customer Portal,and I am enabling Sharing settings for 
the Role of a Customer Portal user
1.For example I gave criteria based sharing on object A.
like field in A as Number equals 10.
2.On the Profile of the user I gave only Read access to that object.
3.I have given PUBLIC READ\WRITE 
for the records that satisfy that criteria.
4.But when I login in to that user I am unable to see edit
button on those records that satisfy the criteria.

I think the Profile Permissions are Overriding the Sharing Access.
What I have to do overcome this.

If any one worked with this, 

Please help me.

Hi, All


I have create trigger for  chatter notification on attachment  when file is upload

but getting error like

Error: Apex trigger ChatterNotification caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: ChatterNotification: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST, Feed Item Type: bad value for restricted picklist field: file:


Plaese suggest me any idea !! or otherr way to chatter notification when attach file !!

Please Help me ASAP

Thank you,

Piyush Parmar

HI all


i'm planning to do sfdc dev401 exam by next week. please give me some useful sites to prepare

This should be simple, but I'm having a hard time with it. I want to create a formula field that gives me the number of minutes between the record's CreateDate and LastModifiedDate. What does that formula need to look like?


Thanks for your help!

I would like to create a button that changes the record type of a case . 


I have tried writing the javascript and scoured the web, but still cannot get it to work.  My code will update other fields if modified but not the recordtypeid.  Any suggestions?



var undocase= new sforce.SObject("Case");
undocase.id = "{!Case.Id}";
undocase.RecordType = "01240000000QFLB";

var result = sforce.connection.update([undocase]);

if (result[0].getBoolean("success"))
    // Refresh window
    alert("Error saving case");

Hi all,


I am trying to figure out on how to create an apps and deploy it to org. So I have created a small test app which has 1 custom object and 1 customization in the standard object (Accounts). I renamed the 'Accounts' into 'myAccounts'.


When I try to create a package, I cannot find the renamed 'myAccounts' in the tab nor the 'custom object'. 


1. Is it possible to package our changes and modification (e.g renaming standard field, workflow, etc) in the standard objects into a package and deploy them into org?


2. What will be the steps to deploy such customization?


forgive me if these questions are so obvious, since I am still learning and new to salesforce CRM.

Hi to all ,

How can we display calender in visual force page with total num of appointments in a perticular day.

Hi Guys,

                I want to set the Organization Timezone when creating a customer portal users internally.

                User u1 = new User(contactId=con.Id, username=con.Email, firstname=con.FirstName,
                lastname=con.LastName, email=con.Email,communityNickname = con.LastName + '_' + Rnd,
                alias = string.valueof(con.FirstName.substring(0,1) + con.LastName.substring(0,1)), profileid = pf.Id,           emailencodingkey='UTF-8',languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US'); i ahve given a hard coded timezone in User field. How to set the organization timezone here.Any help would be appreciated.


Hello there,


In opportunity, we have Type as a field which is a picklist.

Ie. Type = A, B, C, D


I want to create a report that gives me the sum of the amount field for all opportunities with Type A

And then in the same report, should give me a sum of the amount field for all opportunities with Type B +C + D


Can any1 help me to solve this




I am using Flow.


I have used dates within formulas.


These work great in the Designer version.


However, when you try to upload it, it comes up with an error message saying you can't reference a date within a Formula.


Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know of a fix?


Otherwise the only workaround I can think of is to write the data back to SFC and read back a formulated field from there but it doesnt seem particularly efficient.

I am using apex managed sharing to share records with users having different profiles with different custom object level permission.

I have created TestStandardUser profile from StandardUser profile. I have given read and edit  access to custom object in custom object  level permission and not given create permission in TestStandardUser. Now Logged in with TestStandardUser profile, and try to open search page(visualforce page) of that custom object . It is displaying only labels of input field tag. I can not enter values in fields and do search on them. 

apex:inputfields are not getting displayed on  visualforce page, when custom object does not have create permission on custom object in salesforce. Even though i have given read and edit access, it is not displaying properly,

  • April 18, 2011
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Hi ,


I have two panels  which Contains MultiPiclist and Dependent picklist and Input Fields. I want to clear all fileds if the user goes to another panel.

I m calling a javascript function to clear all fields.

Input fields and picklist becomes null  but problem is with Multiselect . Its Selected value are not null.It displayes previous selected values in selected area.


How can i empty Multipicklist




  • April 16, 2011
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I created a visualforce page with option renderas="pdf" and contentType="application/pdf" . This page is displays a rich text content in pdf format. While the richText content does not have any images it works good but if it has images then the images does not render properly, they are blurring.


Code is like following :

<apex:page contentType="application/pdf" renderas="pdf" >

<apex:outText value="{!obj__c.richText__c}" />



is there any trick to render images properly in pdf? thanks in advance for any help.


  • April 01, 2011
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I created a survey to using visualforce and force.com sites. when i test the force.com survey link with the case.id, account.id and the contact.id in the link, clicking the submit button I get the Authorization Required error. Why won't the information go back to the survey object with that info?



  • March 21, 2011
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