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We have a custom object that contains locations and metadata about each location.  I would like to be able to relate each user to one of the locations for use in a number of custom applications.  When adding a custom field on the standard User object there are no relationships available.  Is there any way to achieve this without replicating all users in some other object?

We have a service org that is responsible for many diverse assets. The problem lies with the asset details. Some details span many product types while others are specific for that model. We want to develop asset detail records that will link to the general asset record. I.e. If the asset is a toaster the detail page contains fields specific to toasters; if the asset is a tractor a different details page will show fields specific to that.

  • December 16, 2010
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We are looking for a salesforce programmer for an upcoming project.  Specifically, we need someone with experience scripting a connection from an access-SQL database to a SalesForce Site with apex-visual force. Please forward your resume and indicate what your compensation expectations are on a project basis.


Hugh Donatello | Chief Executive Officer 

LAN Service Group,

Skype: itsupport.hughd

Email: hughd@lansg.com

We have a custom object that contains locations and metadata about each location.  I would like to be able to relate each user to one of the locations for use in a number of custom applications.  When adding a custom field on the standard User object there are no relationships available.  Is there any way to achieve this without replicating all users in some other object?

We have a service org that is responsible for many diverse assets. The problem lies with the asset details. Some details span many product types while others are specific for that model. We want to develop asset detail records that will link to the general asset record. I.e. If the asset is a toaster the detail page contains fields specific to toasters; if the asset is a tractor a different details page will show fields specific to that.

  • December 16, 2010
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