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Is there anyway to remove the 'Del' link that appears when a Task/Event is added to Activity History.

I am able to hide the standard buttons like Clone, Edit in the detail page of any record by adding an inline S-Control with height and width values as zero in any section of the page layout. This S-Control gets the Id/Name (button being a static object) of the button object in script and makes its style as hidden.

But 'Del' link (being an dynamic object) appears only when records are added in the Activity History can't be done like the same mentioned above for hiding buttons.

Please let me know if anybody can throw some light on this.

When creating a query with Table Query Wizard, how are you able to create a "AND" or a "OR" statement in between the clauses?

We are using web-to-case to gather request / cases from our corporate web site. We would like to allow our customers to upload a file (supporting docs) while they submitting the web form in our site.

I know that Web to Case not support this straight away one as of now, But what are all the work around to implant this requirement.  How can we achieve this? Please share your views. Thanks.