• pedrosampaio
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I want to dynamic add/remove picklist values in a custom field associated to a custom object.


Has anyone done some code on this?


Note that I don't want use the setup to do this.






"(...) the only workaround is an ugly hack where you have to implement an Apex web service method that does the dml operations you wish to commit. Then invoke that web service method from within your Apex code that makes the HTTP callout."

Can anyone give some sample code on how to implement an Apex web service method that can be called
from within your Apex code? 




I am developing a new package and I need to define some configuration variables.


Note,that the configuration variables can be updated by users during the app lifecycle.


What migth be the best way to implement this?


I have tried to use Custom Settings but when I deploy the package in a new org, the variables values get lost.


What am I doing wrong? Or is there a better way to implement this?


Is there a way to run code when the package is deployed?






I am developing a new package and I need to define some configuration variables.


Note,that the configuration variables can be updated by users during the app lifecycle.


What migth be the best way to implement this?


I have tried to use Custom Settings but when I deploy the package in a new org, the variables values get lost.


What am I doing wrong? Or is there a better way to implement this?


Is there a way to run code when the package is deployed?




How can I add a custom component to a home page layout or to a standard object page layout?

I don't want to emebed a visualforce page.



How can I use the Color Picker component used in some Dashboard configurations (ex: Dashboard > Key Metrics > Customize > Select Chart & Highlights)?


I tried to copied the hmtl/javascript used in that page but I can't get the popup to close.



Or can anyone get me a sample code of a color picker/chooser embebed in a vf page?






"(...) the only workaround is an ugly hack where you have to implement an Apex web service method that does the dml operations you wish to commit. Then invoke that web service method from within your Apex code that makes the HTTP callout."

Can anyone give some sample code on how to implement an Apex web service method that can be called
from within your Apex code? 




I am developing a new package and I need to define some configuration variables.


Note,that the configuration variables can be updated by users during the app lifecycle.


What migth be the best way to implement this?


I have tried to use Custom Settings but when I deploy the package in a new org, the variables values get lost.


What am I doing wrong? Or is there a better way to implement this?


Is there a way to run code when the package is deployed?






Seems like a pretty basic requirement... I'm trying to make a VF email template with the date/time of the context user...


If I cant use $user.TimeZoneSidKey in a formula to make some offsets... Then what else could I do? Write a big silly formula that takes into consideration daylight savings time just ot output the value that's already on the record?





  • April 11, 2011
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When I run this command


java -classpath c:\wsc-18.jar;JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc c:\enterprise.wsdl c:\Enterprise.jar


I got error


[WSC][wsdlc.run:311]Created temp dir: C:\DOCUME~1\PICH\LOCALS~1\Temp\wsdlc-t
[WSC][wsdlc.<init>:79]Generating Java files from schema ...
[WSC][wsdlc.<init>:79]Generated 347 java files.
Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find file: c
        at com.sforce.ws.template.Template.createInputStream(Template.java:129)
        at com.sforce.ws.template.Template.exec(Template.java:88)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.generateAggregateResult(wsdlc.java:151)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.<init>(wsdlc.java:85)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.run(wsdlc.java:311)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.main(wsdlc.java:302)



Location of tools.jar, wsc-18.jar and enterprise.wsdl is correct.

Here is the instruction link that I follow http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Force.com_for_Google_App_Engine_Setup_Guide_Java




  • April 30, 2010
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I have a Visualforce page embedded in a regular page layout. The embedded VF page has a search field and a button. On clicking the button, it opens another VF page with the search results. The search works ok, but the resulting VF page (second one) is being displayed in the same place as the first one, embedded in the layout. I would like to open the second page like a standard page (with sidebar, tabs etc) in the main frame. It sounds like a very simple thing, but I just can't figure it out. Can someone pls help?




  • February 19, 2010
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Well this is easy in standard salesforce, mostly because it happens automatically.


What I want to do is make a summary popup window when a user hovers over a link in a visualforce page. Something like this (taken from standard salesforce):




There doesn't seem to be any standard or easy way to do this in visualforce. Is there? I'd like to avoid rewriting standard salesforce functionality if at all possible.


Anybody know how to do something like that? Also, what's the proper salesforce terminology for these popup windows?



I know I can build a dashboard with my VF page and display the dashboard snapshot on the home tab but it is not scalable and my VF page is a list which grows.


So how can I display my VF page on the home tab as a component? Do I have to build an html component and use the iframe tag? I tried that just now and it basically worked but it shows a complete inline salesforce window. So its the Opportunities tab (the tabstyle of the VF page) within the home tab, both with all sets of tabs and links. How can i just display the page without the tabs and sidebar?

I cannot seem to add custom components in an object layout. Is this s restriction ?





  • May 04, 2009
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How to send value from visualforce page to apex class ?


I tried to use this code, but it does not work.



global class Bibizanka { public String getBibizankaValue(String Bibiz){ return Bibiz; } }



<apex:page cache="true" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="Bibizanka"> Bibizanka value = {!BibizankaValue('test')} </apex:page>

