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I have a particular oddity in a VF page.


I'm trying to show or hide fields based on picklists, so if the user picks a certain option, they get prompted for more detail, or if they pick anything off a multi-select picklist, they get asked for detail.


This works fine for a single option picklist, but not on a multi-select picklist.

When I change the multi-select picklist, there's no indication of any activity, the status message doesn't change, and no refresh.  I'm using IE8.


With the single-option picklist, I found I had to use an outputpanel to get the rerender to work, if I put the rerender into the pageblocksectionitem itself, it never behaved.


Here's some code, no controller just a custom object, can anyone see if I've cocked this up or not please?


<apex:inputfield value="{!object__c.themultiselectpicklist__c}"> <apex:actionsupport event="onchange" rerender="esref" status="stat"/> </apex:inputfield> <apex:outputPanel id="esref"> <apex:pageblocksectionItem rendered="{!TICK__c.object__c.themultiselectpicklist__c!=''}"> <apex:outputLabel value="Have you been provided with any reference numbers?"/> <apex:inputField value="{!object__c.Ref_Numbers__c}"/> </apex:pageblocksectionItem> </apex:outputPanel> <apex:inputfield value="{!Object__C.singleoptionpicklist__c}"> <apex:actionsupport event="onchange" rerender="witlist" status="stat"/> </apex:inputfield> <apex:outputPanel id="witlist"> <apex:pageblocksectionItem rendered="{!Object__C.singleoptionpicklist__c='Yes'}" > <apex:outputlabel value="Please list the names"/> <apex:inputtextarea cols="120" rows="5" value="{!Tick__c.namelist__c}"/> </apex:pageblocksectionitem> </apex:outputpanel> <apex:actionstatus id="witstat" starttext="Working" stoptext="Ready"> </apex:actionstatus>