• jgreen.564
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Hi all,

I have created a object in salesforce platform and have created records in that object ,...

i want to import the records created in the visual force....


will it be possible to retrieve all the records in picklist ....and after selecting the record in picklist ..it shoul navigated to the edit page..

if possible send me the code ...please help with this...

Hi all,


I have a requirement where in a web page of this kind is to be created in the salesforce.com platform using visualforce.

Which may include first page like this, 

After entering the details, by clicking on submit it shud go to a page like this..

Url for page 1: http://bit.ly/dBQucr
Url for page 2: http://bit.ly/buEcZV
Can this type of pages can be created in salesforce platform using visualforce?.. Plz we need help on this..



I have created a webpage in visualforce,  a very simple page infact.

Take a look at the web page. http://funcode-developer-edition.ap1.force.com/


There used to be another save button in the code,  it will be diaplayed for the admin who is creating the page,

but it is not displaying in the webpage for the end user...

Please help me out in this.