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   <apex:form id="theForm" forceSSL="true">
                <select multiple="multiple" size="3"  name="laogao" tabindex="12"  style="width: 235px; ">
                                                                                                            <optgroup style="font-size:9px;text-decoration:none;"label="Chosen">
                                                                                                                <option value="sdf">sdf</option>
                                                                                                                 <option value="sdf">sdf</option>



    String s = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('laogao');
system.debug('00NR0000000cxZ1_selected:::::::::' + s);


print s=null;


how solve this question?

I call this method two times.but every time send email of content difference.How to solve this problem

while field instead of  password in the User object?



public with sharing class NewSiteLogin {

    public String username {get; set;}
    public String password {get; set;}

    public PageReference login()
        String startUrl = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('startURL');
system.debug('usename=:::' + username);
system.debug('password=:::' + password);
        //User user = [select count() from User where ]
        //User u = new User();
        PageReference pageTest = Site.login(username, password, startUrl);

    return pageTest;



Error: __MISSING LABEL__ PropertyFile - val FrontDoor$BadSidException not found in section Exception

Please email us if you need to get in touch.






Product object have a property Product_Descritpion.

it's a Testarea.

when set Product_Description context is <h1>abc</h1>. click save.

web service side not change..

when set Product_Description context is String.click save.

test can be successfully.


before  Product_Description property is Text .

when set Product_Description context is <h1>abc</h1>. i can < change &lt;  > change &gt.

but.Textarea  not can..why?







Field LabelAccount NameField NameAccount
Data TypeLookup(Account) Contacts
Help Text


Account t = new Account(name='laogaonihao');

Contract con = new Contract();

con.Account = t.id;


why contract insert?



when update string no problem.

but add html taglib after not update successfully.


Product.Product_Description = 'abc'  no problem.

Product.Product_Description = '<h1>abc</h1>';  not succeefully send web service.




Product object have a property Product_Descritpion.

it's a Testarea.

when set Product_Description context is <h1>abc</h1>. click save.

web service side not change..

when set Product_Description context is String.click save.

test can be successfully.


before  Product_Description property is Text .

when set Product_Description context is <h1>abc</h1>. i can < change &lt;  > change &gt.

but.Textarea  not can..why?







Field LabelAccount NameField NameAccount
Data TypeLookup(Account) Contacts
Help Text


Account t = new Account(name='laogaonihao');

Contract con = new Contract();

con.Account = t.id;


why contract insert?



when update string no problem.

but add html taglib after not update successfully.


Product.Product_Description = 'abc'  no problem.

Product.Product_Description = '<h1>abc</h1>';  not succeefully send web service.




I wrote the following



Public Static String getEmailFromSubjecct(String Subject){ // First, instantiate a new Pattern object "MyPattern" String emailRegex = '(\\w+)@(\\w+\\.)(\\w+)(\\.\\w+)*'; Pattern MyPattern = Pattern.compile(emailRegex); // Then instantiate a new Matcher object "MyMatcher" Matcher MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(Subject); boolean hasMatch = MyMatcher.matches(); String match = MyMatcher.group(0); return match;


 the variable "hasMatches" returns "true" when I call this with


EmailTools.getEmailFromSubject('test@test.com is an email address');


but  the string "match" fails with "System.StringException: No match found"


I am lost here.  Why would the .matches() method return true if there are no matches?


Having issues deloying this Trigger.  The Apex class has 100% coverage but Eclipse requires at least 1% test coverage for the Trigger.  Please help.

trigger ContractTriggerUpdate on Contract (after update) {




public class ContractUpdate {

public static void AddeCon(Contract [] UpdateContract) {

List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();

for(Contract c: UpdateContract)


if ((c.Stage__c=='Completed') && (c.RecordTypeId == '0123000000002Hr') && (c.Status == 'Active')){

Account acc = new Account(Id=c.AccountId,eCon_Completed__c=TRUE);



else { Account acc = new Account(Id=c.AccountId,eCon_Completed__c=FALSE);




update accountsToUpdate;



public static testMethod void test_AddeCon(){

Account test1 = new Account(Name = 'one', eCon_Completed__c=FALSE);

Account test2 = new Account(Name = 'two',eCon_Completed__c=TRUE);

Account test3 = new Account(Name = 'three',eCon_Completed__c=FALSE);

Account test4 = new Account(Name = 'four',eCon_Completed__c=TRUE);

Account[] accts = new Account[] { test1, test2, test3, test4 };

insert accts;

Contract TestCon1 = new Contract (AccountId = test1.Id, Stage__c = 'Completed',Status = 'Active',RecordTypeId = '0123000000002Hr');

Contract TestCon2 = new Contract (AccountId = test2.Id, Stage__c = 'Install on Hold', Status = 'Active');

Contract TestCon3 = new Contract (AccountId = test3.Id, Stage__c = 'Completed', Status = 'Cancelled', RecordTypeId = '0123000000002Hr');

Contract TestCon4 = new Contract (AccountId = test4.Id, Stage__c = 'Completed',Status = 'Active', RecordTypeId = '0123000000002Hr');

Contract[] con = new Contract[] {TestCon1, TestCon2, TestCon3, TestCon4};


// Execute trigger with test data set

// Confirm results

Account[] acctQuery = [SELECT eCon_Completed__c FROM Account WHERE Id = :accts[0].Id OR Id = :accts[1].Id OR Id = :accts[2].Id OR Id = :accts[3].Id];

System.assertEquals(TRUE, acctQuery[0].eCon_Completed__c);

System.assertEquals(FALSE, acctQuery[1].eCon_Completed__c);

System.assertEquals(FALSE, acctQuery[2].eCon_Completed__c);

System.assertEquals(TRUE, acctQuery[3].eCon_Completed__c);




Thanks in advance