• MariP
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Hi everybody,


The users can populate a text area with free email addresses.

I put them in a list (I suppose they have put ";" as a separator between each elements)


How can I check each one is a valid email address ?


Here is my code :



// add user free field to  the list of emails	 
 if (closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c!= null) { 	

list<string> lEmailOthersAddressesList = closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c.split(';', 15);

for(String sOthersAddresses : lEmailOthersAddressesList){
System.debug('valeur de lEmailAddressesList = ' + lEmailAddressesList);

 Is it possible to test sOthersAddresses to see if it is a valid address email ?


Thanks for any help !



  • March 24, 2011
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I wanted to populate a list incrementing myself the meter :



public with sharing class CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail {

// Collections
public list<string> lTypesContactList {get;set;}

public void SendEmail(List<Request__c> closedRequestList){
System.debug('## Start class ## CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail - ligne 14 ' + UserInfo.getName());

for (Request__c closedRequest:closedRequestList){


Boolean resultTest;

//put values of multi-select picklist field into a list
list<string> lTypesContactList = closedRequest.Contact_types_for_Email__c.split(';', 15);

// for every type of contact of the list, find its email address in Contact external
Integer count = 0 ;
for (String sTypesContact : lTypesContactList) {
System.debug('valeur de sTypesContact : ' + sTypesContact);

Contact_external__c acc_Contact_External = [select Name, Email__c from Contact_external__c
where Account__c = :closedRequest.Entity__c
and title__c = :sTypesContact limit 1 ];
// it is an external contact
System.debug('valeur de acc_Contact_External : ' + acc_Contact_External);
if(acc_Contact_External.Name != null){
// contact has an email address
if(acc_Contact_External.email__c != null){
// System.debug('valeur de count = [' + count + ']');
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Contact_External.email__c); *
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Contact_External.email__c);
} catch (System.QueryException e) {
System.debug('passage dans le Catch');
// not found in external contact
resultTest = sTypesContact.contains('lanner');
// is it a planner ?
System.debug('valeur de resultTest - Planner : ' + resultTest);
if(resultTest == true ) {

Request__c acc_Request = [select Id, Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email
from Request__c where Id = :closedRequest.Id];
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request : ' + acc_Request);
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);

if(acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email != null){
System.debug('valeur de Planner email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
} else {

resultTest = sTypesContact.contains('ield Service');
System.debug('valeur de resultTest - FSM : ' + resultTest);
// is it a field service manager ?
if(resultTest == true ) {

Request__c acc_Request = [select Id, Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email
from Request__c where Id = :closedRequest.Id];
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request : ' + acc_Request);
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);

if(acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email != null){
System.debug('valeur de FSM email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
} // try (1)
} // for lTypesContactList

System.debug('valeur de lEmailAddressesList après boucle lecture : ' + lEmailAddressesList);

(I used first .add method, but I add only the last value)


Does anybody can tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you  !





  • March 24, 2011
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Hi !


I need some help...


In apex, I want to get email address from a contact linked to the account concerned by the request on which the trigger started :


I try to explain better :                                                                                                           Contact(Object)


                                                                                                                                                 (I want to get this...)


                                                                       Account (Object)

                                                                       Field_service_manager_contact__c (lookup to contact)


Request__c (Object)                                                                                                           

Entity__c (lookup to Account)                                                                                             

(I am here)                                                                                                                             


Is it clear ?

I don't know how to code this in my class.....


Thanks a lot to help me !






  • March 23, 2011
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Is it possible to get the ID of the Organization Wide Address you want, to be chosen with a test on its display address ?

I would like not to put "hard code" ID.


I found some code somewhere and pasted it in mine, but it doesn't work :


// create a new single email message object  
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
// Assign the addresses for the To, CC and BCC lists to the mail object.  

// Use Organization Wide Address  
for(OrgWideEmailAddress owa : [select id, Address from OrgWideEmailAddress]) {
if(owa.Address.contains('CSR')) email.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(owa.id); } 

// Specify the subject line for your email address.  
email.setSubject('The request has been closed : ' + closedRequest.Name);
// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.  
// Optionally append the salesforce.com email signature to the email.  
// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.  

email.setHtmlBody('This request :<b> ' + closedRequest.Name +' </b>has been closed<br />' +
'Subject : ' + closedRequest.Subject__c +'<br />' +
'Short description : ' + closedRequest.Short_description__c +'<br />' +
'<p>Resolution :<b> ' + closedRequest.Answer__c +' </b></p>' +
'<p>Thank you</p>');

// Send the email you have created.  
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email })

For now, I haven' find any documentation about this.

Does someone have any solution for me ?



  • March 23, 2011
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  • 0

Hi everybody !

I'm rather inexperienced on Sales Force developments in general, an on Apex particulary...

I want to send emails via a trigger after update.


Here is the trigger :


trigger CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate on Request__c (after update) {
    //codes executed by spoon
     if(UserInfo.getName()== 'SPOON Consulting' || UserInfo.getName()== 'Stephane Tiger'){
        System.debug('## Start CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate'+ UserInfo.getName()); 
        Map<Id, Request__c> mpReqStatus = new Map<Id, Request__c> ();//
        Map<Id, List<Id>> mpReqSLA = new Map<Id, List<Id>> ();
        List<Id> lstReqSLAIds;  
        Set<id> slaIds = new Set<Id>();//old sla ids
        List<Request__c> requestList =new List<Request__c>();//list to be used for inserting milestone alerts
        Boolean requestAdded =false;
        for(Integer i = 0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){
            if(trigger.new[i].Call_type__c == UTI_Constants.callType_In_Request){           
                lstReqSLAIds = new List<Id>();                  
                //assuming whenever a case is closed...alerts are only invalidated not generated. so taking into consideration onlytrigger.old[i].SLAs 
                if((trigger.new[i].SLA_1__c != trigger.old[i].SLA_1__c ) ||(trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c) ){//trigger.new[i].Status__c == UTI_Constants.status_Closed_Request
                    System.debug('## adding sla1s for ' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c);                  
                    if( trigger.old[i].SLA_1__c != null){
                        System.debug('## adding sla1 to invalidate alert if old sla 1 is not null' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                System.debug( '## SLA2s differ ');
                if((trigger.new[i].SLA_2__c != trigger.old[i].SLA_2__c)|| (trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c)){//trigger.new[i].Status__c == UTI_Constants.status_Closed_Request 
                    System.debug('## adding sla2 for ' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                    if( trigger.old[i].SLA_2__c != null){//to invalidate milestone alerts, need to check if old SLA is not null
                        System.debug('## adding sla2 to invalidate alert if old sla 2 is not null' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                        System.debug( '## Request added to list already');
                    System.debug('## adding slas to list ');
                    System.debug('## added slas to list  ' +mpReqSLA +' reqStatus' +mpReqStatus);
        //invalidates existing alerts...
        if(mpReqSLA.size() > 0 && mpReqStatus.size() > 0)  {
            System.debug('## call the method invalidateMilestoneAlerts accordingly');
            UTI_CORE_AlertTriggers.invalidateMilestoneAlerts(slaIds, mpReqStatus, mpReqSLA);
        //inserting alerts
        if(requestList.size() > 0)  {
            System.debug('## call the method InsertMilestoneAlerts accordingly');
        System.debug('## End CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate'+ UserInfo.getName()); 

    //codes executed by MCP
     if(UserInfo.getName()== 'Marie-Christine PIEL'){
        List<Request__c> closedRequestList =new List<Request__c>();//list for which send an email
        for(Integer i = 0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){
            if(trigger.new[i].Call_type__c == UTI_Constants.callType_In_Request){  
                if ((trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c) && 
                (trigger.new[i].Status__c =='CORE_Closed')) {
        if(closedRequestList.size() > 0)  {

 I'm only concerned with the code inside the test on my profile, at the end.


And here is my class :

public with sharing class CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail {

// Objets
public Request__c oRequest {get;set;}
public Contact_external__c oContact_external {get;set;}
public Contact oContact {get;set;}

// Collections
public list<string> lEmailAddressesList {get;set;}
public list<string> lTypesContactList {get;set;}

public void SendEmail(List<Request__c> closedRequestList){
	for (Request__c closedRequest:closedRequestList){

	Boolean resultTest;
	//put values of multi-select picklist field into a list
		list<string> lTypesContactList = closedRequest.Contact_types_for_Email__c.split(';', 15);
	// for every type of contact of the list, find its email address in Contact external
	     Integer count = 0 ;
	     while (lTypesContactList [count] != null) {
	     Contact_external__c acc_Contact_External  = [select Email__c from Contact_external__c 
	    	 where Account__c = :closedRequest.Entity__c 
	     and title__c = :lTypesContactList[count] limit 1 ];
	     	// it is an external contact
			 if(acc_Contact_External.email__c != null){
			     lEmailAddressesList[count] = acc_Contact_External.email__c; 
			     count++ ;
			     // not found in external contact
		  		 } //else {
		  		 	//resultTest = lTypesContactList[count].contains('laner');
		  		 	// is it a planer ?
		  		 	//if(resultTest == true ) {
		  		 	//	Contact acc_Contact = [select email from Contact
		  		 	//	where Contact.Id = Account.  
		  		 	//                                                     +

	// add email of the contact chosen if there is one 
		 Contact acc_Contact = [select Email from Contact 
		 where Id = :closedRequest.Other_contact_for_Email__c limit 1 ];
		 count++ ;  

	// put emails in a STRING field with ';' for separator
	     count = 0 ;
	     String emailAddresses = ' ';
	     while (lEmailAddressesList [count] != null) {
	     emailAddresses = emailAddresses + lEmailAddressesList[count] ; 
	     emailAddresses = emailAddresses + '; ' ;
	     count++ ;

	// add user free field to that field 	
		 emailAddresses = emailAddresses + closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c;

	// Reserve email capacity for this transaction 
	// pour liste des erreurs d'envoi si plantage    
	List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> results = new list<Messaging.SendEmailResult>();
	// create a new single email message object  
	Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
	// Strings to hold the email addresses to which you are sending the email
	String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {emailAddresses};	
	// Assign the addresses for the To, CC and BCC lists to the mail object.  
	// Specify the address used when the recipients reply to the email.   
	// Specify the name used as the display name.  
	email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support???');
	// Specify the subject line for your email address.  
	email.setSubject('The request has been closed : ' + closedRequest.Id);
	// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.  
	// Optionally append the salesforce.com email signature to the email.  
	// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.  
	// value of setTargetObjectId must be Id of a contact, a lead or a user
	// value of setWhatId must be Id of an account, asset, campaign, case, .....            
    // The email template ID used for the email : NO : not if BCC used
    // email.setTemplateId('00XD0000001Vdq1');
	// Specify the text content of the email.  
	//email.setPlainTextBody('Your Case: ' + case.Id +' has been created');
	// mail.setHtmlBody('Your case:<b> ' + case.Id +' </b>has been created<p>'+
    //  ' View case <a href=https://na1.salesforce.com/'+case.Id+'>click here</a>');
	email.setHtmlBody('The request:<b> ' + closedRequest.Id +' </b>has been closed<p>'+
	     ' Here is the answer :<b> ' + closedRequest.Answer__c +' </b><p>');

	// Send the email you have created.  
	Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email });



When I compile the trigger, I get this message :Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail.SendEmail(LIST<Request__c>) at line 85 column 11


I can't find why..

I need help !!!




  • March 18, 2011
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Hi everybody,

I have a master-detail relationship between 2 custom objects (Call_Plan_Line__c and Call_Plan_Line_Result__c). In the header of my page, I display datas from the master object, and particulary the name of the DC Center of the store, which is a lookup field to Account. This field is blank, although I know there is something in it (the Id of the account, I suppose).


Here is my code :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__c}"/>

Here is the result :


I have tried this too :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__r.Name}"/>

Here is the result :


Any help will be welcome !






  • January 14, 2011
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Hi every body !


I need some help to finish my test class.


Y have a customer object (Int_Call_Plan__c), which has a lookup to object Account, through a customer field.


In the map to load the object via the data loader, I have this for the concerned field :




In my test class, I need to set this field. I have done this, I know it's wrong, but I can't find how to write it. I have tried others combinations (for example with the Id of Account I try to get after insert), without success for now.


public with sharing class Test_IntCallPlanResult2 {

static testMethod void testIntCallPlanResult2() {
        Account testAccount1 = new Account();
        testAccount1.Name = 'TestAccount1';
        testAccount1.External_key__c = 'XXXPOS1';
        insert testAccount1;
        Account IdtestAccount1 = [select Id from Account where External_key__c ='XXXPOS1' limit 1];
        test IntCallPlan

        Int_Call_Plan__c intCallPlanNew1 = new Int_Call_Plan__c();
        upsert intCallPlanNew1;


Thanks for your help, anyone.. !




  • November 16, 2010
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stil on my page block table...

To gain some place, I would like to not display format date (this : (28/10/2010) ) near an input date field...

How to do this, if it's possible ?


Here is the code for my VF page :


            <apex:pageblocktable value="{!resultList}" var="res"
                <apex:column headervalue="{!$Label.CORE_ActionDate}" width="20px">
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!res.Action_Date__c}"/>

Thanks for any help

  • October 28, 2010
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I begin on Visual Force and Apex...


I have a VF page where I want to save a pageblocktable, and then go back on the previous page. It saves, but stays on the page...


Here is my class :


public  class CallPlanResultController {
    public List<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c> resultList {get;set;}
    ApexPages.StandardController controller;
    public Call_Plan_Line__c callPlanLine {get;set;}
    public Integer resultListSize {
            return resultList.size();

    public CallPlanResultController(ApexPages.StandardController inputController){
        controller = inputController;

        callPlanLine = (Call_Plan_Line__c)controller.getRecord();

        resultList = new list<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c>();
        for (Call_Plan_Line_Result__c result:[select id,name,Action_Date__c,Action_Type__c,Info_Date__c,
         from Call_Plan_Line_Result__c where call_plan_line__c = :controller.getId()]){
    public void save(){
        PageReference retour = controller.save();
        update resultList;


and in my page I only use the save function of the controller :


<apex:commandbutton value="{!$Label.CORE_Btn_Save}" action="{!save}"/>


Any help will be appreciated....







  • October 27, 2010
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  • 0

Hi everybody,


The users can populate a text area with free email addresses.

I put them in a list (I suppose they have put ";" as a separator between each elements)


How can I check each one is a valid email address ?


Here is my code :



// add user free field to  the list of emails	 
 if (closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c!= null) { 	

list<string> lEmailOthersAddressesList = closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c.split(';', 15);

for(String sOthersAddresses : lEmailOthersAddressesList){
System.debug('valeur de lEmailAddressesList = ' + lEmailAddressesList);

 Is it possible to test sOthersAddresses to see if it is a valid address email ?


Thanks for any help !



  • March 24, 2011
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  • 0



I wanted to populate a list incrementing myself the meter :



public with sharing class CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail {

// Collections
public list<string> lTypesContactList {get;set;}

public void SendEmail(List<Request__c> closedRequestList){
System.debug('## Start class ## CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail - ligne 14 ' + UserInfo.getName());

for (Request__c closedRequest:closedRequestList){


Boolean resultTest;

//put values of multi-select picklist field into a list
list<string> lTypesContactList = closedRequest.Contact_types_for_Email__c.split(';', 15);

// for every type of contact of the list, find its email address in Contact external
Integer count = 0 ;
for (String sTypesContact : lTypesContactList) {
System.debug('valeur de sTypesContact : ' + sTypesContact);

Contact_external__c acc_Contact_External = [select Name, Email__c from Contact_external__c
where Account__c = :closedRequest.Entity__c
and title__c = :sTypesContact limit 1 ];
// it is an external contact
System.debug('valeur de acc_Contact_External : ' + acc_Contact_External);
if(acc_Contact_External.Name != null){
// contact has an email address
if(acc_Contact_External.email__c != null){
// System.debug('valeur de count = [' + count + ']');
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Contact_External.email__c); *
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Contact_External.email__c);
} catch (System.QueryException e) {
System.debug('passage dans le Catch');
// not found in external contact
resultTest = sTypesContact.contains('lanner');
// is it a planner ?
System.debug('valeur de resultTest - Planner : ' + resultTest);
if(resultTest == true ) {

Request__c acc_Request = [select Id, Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email
from Request__c where Id = :closedRequest.Id];
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request : ' + acc_Request);
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);

if(acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email != null){
System.debug('valeur de Planner email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Request.Entity__r.Supply_planner_contact__r.Email);
} else {

resultTest = sTypesContact.contains('ield Service');
System.debug('valeur de resultTest - FSM : ' + resultTest);
// is it a field service manager ?
if(resultTest == true ) {

Request__c acc_Request = [select Id, Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email
from Request__c where Id = :closedRequest.Id];
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request : ' + acc_Request);
System.debug('valeur de acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);

if(acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email != null){
System.debug('valeur de FSM email : ' + acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
// lEmailAddressesList.add(acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
lEmailAddressesList[count] = (acc_Request.Entity__r.Field_service_manager_contact__r.Email);
} // try (1)
} // for lTypesContactList

System.debug('valeur de lEmailAddressesList après boucle lecture : ' + lEmailAddressesList);

(I used first .add method, but I add only the last value)


Does anybody can tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you  !





  • March 24, 2011
  • Like
  • 0

Hi !


I need some help...


In apex, I want to get email address from a contact linked to the account concerned by the request on which the trigger started :


I try to explain better :                                                                                                           Contact(Object)


                                                                                                                                                 (I want to get this...)


                                                                       Account (Object)

                                                                       Field_service_manager_contact__c (lookup to contact)


Request__c (Object)                                                                                                           

Entity__c (lookup to Account)                                                                                             

(I am here)                                                                                                                             


Is it clear ?

I don't know how to code this in my class.....


Thanks a lot to help me !






  • March 23, 2011
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  • 0


Is it possible to get the ID of the Organization Wide Address you want, to be chosen with a test on its display address ?

I would like not to put "hard code" ID.


I found some code somewhere and pasted it in mine, but it doesn't work :


// create a new single email message object  
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
// Assign the addresses for the To, CC and BCC lists to the mail object.  

// Use Organization Wide Address  
for(OrgWideEmailAddress owa : [select id, Address from OrgWideEmailAddress]) {
if(owa.Address.contains('CSR')) email.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(owa.id); } 

// Specify the subject line for your email address.  
email.setSubject('The request has been closed : ' + closedRequest.Name);
// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.  
// Optionally append the salesforce.com email signature to the email.  
// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.  

email.setHtmlBody('This request :<b> ' + closedRequest.Name +' </b>has been closed<br />' +
'Subject : ' + closedRequest.Subject__c +'<br />' +
'Short description : ' + closedRequest.Short_description__c +'<br />' +
'<p>Resolution :<b> ' + closedRequest.Answer__c +' </b></p>' +
'<p>Thank you</p>');

// Send the email you have created.  
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email })

For now, I haven' find any documentation about this.

Does someone have any solution for me ?



  • March 23, 2011
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  • 0

Hi everybody !

I'm rather inexperienced on Sales Force developments in general, an on Apex particulary...

I want to send emails via a trigger after update.


Here is the trigger :


trigger CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate on Request__c (after update) {
    //codes executed by spoon
     if(UserInfo.getName()== 'SPOON Consulting' || UserInfo.getName()== 'Stephane Tiger'){
        System.debug('## Start CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate'+ UserInfo.getName()); 
        Map<Id, Request__c> mpReqStatus = new Map<Id, Request__c> ();//
        Map<Id, List<Id>> mpReqSLA = new Map<Id, List<Id>> ();
        List<Id> lstReqSLAIds;  
        Set<id> slaIds = new Set<Id>();//old sla ids
        List<Request__c> requestList =new List<Request__c>();//list to be used for inserting milestone alerts
        Boolean requestAdded =false;
        for(Integer i = 0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){
            if(trigger.new[i].Call_type__c == UTI_Constants.callType_In_Request){           
                lstReqSLAIds = new List<Id>();                  
                //assuming whenever a case is closed...alerts are only invalidated not generated. so taking into consideration onlytrigger.old[i].SLAs 
                if((trigger.new[i].SLA_1__c != trigger.old[i].SLA_1__c ) ||(trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c) ){//trigger.new[i].Status__c == UTI_Constants.status_Closed_Request
                    System.debug('## adding sla1s for ' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c);                  
                    if( trigger.old[i].SLA_1__c != null){
                        System.debug('## adding sla1 to invalidate alert if old sla 1 is not null' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                System.debug( '## SLA2s differ ');
                if((trigger.new[i].SLA_2__c != trigger.old[i].SLA_2__c)|| (trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c)){//trigger.new[i].Status__c == UTI_Constants.status_Closed_Request 
                    System.debug('## adding sla2 for ' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                    if( trigger.old[i].SLA_2__c != null){//to invalidate milestone alerts, need to check if old SLA is not null
                        System.debug('## adding sla2 to invalidate alert if old sla 2 is not null' + trigger.new[i].Request_Type__c); 
                        System.debug( '## Request added to list already');
                    System.debug('## adding slas to list ');
                    System.debug('## added slas to list  ' +mpReqSLA +' reqStatus' +mpReqStatus);
        //invalidates existing alerts...
        if(mpReqSLA.size() > 0 && mpReqStatus.size() > 0)  {
            System.debug('## call the method invalidateMilestoneAlerts accordingly');
            UTI_CORE_AlertTriggers.invalidateMilestoneAlerts(slaIds, mpReqStatus, mpReqSLA);
        //inserting alerts
        if(requestList.size() > 0)  {
            System.debug('## call the method InsertMilestoneAlerts accordingly');
        System.debug('## End CSR_CORE_RequestAfterUpdate'+ UserInfo.getName()); 

    //codes executed by MCP
     if(UserInfo.getName()== 'Marie-Christine PIEL'){
        List<Request__c> closedRequestList =new List<Request__c>();//list for which send an email
        for(Integer i = 0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){
            if(trigger.new[i].Call_type__c == UTI_Constants.callType_In_Request){  
                if ((trigger.new[i].Status__c != trigger.old[i].Status__c) && 
                (trigger.new[i].Status__c =='CORE_Closed')) {
        if(closedRequestList.size() > 0)  {

 I'm only concerned with the code inside the test on my profile, at the end.


And here is my class :

public with sharing class CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail {

// Objets
public Request__c oRequest {get;set;}
public Contact_external__c oContact_external {get;set;}
public Contact oContact {get;set;}

// Collections
public list<string> lEmailAddressesList {get;set;}
public list<string> lTypesContactList {get;set;}

public void SendEmail(List<Request__c> closedRequestList){
	for (Request__c closedRequest:closedRequestList){

	Boolean resultTest;
	//put values of multi-select picklist field into a list
		list<string> lTypesContactList = closedRequest.Contact_types_for_Email__c.split(';', 15);
	// for every type of contact of the list, find its email address in Contact external
	     Integer count = 0 ;
	     while (lTypesContactList [count] != null) {
	     Contact_external__c acc_Contact_External  = [select Email__c from Contact_external__c 
	    	 where Account__c = :closedRequest.Entity__c 
	     and title__c = :lTypesContactList[count] limit 1 ];
	     	// it is an external contact
			 if(acc_Contact_External.email__c != null){
			     lEmailAddressesList[count] = acc_Contact_External.email__c; 
			     count++ ;
			     // not found in external contact
		  		 } //else {
		  		 	//resultTest = lTypesContactList[count].contains('laner');
		  		 	// is it a planer ?
		  		 	//if(resultTest == true ) {
		  		 	//	Contact acc_Contact = [select email from Contact
		  		 	//	where Contact.Id = Account.  
		  		 	//                                                     +

	// add email of the contact chosen if there is one 
		 Contact acc_Contact = [select Email from Contact 
		 where Id = :closedRequest.Other_contact_for_Email__c limit 1 ];
		 count++ ;  

	// put emails in a STRING field with ';' for separator
	     count = 0 ;
	     String emailAddresses = ' ';
	     while (lEmailAddressesList [count] != null) {
	     emailAddresses = emailAddresses + lEmailAddressesList[count] ; 
	     emailAddresses = emailAddresses + '; ' ;
	     count++ ;

	// add user free field to that field 	
		 emailAddresses = emailAddresses + closedRequest.Others_email_addresses__c;

	// Reserve email capacity for this transaction 
	// pour liste des erreurs d'envoi si plantage    
	List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> results = new list<Messaging.SendEmailResult>();
	// create a new single email message object  
	Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
	// Strings to hold the email addresses to which you are sending the email
	String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {emailAddresses};	
	// Assign the addresses for the To, CC and BCC lists to the mail object.  
	// Specify the address used when the recipients reply to the email.   
	// Specify the name used as the display name.  
	email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support???');
	// Specify the subject line for your email address.  
	email.setSubject('The request has been closed : ' + closedRequest.Id);
	// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.  
	// Optionally append the salesforce.com email signature to the email.  
	// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.  
	// value of setTargetObjectId must be Id of a contact, a lead or a user
	// value of setWhatId must be Id of an account, asset, campaign, case, .....            
    // The email template ID used for the email : NO : not if BCC used
    // email.setTemplateId('00XD0000001Vdq1');
	// Specify the text content of the email.  
	//email.setPlainTextBody('Your Case: ' + case.Id +' has been created');
	// mail.setHtmlBody('Your case:<b> ' + case.Id +' </b>has been created<p>'+
    //  ' View case <a href=https://na1.salesforce.com/'+case.Id+'>click here</a>');
	email.setHtmlBody('The request:<b> ' + closedRequest.Id +' </b>has been closed<p>'+
	     ' Here is the answer :<b> ' + closedRequest.Answer__c +' </b><p>');

	// Send the email you have created.  
	Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email });



When I compile the trigger, I get this message :Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: CSR_CORE_RequestTriggers_SendSingleEmail.SendEmail(LIST<Request__c>) at line 85 column 11


I can't find why..

I need help !!!




  • March 18, 2011
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Hi everybody,

I have a master-detail relationship between 2 custom objects (Call_Plan_Line__c and Call_Plan_Line_Result__c). In the header of my page, I display datas from the master object, and particulary the name of the DC Center of the store, which is a lookup field to Account. This field is blank, although I know there is something in it (the Id of the account, I suppose).


Here is my code :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__c}"/>

Here is the result :


I have tried this too :

<apex:outputfield value="{!Call_Plan_Line__c.Delivery_DC__r.Name}"/>

Here is the result :


Any help will be welcome !






  • January 14, 2011
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Hi every body !


I need some help to finish my test class.


Y have a customer object (Int_Call_Plan__c), which has a lookup to object Account, through a customer field.


In the map to load the object via the data loader, I have this for the concerned field :




In my test class, I need to set this field. I have done this, I know it's wrong, but I can't find how to write it. I have tried others combinations (for example with the Id of Account I try to get after insert), without success for now.


public with sharing class Test_IntCallPlanResult2 {

static testMethod void testIntCallPlanResult2() {
        Account testAccount1 = new Account();
        testAccount1.Name = 'TestAccount1';
        testAccount1.External_key__c = 'XXXPOS1';
        insert testAccount1;
        Account IdtestAccount1 = [select Id from Account where External_key__c ='XXXPOS1' limit 1];
        test IntCallPlan

        Int_Call_Plan__c intCallPlanNew1 = new Int_Call_Plan__c();
        upsert intCallPlanNew1;


Thanks for your help, anyone.. !




  • November 16, 2010
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stil on my page block table...

To gain some place, I would like to not display format date (this : (28/10/2010) ) near an input date field...

How to do this, if it's possible ?


Here is the code for my VF page :


            <apex:pageblocktable value="{!resultList}" var="res"
                <apex:column headervalue="{!$Label.CORE_ActionDate}" width="20px">
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!res.Action_Date__c}"/>

Thanks for any help

  • October 28, 2010
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I begin on Visual Force and Apex...


I have a VF page where I want to save a pageblocktable, and then go back on the previous page. It saves, but stays on the page...


Here is my class :


public  class CallPlanResultController {
    public List<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c> resultList {get;set;}
    ApexPages.StandardController controller;
    public Call_Plan_Line__c callPlanLine {get;set;}
    public Integer resultListSize {
            return resultList.size();

    public CallPlanResultController(ApexPages.StandardController inputController){
        controller = inputController;

        callPlanLine = (Call_Plan_Line__c)controller.getRecord();

        resultList = new list<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c>();
        for (Call_Plan_Line_Result__c result:[select id,name,Action_Date__c,Action_Type__c,Info_Date__c,
         from Call_Plan_Line_Result__c where call_plan_line__c = :controller.getId()]){
    public void save(){
        PageReference retour = controller.save();
        update resultList;


and in my page I only use the save function of the controller :


<apex:commandbutton value="{!$Label.CORE_Btn_Save}" action="{!save}"/>


Any help will be appreciated....







  • October 27, 2010
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