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Today I downloaded and installed  Force.com-Toolkit-for-PHP from github.


The instruction.html file refers to a sforce-php/samples/HelloWorld.php to use for testing. But I can't find it? Does anybody know where I should find this file?


The same question applies to sforce-php/samples/login.php.




For those of us who wish to extract Salesforce data to an external website using Ajax what is the full path (URL) to ../../soap/ajax/20.0/connection.js?



I have the Enterprise edition of Salesforce and wish to get the WSDL for my account so I can use the API.


These are the steps I take:


1. login to Salesforce.com

2. click Setup

3. click AppSsetup-Desktop

     result: the Integrate salesforce.com panel is shown

4. click API

    result: the same Integrate salesforce.com panel is shown, but no WSDL link What should I be doing to get the WSDL I need?






I'm a newbie to the Salesforce API and there is a ton of info on this site on how to use it. What I want to do is simply display report and contact data, saved at Salesforce, to a web page created at Microsoft Office Live Small Business. I'm thinking I can simply do this by including the correct JavaScript in the web page. Can anyone provide any specific information on how to do this? Examples? Tutorials? Etc.?





I'm a newbie to the Salesforce API and there is a ton of info on this site on how to use it. What I want to do is simply display report and contact data, saved at Salesforce, to a web page created at Microsoft Office Live Small Business. I'm thinking I can simply do this by including the correct JavaScript in the web page. Can anyone provide any specific information on how to do this? Examples? Tutorials? Etc.?



Today I downloaded and installed  Force.com-Toolkit-for-PHP from github.


The instruction.html file refers to a sforce-php/samples/HelloWorld.php to use for testing. But I can't find it? Does anybody know where I should find this file?


The same question applies to sforce-php/samples/login.php.




For those of us who wish to extract Salesforce data to an external website using Ajax what is the full path (URL) to ../../soap/ajax/20.0/connection.js?



I have the Enterprise edition of Salesforce and wish to get the WSDL for my account so I can use the API.


These are the steps I take:


1. login to Salesforce.com

2. click Setup

3. click AppSsetup-Desktop

     result: the Integrate salesforce.com panel is shown

4. click API

    result: the same Integrate salesforce.com panel is shown, but no WSDL link What should I be doing to get the WSDL I need?




When I first started working with SalesForce (in 2005) I was somehow able to pull the SalesForce tables into Excel and link objects that SalesForce didn't provide links for. I haven't been able to do that in my new job and I'm wondering if anybody knows if there is an app that can do that?

  • November 14, 2010
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Can I use the AJAX Toolkit 14 outside of salesforce to make calls to retrieve Salesforce data?


I have a JSP page which I am hosting in our company website. I have a link to this page in an S-Control. This page uses connection.js, but I am unable to make AJAX calls to retrieve data. The same code works perfectly when placed in an S-Control directly.


Summarizing, my questions -

1) Can I use the AJAX Toolkit 14 outside of salesforce to make calls to retrieve Salesforce data?

2) If not, is there a work around thatwould allow me to make these calls from outside SF.


thanks a bunch,


  • February 04, 2009
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