• kandasmu
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Hi All, how this field "Total Num Sent in Hierarchy" in Campaign gets updated? 

Reference doc. says "Calculated field for the total number of individuals targetedby a campaign hierarchy, for example, the number of emails Total Num Sent in Hierarchy sent." I don't know how to get it done. 


Appreciate any help.





I want to display multiple contacts(reps) financial data in multi page PDF,I pass the list of contact Ids to the controller from there I have to display their financial data  in a PDF.


Please guide me how to acheive this rendering multi page pdf.


Thanks in advance.




Hi All, how this field "Total Num Sent in Hierarchy" in Campaign gets updated? 

Reference doc. says "Calculated field for the total number of individuals targetedby a campaign hierarchy, for example, the number of emails Total Num Sent in Hierarchy sent." I don't know how to get it done. 


Appreciate any help.



Hi everyone,


I am facing a strange issue with an SOSL in my apex code.

My SOSL searches against a custom object called Keyword.


One of my keyword record has the value " Ivan systems,Mobile Systems,Solution Provider" in one of its long text area(32000) field.


String keywordTerm =null;
keywordTerm = 'Mobile*';
Set<Id> validAccountsSetNonFed = new Set<Id>();
List<List<SObject>> searchList=[FIND :keywordTerm in all fields returning Keyword__c(Account__c where Account__c IN :validAccountsSetNonFed limit 200)];
List<Keyword__c> accountsWithKeyWord = searchList[0];


This SOSL returns 0 rows if i give the keywordTerm as 'Mobile*'.

But when i give it as 'Mobile* and *ivan*' it fetches me the record.


What could be the reason that this code snippet is behaving in this way.?



Thanks & Regards,


I'm trying to use getContent() on the Force.com sites to pull some files with data in from a static resource.


I've been able to do it successfully with a normal Salesforce app, but in Sites I can't seem to get any data. It puts me straight onto a maintenance page with no error messages or debug logs (as I'm only a guest).


Does anyone have any ideas?

I've an SOQL which queries an object and its associated Account & Contact values like this:


CustomObject__c co = [Select ID, Account__c, Contact__c, OwnerID From  CustomObject__c Where ID =: idvar];


Now, this works fine in my Development org. I can read the record in above query. But in user org I could not do so. Just so you know, I am "not" using "with sharing" keyword in my Apex Class. So automatic sharing does not apply to the SOQL results, right?


The only difference I can note in the 2 orgs is: User has Record Types created. DO anyone know if RecordType can effect user read permissions?


I've verified "Sharing Settings" too, the values are identical in both orgs, and also user is using same profile settings and Same Group as I'm using in my Dev org.



Please help, this is really bugging me out, I don't know what is making the record invisible in soql ... :(

  • September 23, 2010
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